Quit (ing) cigarettes

Been on it a decade this year and have only quit for a week around 3 years ago. Six months ago I quit for 45 hours. Went to class and thought about cigarettes every minute of the two-hour class. Got out of there and a colleague invited me to his house to discuss our project. Well what do you know, he offers me a beer and a bowl.. and next thing you know I'm buying a pack and ordering a half-pitcher for myself.

I've tried the vapes, got an aspire BDC but the coils are made with no quality control.. I get maybe 1 out of five that is good and lasts more than a week. Once I got a good coil gave it a shot for 3 days, but the vape made my throat hurt and I ended up getting sick from it. Also the juice made me feel like I was constantly out of breath. Worse than with cigarettes.
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pertaining to the e cig i just decided to make my own coils and went with a rebuild able i use cotton balls and kanthal wire i also make my own e-juice i only use vegetable glycerine and flavoring fro wal mart for making candy it is the best way i have found to do it
I now use a Kangertech Subtank Mini with the RBA deck. Make my own coils with 28ga Kanthol and Use KoGenDo cotton. Operating costs just went waaaay down. Now If I just learned how to make my own juice....
8 months for me now and life is good!

I really think I'm done with the coffin nails this time.

"This time" ya know 'cause we all quit many times before yes - :)
i just hit 2 months this go around, never keep trying, god knows i have tried more times then i can count and end up getting weak. This time shall be it, i am getting to dang old for a stupid smoke to control my life. 2 months as i said today and feeling pretty good about it, still have the urge once in a while but getting further apart
Even after 5 years every once in a while you find one that smells good. I quit in 1989 never regretted it,feal so much better,just watch the food intake it all tasted so good...........Curt
after experimenting with E-cigs/vaping i can say it actually worked... kinda.

Toying around with different tanks and going into vaping with a bit of skepticism i was thinking this was going to be an expensive replacement to smokes,but what i found out is like you got to be scientific and keep playing around till you find where you fit with the stuff.

Last year i started with kanger tech tanks, and hated them, i keep burning out coils and getting dry hits, i tried different juices and all the same problem. I switched to Aspire's nautilus and nautilus mini after trying other tanks and what a difference! I was smoke free for 6 or so months! My breathing improved so much i wasn't winded when i climbed 3 flights of stairs. I was impressed.

However,i just moved (again) and cant get to my old supplier of my normal E-juice. So i tried a few local shops near me and the juice i got gave me chest pains, and started making me have like a smokers cough. So i said screw it and been back on smokes again for like 3 months now,but im not giving up i getting back on the vaporizer again soon, just waiting on a shipment of some new e-juice that is strongly recommended for us smokers who are trying to quit.

To anybody who is new to vaping and dont know what to buy i strongly suggest aspire nautilus full size or a mini with BVC not the BDC coils. Also what juice you get is going to make the difference. Juice is something that you need to take time and sample to your tastes, alot of the tabbaco flavors out there never taste like tabbaco, some come close like some turkish blends taste like a camel,but never cant replicate my Marlboro reds.

Also with juices i noticed the higher the nicotine levels the worst it hits and tastes. I need about 18 mgs of nicotine to fix me. But the flavors start tasting better with lower nicotine levels.But if your like me, then you'll start chain vaping to get back to your nicotine levels on that lower stuff. Then you got to start tweaking your PG and VG ratios, cant remember off hand,but i think the higher the PG the more flavoring you get,but the juice is thinner and may seap out of your tank/coils, higher the VG is more cloud/vapor production,and its also thicker and depending on your tank it it may be to thick to wick up properly.

I know it sounds like a mountain of crap to wade thru to get into to vaping,but personally i can tell you that even tho it worked for 6 months,it actually worked! take some time to try samples,or research and it will pay off if your just getting into vaping.

I hope any of this information helps,and if you got any questions about it hit me up and ill try and help you the best i can.
i have found that if you buy straight VG your better off than with a PG/VG blend the VG is vegetable glycerine and is much easier on the throat!!! i also found that making my own to be more enjoyable. i buy the VG and the nicotine on line from dawn at http://www.diyflavorshack.com/default.asp she is very helpful and you are guaranteed quality products i have been dealing with her for a few years now and her flavors are the best!!! if you like mt dew she has the flavor perfect give her a try
I have so much more money in my pocket right now. I am so glad I quit!! Not looking back ether. With any kind of product. Energy level is like ten/fifteen years younger too;):D(^)
Those of you that quit smoking do you feel better vaping. Like energy and breathing. Also how hard is it to quit the vape
Those of you that quit smoking do you feel better vaping. Like energy and breathing. Also how hard is it to quit the vape

Hey Paul,

Finding a good vape to get off the smokes is very difficult. I have tried the cigar sized ego threaded types and the feel just isn't there as well as the junk quality of most units.

But, last week I did a good deal of research into "cigalike" vapes which are built to emulate real cigarettes. There are numerous brands and styles, some of them come with a personal charging case (PCC) such as the joyetech eroll but the leaky cartomizers and dealing with the case and the small battery capacity gets annoying to some.

Well instead of having a charging case I could just carry a few cigalikes in a longer cig pack and only deal with the hardware at home. I found a setup that works. It is the MigCig manual battery with a Kanger T4 clearomizer both 808 threads. And the best setup is to carry at least two of them. I have two manuals and one auto and they are all good. Still finding the right juice.

Apart from all the gains of not smoking, the biggest difference in feel is probably a greater need to stay hydrated if you haven't been already. T4 with migcig auto-


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On my last tour in Viet Nam in 1969, we were riding in the back of a truck. My buddy starts throwing his cigs overboard. "What are you doing?!" we asked. "I quit; don't want or need them anymore." So the 10 of us smokers living in the same hooch decided to quit together. It didn't last long; some of us cut back, the rest of us went back to be regular smokers. I'd been smoking for 5 years, and was up to a pack-and-a-half of Salems daily. Only one guy quit when he left country and went back to "the world". When I returned home in 1969, I smoked "only while drinking" or "only after drinking coffee" or "only while stressed out". I was becoming a regular smoker. HOWEVER, the last straw that made me quit cold turkey was when they raised the price in the cigarette vending machine (remember those?) from 35 cents to 50 cents!!!!That's it! Too expensive! I quit! That was January 8, 1970, and I never smoked again.
Purty awesome 5-7!


...and I MEAN IT, THIS TIME! lol

But 4 years later, here I are. Quitting again.

I actually enjoy the withdrawal stuff. I really do. Provocations, I guess all the regular stuff. Cost is my #1. (I waited 'till almost $9 bucks a pack, 5-7) The health, stink and sick of being so damn powerless over this stupid.

But the trigger this time is I have been Ubering or driving for uber 20 or so hrs a week. Perfect rattings and folks have written so really kind and generous stuff to the company about me. Except for the stench in the car. 4 notices about "cleanliness" My Prius is spotless.

Just more proof an addiction was/is, has the power over me to the point I would not perform my task to the best possible. Life and all missions are pass fail. 2 kinds of men in this world. Them that got it done. And those with a good excuse. I had a good excuse. 2 dang wimpy to toss em. Well, I tossed em regularly. Just kept getting more. Really P Oed me off.

Time will tell. Gonna go back and read this thread again. You successful folk are awesome and thank you for time ya took to share what worked for ya!

Xman! Hey Bud! (and thanks)

Did ya see that Progressive TV commercial? One guy says "Any one have a pack?"
Then the guy who walks in with him says; "That needs leading?"

I know it's really dumb but cracks me up

LoL, think I need a nap.
Hope you make it Dan. I was one of the fortunate ones in that I never started. Both my brother and I had to listen to out Dad cough every morning when he got up and that scared us so badly we never started.

I feel bad for everyone who got trapped into smoking and has to fight to get out.

I do not know if it is relevant to giving up nicotine, but since I've been taking beta blockers and reduced my sugar consumption, I find that I no longer drink the amounts of alcoholic liquids I used to and do not crave it in the way I would sometimes do.

I know that smokers experience stress when the nicotine is removed, and to me it seems possible that reducing the stress via adrenaline suppression could be helpful. Once clear of the use of the addictive drug/chemical, the beta blockers could be finished with.
Its a hard habit to break. I try to keep occupied and cut back, but man its hard. The mrs is a heavy smoker, would be much easier if both of us gave it up but she refuses. Not interested. Want to see someone angry, will introduce my wife about 5 hours into a flight. Unbearable. Otherwise a very happy person.jekyl and hyde sort of thing.

Good luck buddy!