Quit (ing) cigarettes

Just trying to survive. lol Went through several computers this year, losing all my bookmarks each time. Newest one purchased in the first part of September. Got an email saying I had a friend request here so I had a link back here again. :)

Over all things suck pretty bad these days. Housing situation completely sucks. Me though, I am happier than I've ever been my whole life. That is something I'm still trying to get used to.

Kitty cats are all doing great. I do think I've gotten them most of the way trained. But you know how it is when herding cats. They are cats after all.
Went to the dentist today. My hygienist was delighted with me not smoking anymore. She doesn't have to endure my "tobacco breath" anymore.

The cleaning was much better too. She didn't have to jack hammer the plaque off my choppers. She said my mouth looks much better too. I was going in 4X/yr for cleanings and she said we won't schedule you now, when you come in next we'll re-evaluate and you should be good for 3X/yr.

Fringe benefits - :)

5 weeks next monday!
just, and I mean just tossed the ashtray, tobacco, roller and all paraphernalia in the trash. And want a smoke, lol
I managed to quit smoking 4 years ago after 29 years, I thoroughly enjoyed my cold beer and cigarettes. But then one week I had only $40 to get through the week, and I needed gas. I sat in front of the cigarette shop, cigarettes had jumped almost $5 a carton in one week. So I quit cold turkey.

The way I understand it every time you ingest nicotine, no matter how you do it, you are starting over. Most success stories I have heard of are cold turkey ones. I guess I am lucky as the withdrawal although severe were mostly over after 3 months.

Then last spring it was discovered I had stage 4 colon cancer, almost died in the hospital. Have went through chemo and slowly improving, except my lungs are having some kind of issue right now.

We all are going to die of something, but I hope to have one more ride in a new career, designing and building stuff out of metal. I really didn't like construction all that much, it paid the bills but can be a rough way to make it.

If you have to quit smoking quit, otherwise don't worry about it.
So sorry to hear about that kind of truble, Chain.
argggh. am on cell and having difficulty reading and typing!
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I quit on my birthday seven years ago tomorrow. Happy smoke free birthday to me tomorrow. May actually have enough wind in my lungs to blow out all those candles.
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Happy birthday. I quit in 89 the day after bar hoppen on my birthday, and boy do them things stink now i can tell when someone is smoking 3 cars ahead of me in the summer. I had lost 32 lbs then quit smoking and gained most back,but lost some after. Man does that food tast so much better and different.........Curt
Way to go Dan!!!!! I still have a can of tobacco and papers sitting in the shop. Been there probably close to 14 years at this point and although I have ideas of starting chewing tobacco again from time to time I think the urge to smoke has gone.

Keep it up man!

Other Brother, Dan
Come on guys no one likes a quitter! ;)
I'm just kidding of course! On the occasional blue moon I'll enjoy a cigar or pipe but I've always steered clear of cigarettes. I saw what they did to my mom as I was growing up and I do not plan to repeat that process.
I've heard some whacky stuff about this place up in Oklahoma where they essentially blast your lungs with concentrated cig smoke or something and it allegedly clears up the addiction? Sounds pretty bazonkers to me and I don't have any other info on it unfortunately.
Thanks Curtis.
Yea...the weight gain is one side effect of quitting the Marlboros. I weighed around 200lb when I quit and now weigh around 240lb. I am 6'2"..so I am not quite shaped like a ball yet, but definitely getting there.
I also 6'2" or was now have shrunk to 5'10 1/2" 227 lbs and slowly losing. Just cutting back on the seconds. Was about 200 when i quit....................Curt
I too have lost a couple inches over the years (now at 6' 180lbs) But I have to eat a whole lot less and different food to keep from ballooning up. I wonder if along with the climate change if there has been an increase in the earth's gravity? I know things sure seem a lot harder to pick up off the ground than they used to. And I have a heck of a time getting up off the floor/ground. The only common denominator in this discussion is that we all stopped smoking. What's with that?

Oh, and I forgot the most obvious side effect of "quitting cigarettes" on gravity is my ability to jump. FastEddy knows I still like to play basketball, but my once 30" plus vertical leap is now less than 12". Proof there is some correlation between quitting cigarettes and gravity. I'm sure one of you physicist/science guys can enlighten me

Thanks, Dan
I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread because it grew too large too quick. But I've read the beginning pages and the last several pages.

Is all going well? Dan, it appears you've given up actual smoking and are now only vaping?
And MikeB, I'm sorry to hear of your losses over the last four years. But I'm honestly glad to hear that you are recovering and using your time for healthy pursuits. And what can possibly be healthier than the pursuit of women? Good job! If I wasn't married, that's exactly what I'd be doing.

Though I wish you all the best of luck, I'm definitely not 'in' with you. I'm a hardcore cigarette addict. I dread the very thought of doing without and I have zero desire to try or to even ponder trying. It might kill me. And I'll probably regret smoking during my slow crash and burn. But, then, I'll probably regret whatever kills me even if it has nothing to do with smoking.

I used to be a very definite beer hound who was pretty fond of canadian whiskey, too. By the time I was late 30s to early 40s my appetite for those things was waning. Today I'd probably be a tea-totaler if it weren't that I'm willing to drink a couple of beers in a social situation. But for the last ten years or so I'm sure my yearly beer intake has been under one case. Might be only about a 12 pack.

I sometimes have a vague hope that the same thing will happen regarding cigarettes. But I'll be 55 soon and it hasn't happened yet.

Kioshk, are you still reading this thread? I hadn't thought about John Muir's Volkswagen Idiots Guide for years until you mentioned it. The last I knew, my copy was still sitting up in my attic amongst other books. But that's been years now. Still, it might be there. And you're right, he was a genius.

Remember that wonderful drawing, just inside the cover, of a man and wife lying in bed? The wife is sleeping peacefully. The man looks like he's having an anxiety attack, with an 'exploded' VW drive train filling his thoughts. I hadn't thought of that in some time. Now I'm laughing at it again. Thanks for the reminder.

I know that you (no doubt others here as well) are familiar with Gilbert Shelton. Likely his pals Dave Sheridan and Paul Mavrides as well. Have you ever come across the works of Larry Gonick? Another cartoonist who stands among the very great.
It is useful to remember that nicotine is only pleasurable in that it makes your withdrawal symptoms go away, for a short time. There is no actual pleasure from nicotine.
Man, I am enjoying this thread. Kinda thought it would be a drag. (har, just caught that)

But really interesting read. You folks are always interesting....
Funny just caught this thread, 6 weeks on Chantex now going great smoked 30 yrs recent visit to doc and scans show no damage (yet) so i figured ill quit while im ahead :)
Im a big believer in rewards so one of the things I got myself was a Motor bike kit!!!!
got some upgrade parts & starting build soon! Keeping my hands busy helps!
after a month i figure why spoil my record! I figure Ill always want to smoke tried may times before , Gum ,patches got the pills and doing good:)
I've been vaping since December 7, last year. I had maybe 6 or 7 from then till the end of January or so. The last puff on a stinkie was maybe early March. It tasted so bad I had to brush my teeth 3 times to get the taste out of my mouth. I love my vape. And the Nicotine is my social anxiety medication.