Old Guys V twin & sidecar

I lived in Johnstown N.Y. Gateway to Sacandaga Lake. Near Fultonville N.Y. About three and a half hours West of N.Y. City just off the freeway.

We did three antique shows in Florida, November, December and February and what ever was left over was stored until the three show were finished then we took it to an auction near Houston.and it was sold. Enjoyed the State of Texas and the people I met there. Did get the feeling though that if they invited you to move along it may be in your best interest to do so.

Coming up over the bridge and seeing oil refineries along the water as far a possible in both directions without a break was impressive.

Since y'all are talking about Texas I'll jump in, I have family in west Texas, Midland area and in Hobbs NM. My brother and I drove from here south of Atlanta to Midland for our aunt's funeral, when leaving one of our cousins husband told to hit a certain oil field road that went straight to Dallas from Hobbs. He told us to set the cruise on what ever we felt comfortable with because no law enforcement travelled the fields. We set the cruise on 110 and made it to Dallas In a couple of hour or so.
#112 I thought for sure you were going to bust my chops Rick. One can do a PM, but I have not found a partyline type feature on this forum. I suppose it would have been better had I used a thread of mine which is languishing.
Thanks for letting me slide.
But would we ever have added Chappy to our vocabulary otherwise?
Cockney rhyming slang comes to mind.
Mona's Oncologist, after her latest hospitalization is giving her a two month break break from the chemo treatment that caused an alergic reaction and to hopefully improve her red blood cell production.

Tom 4 or 5 years ago, perhaps longer, several of us on this forum decided to test deviating from the accepted norms of legalists who had dictated that all thread should conform to traditional subject matter of bikes and postings restricted by convention, not by site owners, to appropriate forum categories. I'll bring this forward and say that I really appreciate others feeling free to say what's on their hearts, regardless of topic or fear wondering if a caustic reply is coming.

To this point it seems to work on the threads I follow regularly and by the accumulated views and replies to those threads; I am lead to believe others feel the same and enjoy a more personal form of expression.

Tom my last name is rather difficult for some & many years have past with Chap has been used in reference to my grandfather and my pops/I. No offense meant or taken.

I am more than fond of you all.

Rick C.
I've always found that the folks in the U.K have an amazing ability to tell you where to get off in such a way that it sounds like an amazingly good Idea and you wish you had thought of it first. Here we tend to be a lot more to the point and not nearly as tactful.

We had a neighbour a few doors down from us who sounds much like your neighbour. He was a University Professor who told you he was when you first met him and his wife was a former student whom he left his wife and children for.

The pair of them had the charm of a stepped on rattlesnake and promptly started to try to organize the neighbourhood to their satisfaction. They were just as promptly told to heave off and Mrs. Professor informed the people they were talking to that they weren't going to force them out like the last neighbourhood they lived in did.

They lasted 5 years and then physically moved their house and garage about ten miles to a new location. Out in the country fortunately for them but unfortunately next to a couple just like they were or even worse who made their life an absolute misery with the county government complaining about every thing they did. They would look up every measurement and then check to make sure it was correct when no one was there.

From what we heard the building inspector wore out a set of tires on his car checking that everything was OK. The job took almost two years to do what was at most six months. They just needed to set the house and garage on new foundations with a well and septic.

Fortunately I'm not her neighbour. She'd receive a nice new collar every Christmas with a custom engraved tag on it. Maybe a rabies tag as well if I could figure a way to do it without my name tied to it.

I've got to laugh at your great story Steve, to paraphrase an old saying "You can select your friend's but are stuck with your neighbors." Moral of the story might be, "You get what you deserved." Hatfield and McCoy feud for a really harsh neighbor story.

Rick C.
I lived in Johnstown N.Y. Gateway to Sacandaga Lake. Near Fultonville N.Y. About three and a half hours West of N.Y. City just off the freeway.

We did three antique shows in Florida, November, December and February and what ever was left over was stored until the three show were finished then we took it to an auction near Houston.and it was sold. Enjoyed the State of Texas and the people I met there. Did get the feeling though that if they invited you to move along it may be in your best interest to do so.

Coming up over the bridge and seeing oil refineries along the water as far a possible in both directions without a break was impressive.

Steve as you referred to your boss having a bar in Houston I bet he knew all about "moving along" and that extends to most of Texas, not just in bars. Ice houses are a traditional watering hole and social gathering point all along the ship channel refineries complex, most have disappeared over the years but they didn't cater to strangers staying very long and if you had all your fingers you probably stuck out like a sore thumb. Friends of friends who behaved were tolerated. With 24 hr shift work meant the places didn't ever shut down. Bottle beer floating in ice filled galvanized stock tanks were a feature and ice cold meant just that.
Posted signs are a real threat in Texas to violators which trespass. Road rage is often taken to deadly consequences or just severe beatings. Mirrors knocked off cars whose owners couldn't keep all their fingers on the wheel, but overall people are pretty friendly. I like Texans and Texas a lot.
I found upstate N.Y. folks to be as nice as any I've had the pleasure to be around anywhere.

Rick C.
We were in one of his companies cars, it was Buick roadmaster that hadn't had it's first oil change yet. After riding that fast for that long 70 on I-20 seemed so slow.
That "cruising" story is so Texas Greg I endured the double nickle Federal mandate well, running 75 to 80mph with Texas State troopers passing me. This on good roads was accepted speeds. I never tried to cover ground at the speeds you mention Greg but many did.

Good times!

Rick C.
Rick I’ve been here on the forum for over 10 years, Curtis and fast Eddie were here when I started. I have learned from the group, (all in this thread included) who you can and can’t veer off subject with. We have a good group here that doesn’t get bent out of shape if we wonder off subject. I sometimes wonder what I was about to write!
Texas is a great place. As you said a friend of a friend is welcome until they make themselves unwelcome and that may not be too hard to do. Jack told me the first time we went not to say I was from New York.That worked well. I'm sitting there with a guy that they all know lives in N.Y., who moved there from N.Y. and I work for him.

The interesting thing was when during a conversation I'd mention that I was from Canada originally. Then the questions would flow about what Canada was really like. Everyone had heard stories but they wanted the real low down on what it was like. They were well educated about the country but still wanted a first hand opinion.

They were shocked that there wasn't any decent BBQ joints if any at all, no guns, how did we protect ourselves, don't need to, cost of things when compared to the U.S., how did we survive the high prices, high wages, about moving there, visiting, crossing the border.

The one thing that really floored everyone in the U.S. including the police is that a DWI/DUI is a criminal offence. Like car theft or bank robbery. Can't enter Canada with one on your record unless you apply to the government for permission. The Canadian border folks can check your record to see if you have one.

I would still live in Johnstown but my health was getting worse and I hadn't see the family for twenty years and the medical plan in Canada plus my Canadian Social Security or to us, Canada Pension plan or C.P.P. was higher so I came back.

The thoughts of a plate of ribs and maybe a side of brisket to go with it and some cold beer to help it on it's way will always be with me. Then again a couple of sheets of brown paper on the table with a pile of mud bugs/crayfish/crawfish ruby red and ready. Perhaps some day.

Just looked it up. I've been here since February 13, 2009. There have been a few members who insisted that everyone stay on the motorbikes on their thread. Worked for a while then the thread withered away and they usually did as well.

My thread were always like the old days when my friends stopped by my place and the meeting usually adjourned to the garage where the beer fridge was. Like all good garage hangouts the conversation wandered all over the place. Cars to memories to girls when we were young to being just ahead of the flashing light at the street drags to not staying ahead of the flashing light to girls.

I readily encouraged it and often some real motorbike bits would sneak in unannounced. We are all thousand of miles and sometimes continents apart. This is the garage meet up. Great fun indeed even if we have to bring our own beer.

This if for the guys in this thread that live in the snow.


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Steve, your analogy of a garage get together rings true. The comradery has been what kept me on this forum after I got to knowing how to build a well engineered motor powered bicycle.
Hanging with the master builders and sharing life experiences' on a garage setting kind of way. Beer just is there to get the conversations going. Our little get together on Rick's three year dead thread broke the ice.
My machineshop was a garage until 2006. I will shortly shith to another thread.

Boneless, skinless chicken thighs, rice pilaf, and sautéed mushrooms are done. Time to tucker in.

White schite is staying up by Curt and SilverBear for now Greg. My turn is coming soon. Right before or right after Christmas the white schite will stick and stay until March.
Mona is fervently decorating for Christmas. She is afraid this may be her last year to be physically able.
I do the heavy work, but the inspiration is hers.

Rick I’ve been here on the forum for over 10 years, Curtis and fast Eddie were here when I started. I have learned from the group, (all in this thread included) who you can and can’t veer off subject with. We have a good group here that doesn’t get bent out of shape if we wonder off subject. I sometimes wonder what I was about to write!
Greg you were one of the first to reply to one of my posts 7 years ago Dec.31 was my join date and this month Mark's the 7 full years. I had lurked for 3 or 4 years prior and built several motor bikes prior most one offs. At the time I had a full machine shop and a separate welding shop, restoration and building mainly performance cars and truck, always vintage. Great days but really enjoy the switch to our bikes, though I miss my machine shop capabilities and help.

I probably wouldn't have actually joined if not for Silver Bear and Steve's interesting posts about whatever.

Rick C.
It's so good to hear from all of you guys and thanks to Curtis, Measure twice and all who've responded to my "dead thread" bumped, it seems, to good purpose by El Tom de Rubicon. I send my best wishes for yet another safe and happy Christmas to you all.

Rick C.