New York laws

Cabinfever1977, as they say all's well that ends well. Glad they didn't step on you too hard though giving up hard earned money is never easy. Hope you didn't have to give them too much.

I had to pay for a outstanding ticket and unsuspend my license($90), i did that today.
Next i go back in a couple weeks and pay for a ticket driving limited use vehicle with suspended license. Then im all done.
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New york is garbage and so is government. Ny doesn't allow anything. I like where I live in ny but still garbage! I've actually rode by a few cops and even had one behind me and not know it, but never caught. They just look and ride away
Now you see why people are leaving this state in droves for better lives. You actually can ride a motorbike/motorized bicycle in this state, as long as it is on their list of approved limited use motorcycles (you have to call Albany and check it with them first, to see if it is on the list.) You can
ride a Whizzer, for example. Nothing home made, though. This is only the tip of the iceberg in New York; they have raised the fees on motorcycle registrations, along with car registrations and driver's license fees. The government is out of control. They were supposed to append the VTL to include electric motorized bicycles as part of the definition of bicycles; I don't know where it stands at this point. But I agree !! It's all garbage ... and that's why people are leaving..wee.
New York is not that bad, in Texas everything a motorcycle has must be on your mb. Everything, brake lights, turn signals, horn, mirrors. At least in NY they don't require all that stuff. Ohio has the same requirements as NY.
New York is not that bad, in Texas everything a motorcycle has must be on your mb. Everything, brake lights, turn signals, horn, mirrors. At least in NY they don't require all that stuff. Ohio has the same requirements as NY.

Yes but yours are allowed.. even according to ny law electric assist bikes are not road legal.. only allowed on trails and private lots. Any MB is illegal even if on a lot. We'd all not mind putting lights and turns here as long as they left us alone after.
I agree with Ursus; all NYS mb'ers would be glad to put the necessary safety equipment on their mb's, if that's all it took to make them legal; heck, I wouldn't even mind registering and insuring it !!! But unless it is on that list of approved mb's and meets the requirements of a limited use motorcycle under NYS law, then you cannot register it or ride it legally on the road. I ride a motorcycle and I am glad that we put safety equipment on it; I would do it, even if it wasn't the law, especially the way some of these drivers drive. The same thing with an mb or a pedal bicycle. But in NYS, they won't even CONSIDER it, if it is something that you built yourself; cross over into Connecticut and it's no problem. It's just whatever the prevailing laws are in your area. New York State has way too many laws and way too many taxes and way too many politicians trying to tell you how to live your life. It's crazy !!!pino.
I agree. I'm even getting all that (light, brake and turn signals) even though it still won't make it legal. The fact is, living in nys is okay until you turn to all the things you like to do or pay for! Then they have all of these taxes and all that junk. Whoever makes up the laws stinks. I mean they can at least consider letting us register it and all of that. Just put a pair of plates on it and ride on the back roads. Well I guess we will all keep riding them anyway.
I don't agree with the so called safety options you guys refer to, these drivers are very aggressive and a turn signal won't mean a thing to most of them. Maybe Upstate NY their ( drivers) are more reasonable but down here your just in the way. If your not really careful you will be involved in an accident. I drove NYC bus for over 30 years and even the bus they had little regard for.
In Manhattan their are all kinds of electric bikes running around, no registration, no drivers license, no insurance, just buy it and go. Federal law states that there are no restrictions other than top speed of 20mph.