New York laws

I tried to get people together K, a long time ago. He is only an appointed employee and being told by his Political Boss what to say and do. What do you fail to understand? Having said this, I don't agree with his possition at all, what are we going to do about it?

Until you get rid of the people who are supposedly for the poor in Albany, there will be no change. Nobody is for the Poor, that's why I'm Libertarian.

Grown up? That's why you are taking pokes at me although I couldn't agree more with you on certain things.

As far as ruining a poor Cops life, that's the job they take. If you want to be a blow-hole to me, expect it right back! If the Law makes me out to be a soft target on a MB, that doesn't mean the Cop has to shoot. The poor Cop's family will suffer... WHAT ABOUT MINE when I'm trying to get to work? They have no consideration for our families when they impose fines on us hit their quotas early and sleep on the job while being paid by us when they could be catching the real bad guys.
The Majority of Police not only make 3X the average wage of citizens, they are part of the problem because they smooch Political butt! They are supposed to stand for integrity but couldn't have their nose further up a Political Official's rump.
machiasmort Re: New York laws

The Majority of Police not only make 3X the average wage of citizens, they are part of the problem because they smooch Political butt! They are supposed to stand for integrity but couldn't have their nose further up a Political Official's rump.
I believe we can get along enough to work together in turning this regulation around, Machiasmort. It's still going to take more than just you and I. But we still got some pebbles in the foot path, we need to sweep out of the way. You have no idea how much money a cop makes. This you make obviously clear. 2ndly, I'm a son of two deputy sheriffs. Believe me, my mother and my step dad were anything but rich. They were lucky to make the morgage. Furthermore, I was buried in a jail for three months without arraignment on false charges. If not for the then Sargent of the State Police and a Judge from the adjoining county, my butt would have been fried. There are good cops out there, if your not breaking the law, you will find these honorable people got your back! This Sargent I speak of, put his retirement at risk to come to my rescue. As the arrest was trumpt up, but it was arrested for a Known Felon carrying a weapon. Yet I have no felony convictions, even to this day!.

Hence why the State Trooper (arresting officer) who was removed from ever being an officer again. And his Tyranical Click of a Partner, a Judge and my ex High School principle. Was backed down on their false charges of me. Let's put it this way, the principle was someone who thought he knew it all. He made assumptions and turned peoples lives upside due to his lack of intelligence in acting on assumptions. The Tyranical Click had gained birth through being a High School Click. Which the Principle was ruler of. He tried his bull on me in high school. After being hit by him several times in the chest. Myself asking him to stop and he didn't, I knocked him out, right over the top of his desk. Hence the trumped up charges years later. Let alone what was going on politically outside this matter. A point where I had just backed down the state engineers attempting to take a farm for a Dump use. (This where Farm's 1st was started.) And I was carrying a weapon straight through town walking. As I just come from squirel hunting. 22 Remington Nylon 66, it is here with me now too. And it was indeed totally legal for me to do so. Something I'd done since I was 14 and first got a hunting license.

The Arresting State Trooper and his 3 fellow Troopers got their butts beat in front of, at the least, 200 of my friends, family, and home town aquaintence. Ever see two Officers mace themselves at the exact same time? While in hand to hand with a third and a fourth running as fast as he can to join the other three.They had to bring in additional officers to make the arrest! Did I mention, they had before hand, stole my German Sherpard who was an AKC trained attack dog. Trained him myself. Got him back. They might never have stole him, but he would only attack, If I alone told him too.

It later became very obvious, they had been planning this arrest (attack) quite some time. Needless again to say, all charges were thrown out of court. Or the Judge from the next county would start to bring his own charges against the home town Judge for what he had done to me up to that point. You see, if you can see my words, to be true, you can see there are good cops out there. The story goes on some quite a bit more to where the Sargent came to get me out of jail to see that I finally got arraigned (this three months later) after all the political jouisting, to where the charges were dropped. As they had me in full body chains waiting for him. He made them remove them all, and take off the cuffs, right there at the jail. Where in he asked me to join him in the front seat of the trooper car. He will always have my graditude and respect. As he showed me great respect! As he was part of a team of good people out there that don't allow such blatant abuses in ignorance to go unchecked.

In that of NoNoon, he has personal choices, as I had said before. I have in my life time, left many a job due to a boss shafting a customer in a cob job unstructurally sound building practice. Let alone the rest of those tyranical types. Of course it's best to talk to them first, about what is not right. But that is usually met by the same type tactics as I was met with from NoNoon! Into that of someone unknown to me, getting beat up by three or four people. Which ends up a place that they did not bring enough people with them. NoNoon, Has Choices, he might not like the choices before him, but they are still choices to be made. And there is always a right choice within. There in tells the tale of what type of man he is..

There in, if we don't stand up as a community / together, we'll all be screwed. Buyers, Builders, Retailer ~ all of us! It is a reflection of each of us, as to who we are! Lastly, all the members of this forum are the poor Machiasmort or haven't you seen the economics of this and other countries. Just cause someone is working, does not mean they are rich. Even the business owners are already stretched to the MAX! Just cause some seems to be standing more financially sound, does not mean they are rich. Look beyond, see the bearly visable image of a figure you hear about in the news. That's the rear of the line of the rich!

• ® © † Respectfully,.™,
• Aka;


Ben Franklin quotes;
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve neither and lose both."

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

One of my Pastors gave it a name for occurances I've repeatedly ended up in, in my life.He called it, "Front-line Evangelisum". That Pastor, call him PJ, brought a few of us together from around the country that practice these methods!
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I'm not saying that there are not good Cops, I am saying that their actions possibly force one to defend themselves in Court. I'm just letting my Brothers know how to stick it right back. I learned a long time ago, there's no such thing as a fair fight :)

The wage Police earn seems to be fair in my mind; we just don't need a million of them. I've got plenty of friends myself and $30 is their average wage plus bennies = $75. Where do you see $25 per hour w/o bennies? There's a ton of jobs like that, right?

Want to irritate Nanoo right back? Call and ask for the exact citation of Law.

As far as Police go, I've never swung first in any fight. By pulling me over because I look like a soft target, that's exactly what they are doing. They started the fight, when the underdog gives them a thorough trouncing in Court, their cry falls on a deaf ear.

Then they will be the one w/o way to provide for their family wishing they had a cheaper way to get to work :)
By doing well alone will provide such to NoNoon. As it does to all of his nature. He was minipulating more than I'd thought walking away from such a confrontation, unprovoked. NoNoon talks Deep dodo Bull Shirt!

I went through DMV online with a fine tooth comb. I found what I need to get my motorized bicycle registerd in New York. This even though in depth research is blocked by server errors throughout most of VAT - Vehicle and Traffic. But I sent in a Adminstration Notice through their Server email service. To the point of legally driving your Gas Motor Assisted Bicycle ~ Instructions for Registering a Homemade Vehicle in *.PDF.
So ends any legality with legally driving a Motorized Assisted Bicycle in New York State. Keep all those receipts. And yes, it's a long line of red tape to follow. Lastly, You are in process to gain a "title" for a Motorcycle! The registration process and all is like any other motor vehicle. And yes, Insurance on a Motorcycle is required. This along with a Individual's Motorcycle license. Your VIN Number will be attached to your steering neck (as they call it) on inspection and approval for title by the "Division of Field Investigation". This the way I had hoped to head since I picked out the HF 212cc for my build. Mostly just as I had done many years ago when building my own vehicle. Just different departments doing the same that had been done years ago!

• ® © † Respectfully,.™,
• Aka;

It isn't a point of getting around DOT. It is a point of adhering to DOT.

Read my type written Lips M-O-T-O-R-C-Y-C-L-E.
There is no 20 mph limit on it. Tires are just as easy, only except for the point of what is eye appeasing to the build and function. Chopper US build to suite in that of rims and hubs. Same ones who are just now sending me my custom built Triple Tree Springer Forks. It's just a point of matching a motorcycle tire to the rims and hubs I specify to Chopper US. I'd already figured on having them build me some. But only through the process of finding the DMV homebuilt application did it start to dawn on me, where to find the tires I wanted. As I had been digging through many types of Mountain bike tires, not finding any with knobby above 26 x 2.7. Even at that, the 2.3 and 2.7's looked more like, less than cheater slicks. Which even if I did not have to pass the title application, I would not have used them. MO they suck. Just something that'll wear out faster. I put too many miles on a regular bicycle alone to use tires that got no tread. Always bought Bonterager Knobby tires and rims. Which last 3 to 4 years and still would pass DOT regs, if those tread regs were on regular bicycles. In that of this build is going to end up a three wheeler DOT no doubt, wants just what I want.

In as far as a Electrical system wiring harness and all that it entails. I've done it before, created complete wiring harnesses for Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles. Believe me, If I can design that which Intel minitrized to the Ic Itrinuim CPU (and how they got around the patent) from, my design was advertized March 2003 on Intel. As Intel had got my design through the original Alienware of what I sent to them in 2002. Alienware built this model into their Roswell and Area 51 tower models for gaming. This which was first hardware multimedia system built. I used the Intel D850EMVR motherboard as my basis. I had intended the design for Photographer and Cinematographers, as it doubled the pixel ranges which made HD possible through commericial branded Graphic Cards. There in, I can step backwards to build a wiring harness which will meet DOT standards of something I've already done in previous years.[/font]

The tranny and rear axle set up, I'm still thinking that one through, to give you the idea I'm still pondering, here on the forum - Scotto - Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder: Most insane Trike ever....... This where I'm coming in on it from two directions.

• ® © † Respectfully,.™,
• Aka;

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I guess I will continue to ride my motorized bicycle illegally for the time being. I can see myself getting into trouble but this is ridiculous to try to make a motorcycle out of a bicycle. I bought my bike outside the state and brought it home from CA. They have no problem with you riding out there with them.

I have no clue where my receipt is and to justify the cost of adding all the required safety lighting and who knows what is just too far out there.

I understand ignorance is not an excuse but the laws NY has are beyond a common mans means. "I am not a lawyer" will be my response as Mr Nonoon's.

I also see the point of disabilities and I do have a bad knee. One of the reasons I try to pedal my bike as much as I can. I will attempt to use that claim if I get stopped. I see the motorized wheelchairs in town all the time.

I live out in the country and doubt I will have much of an issue but you never know.

I think motorized bicycle are the most awesome mode of transportation and wanted one the first time I saw one in Sweden. I see these things all over the world and NY seems to want to refuse the acceptance of a fuel efficient transportation that almost anyone can afford. I have to agree there must be something more we can do to get this decriminalize. It is probably more the state wants a way to make money on it and they have no way to control it is why they will not accept them.

I'm not a resident of NY but an acquaintance who is (hey FM, chime in) once explained his take on NY laws in another conversation as follows:

There are lots of alternative two wheel vehicles with more power than you will ever need. In the mid 80s here in New York City there was a number of Mb riders that thought it to be ultra cool to put more powerful engines on their bicycles, in short accidents were on the rise and the powers that be banned all powered bicycles.
Kiwegapawa, have you ever heard of a little something called tl;dr? It's an abbreviation for too long; didn't read.

Now I did read a couple of your overly long posts but every time, without fail, you go off on a tangent with your opinions, your experiences, and some philosophical rubbish that you only see in a TV sitcom courtroom.

Summarize your posts and only posts facts relevant to NYS motorized bike laws. No one needs to hear about how Christopher Columbus sailed the oceans blue in 1492. It's not helpful in any way.
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This completely sucks. I was on vacation in Costa Rica when I discovered the motorized beach cruiser. I have been searching Walmart for bikes etc to build my own and drive here in NY, now it looks as if it isn't going to happen with these laws. Anyone successfully register one in NY?