New York laws

Ibrahym, I lived in New Hampshire for many years and the favorite thing for people in Mass. was to register their vehicles and boats there. They had a second home in New Hampshire and used that address.

When they were stopped in Mass. with their Mass drivers licence and a vehicle or boat in their name registered in New Hampshire the fines and back state taxes were huge. Often amounting to thousands of dollar or their vehicle was seized and they still payed fines.

Having lived in New York state as well I'm sure that the same thing would happen. In fact I would think that it is a guarantee.
You might get away with it if you have someone in another state to put it in their name and you used it but I'd check first. It may not be legal for a New Yorker to use it in New York. Only an out of state owner or driver.

I currently live in a small tri-county, tri-city area, where 60,000 is one third the population. I have no doubt about the size you speak of. I lived in my C-II Van a couple years back in the 80's while I was in college at DeVry, WoodBridge. NJ.
I currently live in a small tri-county, tri-city area, where 60,000 is one third the population. I have no doubt about the size you speak of. I lived in my C-II Van a couple years back in the 80's while I was in college at DeVry, WoodBridge. NJ.

From where I live, first of all, I live in the largest city in this country. Second, just one third of my tri-state area's population from where I live is 8.5 million. In my estimation, the population of my whole tri-state area is about 20 million. Does that give you any idea if I can I have same freedom as you have upstate?

I was thinking about that, fasteddy. I was just thinking about registering, titling, and insuring the bike (if I get the kit) to my uncle's name (he lives in NJ), but in NJ, I still need an NJ moped, motorcycle, or regular license to drive one, in which I don't have nor want to wait to get one. What do I do from there? Do I just wait until the time comes since I'm technically still too young to have any kind of license (I'm about 14 1/2 years old)? What if I spotted a cop or cop car from afar in NY/NJ and possibly CT, can I just kill the motor and slow down until they're out of my sights? Because I would say that as long as the motor is off, the bike is a regular bike and if they did pulled me over, I would just tell them that I'm riding a homemade gas bike with the motor off because I know that you can't ride these bikes on any street without registration (I would say that your allowed to turn on the motor on parks and trails because the DMVs never mentioned them) and I would say to them that as long the motor is off, the bike is technically a regular bike, but I'm just not sure if I should really do that. Do you or anyone else ever experienced that and got away with it?

Your age is way to low and the wait is gonna burn you out. Try to think about other ways to get around your problem.
Your age is way to low and the wait is gonna burn you out. Try to think about other ways to get around your problem.

Well since the DMV doesn't say anything about riding these bikes in parks, pathways, and trails, I would just turn on the motor when I'm on these areas and when I'm in the streets again, I'll just turn off the motor, since you can't ride these bikes on streets when the motor is on. What do you think about that idea? Yeah, I know I'm too young to be riding them, but the DMV never mentioned anything about age and not riding them in parks, pathways, and trails. Still, what do you think about that idea, guys?

It's heck to keep hearing your too young. The only thing worse is hearing, your HOW??? old. In between it's not to bad.

I can tell you that if you think your going to race around New York city parks, pathways and trails with your motor running, your in for a very big and might I add, expensive surprise. When it says no motorized vehicles, you may notice that it doesn't say "except Ibrahym" at the bottom.
And just think how happy you parents are going to be coming down to pick you up at the police station and they may also be picking up the tickets that they will be paying unless they just give you a court date. Then the Judge may get to tell them and believe me those people like talking in large dollar amounts.

Their time away from work, explaining to the family what happened but hey the kids at school will think you rock.

The other great thing is you can watch the police auction site and see when your bike is going up for sale and I believe you can see what it sold for later. You can have someone buy it back for you but I don't think you or your family can bid on it but I may be wrong.

The last thing is to remember to tell the police as they put you in the cruiser that your parents taxes pay their salary. They like to be reminded once in a while.

Ride safely

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... First of all, The traffic laws we all have to live with are not from the Department of Motorvehicle. The Department of Motorvehicle is for licensing and registrations. When you talk to the employee's of NYDMV they will only speak of that, which they are involved with. The points of traffic laws applied come from a little book called "Vehicle & Traffic Law". This what most all Law Enforcement Officers carry 24/7. When they go back to their car after gathering all your info. They are sitting behind the wheel of their vehicle making out your paperwork. They are in the midst of searching out the specifics of the violation in the "Vehicle & Traffic Law" book. These points of law and statuets are not listed at motorvehicle. Yet this book renewed every couple years, is available to citizen too. The last I got one was in 1995, given me by a just then, retiring Sargent of the NY State Police. At that point the book was 700 pages deep.

... In as far as talking to an Officer about your Motor Bike. Hey, not all cops are bad. That bad, is something that does not hold to type of person or place, or chosen career. We still have good officers out there that are dedicated, of honor and integrity. Though the point of those corrupt cops, that are on a self centered, very sick ego persona, causing points of abuse, where power has corrupted every essence of their soul. Well, I don't believe we'll ever be able shake free of them. As their type ignorance has been with man since before we left the cave. Their type of ignorance falls not to certain type person or person from a certain place either. The larger the place, (where you live), the better the chances you can find a good cop to talk to about it. Though you can buy the "Vehicle & Traffic Law" book. I believe it would be best to find an honorable Officer. As an Officer has been trained and has the greatest education for most in understand these points of legal text of the "Vehicle & Traffic Law" book. It isn't rocket science, but it sure can get confusing.

... But this is why I simply say to ask the man who makes out the violations 24/7. Though your younger than I thought when I first posted to this thread, as I'm 55. Where my oldest of 8 grandchildren is 17. I was building these motorized machines starting when I was 13 and 14. As my father taught me to weld and braze then. That started my father's garage being the local hangout and continued on till I left High School. Course these creations were indeed not worthy of this forum. As you might understand the welding quality of a 13 year old.. Oh yea that was me. But still, it was a starting point. Where my bead now is of a beautiful well pattern redundancy. Unlike the gaps and slag over garbo that I mustard in my beginning teen years.

... In my opinion, embracing these points of Law Enforcement now while your still young, will bring about a more peaceful life down the road. One not rewarded with conitinual lost of finances due to fines. It is better to understand what it takes to do what you want legally. Then it is to do what you want without reservation of consequence, "The Rebel". This I go straight to the movie title that explains it very well, "Rebel without a Cause"!... As it ends up a very self destructive path. The choices are your's, as it was for each one of us. Take your time and think about. Cause in 50 years, that single choice will tell the options and advancements you gain in your life! Besides, there are too many out there that are going to attempt to take you to the cleaners. Where, advaseries are going to trump up situations where your the fall guy, for their amusement. Do you think it a good idea to give them ammunition to blow hole through your life just off the starting gate?

... You can do it, just take your time, research, and do it legally! This all short of the point of driving ages, as stated by individual states err countries.. There is no way around that. But think about it this way, if you take your time with your bike. A couple years of tweeks, thinking like, taking a year just for planning in design. Get it on paper. When you do get out there, you'll have one of the sweetiest rides out there. And after all, ain't that why were all here socializing on the point...

--- Food for Thought ---

Ibrahym, Sorry for the age reference, I regret it. I'm 61, and I wish I had your problem. When I was 12 I use to ride mini bikes and go karts, I did that for years in large parking lot's on Sundays. Long time ago stores did not open on Sundays, so the lots were empty. Even the police didn't bother you. Anyway you be sure not to take to many chances while riding, so you won't get noticed.
As we were talking back at the beganning of me just joining, it did indeed take a turn for the worse. Just now we are attempting to form groups to address this on both the state and federal level of the legislature. But thats why I am some what duplicating this post. To get notice to some members that may not be subscribed to the new threads. We need you, this of my fellow New Yorkers. Illegal in ny.=====sucks Well here's where we need to address the problem of Motorized Bicycles here in New York. Plus those points I spoke of before of the Legislation I believe it leads to.
How to Comment on a Proposed Change to a DMV Regulation

This below concerning the Legislative rules of how we address it to the Law Makers, (Legislative Body, Aka: the New York State Senate).

The next meeting concerning Senate Standing Committee on Transportation, March 13th, 2012, 1:00 PM, Tuesday. Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr., Chair

Senate Standing Committee on Transportation
Commitee Members: Montgomery, Dilan, Sampson, Squadron, Savino, Young, Golden, Robach, Martins, Flanagan, Gallivan, Fuschillo.

Though no doubt we won't have enough time to pull it together by this upcoming session here in New York. But an annoucement of what's up in coming is a very good Idea I believe. But inorder to do that, I need some fellow New Yorkers to step to the plate, cause we all know, one man's say so, ain't gonna do notta. I would go on to suggest that the other states bring the information together that which I have here. Once we have that in a starting range state to state. Then each group needs to vote for who will be leason from that state's group to the federal level. There in the group formed for the federal level who will act as go between to each their own states. This due to the 14th Ammendment and the point of travel on a motorized bicycle. It all does interlock just as any other vehicle!
Only been one day since I posted this last. I had hope fellow New Yorker to already jump up there, in the hopes. But not to discredit anyone for timing. As it has only been one portion of an evening passed. And it's that I am anxious about this. Even though my plans are set to complete my build in a total of two years time. I only see what has befallen us in the point of the law as something reminiseint of finding a mismatch of some mechanical parts to solve.

To add to the portions I've already posted to the other points addressing New York in "Laws and Legislation" thread. Is the points we see across the country, in that where engine displacement is used to create an infirmity to the use? I believe it to be taught as early as first grade about "Columbus sailed the Oceans blue in 1492". Then by third grade they start to fill in the blanks. By teaching of Columbus's discovery or more to the point, Proving, that the world is not flat. And as us know up here in Northeastern New York, we have some mighty steep inclines to traverse. The only falling off the edge of the earth are the ones our politicians are pushing off.

So to speak to the point speed, can be handled through gearing. But power needed for these greater inclines we have needs for the power, and those low gear ratio's. Something those below two hp ain't gonna provide. This as we see other states have place in law about displacement limitations. Yet those limitations limit the drivers travel. This which directly relates to the 14th Ammendment, in both inter-state travel and state to state travel. On the hills we have here, it would be better not to have an engine at all, then to assist the engine that is suppose to be assisting you at these times. But there again the extremely limits my travel. How bout your's? Hence why I went for the big bad HF 212cc Pedator of Six point five horse power. This from a point in experience from my past. Between that of a Yamaha 60cc mini Enduero and that of a 6 hp Briggs and Straton minibike. The 60cc bogged and died at times on the inclines. But even though a single speed on the minibike it did somewhat over come the very same incline. But those that have never been to the north country in that of the Adirondacks or the Rockies would have no idea, as someone I do not find as a Bust Hello Buster said to me,
212cc pred IMHO for regular street riding not racing is overkill
. Course him living in Tennesse, I would expect not to know. And I did explain to him in Carpentry terms. Just Luckily I have been to most all portions of this great country of ours. Including his, which I've been through several times.

As I have dug deeper into our current regulation at hand. I find this current law over Motor Assisted Bicycles even to be cutting into what the handicapped having available to them. This in the point of Electric Battery operated Motors from what they've just placed in law of New York. Federal Regulations accordingly show this point to be bias altogether in as what the Department of Justice puts it in legal statues. As no jurisdiction within the United States can bias between an electrical motor or gas powered motor in the use. This just for the first eye opener. Let alone the point between the outright bias of what can be made street legal be eliminated entirely from the use. Especially when these who proposed and passed this into law, In the current economy, are creating much hardship for those who this is the only transportation they can afford. I know thats the only reason why I'm now pushing the ticket. As if not being able to buy my build a piece at a time, I could not afford it. Yes, I am eligable to get a bank loan. Course in so doing, I am benefiting those points of credit that are combined with this government in the point where we as citizen have been being lied to and rip-off for twenty years. Since they pulled gold from the basis of our money. The point where they are crushing our way of life now to hold themselves in 9 figure personal bank accounts.

Of what's going on, just doesn't stop there within this one law within our state. Ladies and Gents, it's all around us. It's coming to a sink or swimm, from just about every facit of our lives. You see who where and why, is creating it. They tried to cover up and lie about it. But in this day and age of technology, they have no such possibility of pulling it off. And it isn't going to change unless we stand and be heard in unicin.

I use these points above, to say we need to formulate the exact points we will be shooting for in best formulated outcome. Opportunity is there knocking right now, with all that is before us of those elected officials we sent to the state senate. Please, I cannot emphasize your particaption being needed enough!
My motor assisted bikes are all 50cc and under and with appropriate gearing I find that more than adequate for the hilly terrain where I live. Some pedaling is necessary at times but IMO that's to be expected with a power assist bicycle and I need and enjoy the exercise anyway. I'm good as far as the regs go in the state where I live which is 50cc/2 HP and under. I am of the opinion power assist bikes should be left to inhabit that small motor/engine niche and larger engines upward to over 200cc displacement really qualify and should be regulated more as motorcycles for use on the street.
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Before I started out down this avenue, I called my local New York State Police Barracks, as there was much I had to check out legally of the point. If geared down to that point, (Speed under 23 mph as the Officer told me.) then when we were talking about it in May 2011, It would have been fine. Like I had explained to the officer. Looking for power, not speed. Myself, and my Trek Mountain Bike an Trek Bike Cart, with a little more than a couple hundred pounds of camping gear is getting to be a bit much at my age. But up to that point of talking to the Warren County State Police Barracks, I thought I may have to be registered as a moped. Was willing even to go that way, not a problem, if thats the way I have to go. But up here in the northeast, we got some steep inclines. Some as much as a 12/12 pitch. As an example,, the Mohawk Trail. Which is actually southeast of here. That's about 8 miles at that 45 degree pitch coming up from the Mass. side. And there are points within that get even steeper. So I got no doubt your seeing what I had been working through to.

But some times after myself and the state trooper spoke, the law here in New York changed. Now it's all gone bye, bye and due to the way the regulation is stated, there is no chance of getting registerd at all. Let alone that even of use of a 2hp assist either. Hence why I am proposing addressing "Senate Standing Committee on Transportation". They've ruled us all out, including the handicapped and the use of E-bikes. This all on trumpted up bull, that undisclosed points of parts are not capable of what is required of motor vehicles. You know,, political bull cr_p of some politician more than likely being paid off to push this through. That would be my guess how it went down. Either way, it is a place of politician creating a hardship full well in knowledge of who he's nailing down of his own consituteints.. This against federal statuets, let alone those NY state statuets he overrode and looked the other way on to get it passed. This from points of handicapped usage to top that of travel and the 14th ammendment. Though that comes in from just after the Civil war, it still applies. Ticked off, you bet I am.
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Ok, Just got off the phone with a Mr. Nonoon of the Technical Department of Motor Vehicle, here in Albany, New York. Introduced myself, then went on to asking him about the points in contradiction of registering a motorized assisted bicycle. Also, in telling him mine was more between a Moped and a Motorcycle (needing registration), than a motorized bicycle and a Moped. But I quoted the law as it now is and has been changed to since just before May 2011. Where I had gone as far as checking thing out with my local State Trooper Barracks. Specifically into the point where they have not only cut off the point of any motorized assisted bicycles. He agreed and said yes that's correct. I them went on to ask him about the points in law that make this a contradiction. He said there wasn't any.

This where I pointed out to him that of the handicaped and electric assisted motors to bicycles. He said any electric motorized bicycles are permitted. I said, Sir,, that is not stated in the your regulations, it states no motorized assisted bicycles allowed. I went right into the point where the Federal Governments DOJ states no bias can be used to differentiate between either an electric motor nor a gas motor. Mr Nonoon tells me, Oh, I am no lawyer sir. I said hey, this is whats in the regs. He Says, so what your question sir? I said, since we've established whats in your regulations and what the contradictions are, I guess my question is, Who was the State Senator who Drafted and pushed through this law? He says, Oh I wouldn't know sir that was a long time ago.. I said, As I said coming in on this conversation, I spoke to that State Trooper just before May 2011. The regulation has indeed changed since then, that is not a long time ago. He Says again, Sir I'm not a lawyer. I said, well, pretty much figured I'd have to address the legislature, but in following the red tape I had to get your departments input. Have a good day. And he also said the same.

This as I had spoken would most likely happen on thread Illegal in ny.=====sucks Don't you just love the shine on filled with BS. "I'm not a Lawyer", seems to me a department that is distributing regulation has to know the points and where all the checks and balances are of the Technical Department of Motor Vehicle. There in the point I stress, this guy knows they are indeed well over the line on this law (regulation). So, on to the legislature.

Would be nice to hear from someone in New York. Or is it yall have given up and folded your cards at the inset of resistance. Even though it's illegally set resistance. It almost seems I need to recite the Declaration Of Independence, and on into the Consitution of the United States to remind you, they work for us. This is not a Dictatorship we live in. But if we all keep sitting back individually, that is indeed what it becomes!

• ® © † Respectfully,.™,
• Aka;
3 Quote; (1) "I refuse to temper political correctness if it is at the expense of the truth. Understand the problem, pull your weight. Appreciate. Be completely honest and trustworthy in all things." -- John D. Cooper
(2) "Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process." -- Thurgood Marshall
(3) Shepard's Prayer, "Lord, Please don't let me F__k Up!"
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Finally, somebody else who gets what we're up against. READ ALL OF MY PAST POSTS!

USE my past posts, put a light on your bike that runs off of the magneto, get a Doctor's note of some sort (you have a disability). Make sure you are pedaling at all times...

When they stop you, you were pedaling w/ disability and running motor for lights because it was cheaper than batteries. Under no circumstance was your bike under motor power (NOONAN SAID THIS WAS ILLEGAL)! I already know better Sir!

Say nothing else and don't get caught DUI!

If they give you a hard time for having a motor on a ten-speed while on the road, ask them when the last time they had a road block for Seniors in front of the old age home was.

Proceed to file paper work with the NYS Division of Human right on age discrimination. You have a disability and was stopped for being younger. Seniors drive "mobility scooters" W/O helmets, lights, reflectors, registration, insurance and the like all of the time. When the last time you had a check point in front of the Senior Center?

See what they say to that one!
Motorized Bicycle Senior Member
New York laws

Finally, somebody else who gets what we're up against. READ ALL OF MY PAST POSTS!
Mort, you are allowing dork Noonan, ( I see you caught me purposfully saying his name backwards) to minipulate you from the obvious, with his egocyintricle tactics. Don't get me wrong, I have read this thread over several time. Plus all pertain to New York under the title Laws and Legislation. And again even with that of other states and countries.

The point of the 14th ammendment aplies to that of "Travel". It makes no difference rather you are tapping electricity through the Magnito directly to power headlights and such. Or if your Runing an Altenator electrical system which pluses from battery to ignition powering the system of Lights, motor, and safety features. Or a Generator system to power the lights and motor, which with the generator system you can actually unhook the battery and the engine will still run once started. The point is of Travel. Within some type of vehicle in the same state nor not getting arrested from state to state or with a state for a Bias difference in Laws! This what New York State is doing by a difference in laws is from one to the other and within. However, in this 14th ammendment under handicapped does speak directly to the points of no bias being used between Electric and Gas Powered Motors. Which, there in, gives us even more teeth in the point.

Just now, even the NRA - ILA is using this 14th Ammendment to the US Consitution to bring the state of New York to Court, As they are arrestings those traveling through New York State that have a legal Conceal / Carry permit for a side arm. The word is "Any Law". As Bloomberg and his Kingdom are playing Feudal system of a Serfdom of ignorance. While enough said of how ignorant this individual is scr_wing over the good people of NYC, let alone those passing through.

Safety features, Hey, they are for our protection. Lord knows, there too many driving 4 wheel who do not look behind themselves pulling away from a curb. This the greatest amount of accidents occur. This from us flying over the left quarter panel and slipping quickily over the hood into the front of the grill. I got no problem with directional lights, headlight, horn and all that. No matter how they are powered. We need all the advantages we can get. But no advantages help when you got to watch out for the other guy, who is in a constant state of a brain fart!

Where the basis of this lays, is with the Frame number (Vehicle Indentification Number - VIN), which DMV says they will not except. These have been this type vehicles indentification number since before there was a DMV. Created by the IRS in a point of Tax Verification. This is a bigoted version of ignorance that NY DMV is placating. Let alone the few other states in the US. It is bias just why this Ammendment was created just after the Civil War. This when I spoke to the fact of it breaking the heart of the matter of the 14th Ammendment, Noonan told me to have him arrested. Showing his sickly dyfunctional ego of a bully. He is a sick man that thrives on power of others. This the very same dynamics of the now legally termed "High School Bully". Beyond the ramification of the laws, he has a pyschological problem that needs to be addresses before he continues his job at NY DMV. Bit this an issue outside of what we should be concintrating on. This where the bias is, the VIN, which is very prosecutable! This their entire hitch pin.

But as he is unwilling to follow his job guidlines, this in reporting the inaccuracies and direct points in violations to the law created by this new regulation to DMV. It is then our place to go to those who did create this law in the New York State Legilsture. Elections are coming up fast, This is best the time for us to address them. We really need to be getting organizing! As we are indeed now besidged by Rich people attempt to flush this country and what it stands for. We need these type vehicles now, more than any other time before. Just like that with the dust-bowls and the first stock market crash. Time to not just ring that bell, it's time to slam it with a 32 oz Eastwing hammer, with a fresh meat cleaver cut into the head.

• ® © † Respectfully,.™,
• Aka;

3 Quotes; (1) "I refuse to temper political correctness if it is at the expense of the truth. Understand the problem, pull your weight. Appreciate. Be completely honest and trustworthy in all things." -- John D. Cooper
(2) "Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process." -- Thurgood Marshall
(3) Shepard's Prayer, "Lord, Please don't let me F__k Up!"

I just gave you the best argument possible. Discrimination of the disabled doesn't look good in front of the media. Noonan is merely doing his job as he was appointed to... He's a pretty smart guy, if you approach him in the right manner and credible argument, he'll level with you. Remember he was appointed to do a job, (which he does well). He doesn't make the rules.

I asked him what section of the penal Law I was breaking for putting a motor on a bike and he almost dropped his marbles with me. There is a section which does state that any vehicle with a motor on it must be registered if it's on the public street.

The argument to this only falls under NYS Discrimination Law. If I pedal my mophead from Buffalo to NYC, would I get stopped and cited? Probably not! So what's the deal with my bike? And look, I've got a disability. How many old people have you stopped this week?

Your Honor, this Officer is discriminating against my mode of transportation/ physical condition, I have supplied clear notification of disability. At time of ticket/ arrest/ warnning, this was explained. Also explained was fact that I was pedaling and running motor was supplying power to a safety device (not required under Law).

It is clearly stated as Court record that the Officer in question has not ticketed/ towed/ warned/ arrested another operator of a medically needed mobility aid device.

Evidence supplied this case clearly illustrates I was discriminated via age/ choice of mobility aid and nature of disability.

Throw that argument before a Court with the Officers name mentioned personally and I think you've got a real winner.

Don't be stupid and let them come back with "he had a bag of weed or was drunk"!

THOSE ARE WORDS I DON'T NEED TO HEAR ANYTIME SOON EDDY LOL! Right to remain silent, right before they baddger you to talk for the next 7 days!
Hey Mort,
That goes along with "Just tell us what you know, kid and make it easy on yourself".
The answer to that is NOT" Keep guessing and I'll tell you when your right"

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First off, your recollection of NoNoon is so far into left field it isn't funny. Anyone that crass and boligerent, plus using, "I ain't a Lawyer" each time you show the cruix in the contradictions of the law. Is in no way shape or form of intelligent. Just the opposite. As it is refered to as the mannerisums of a Low Brow for good reasons. Then to add to his particular level of ignorance, when then to address me after such bigotry, with Laughter and said, "So have me arrested?" This guy is totally not willing to work with facts, there in the truth! Sorry your testament of this most ignorant of low life form of sub-human being is indeed false. I know, as I have been a Layman Councillor to the dysfunction. This where as part of the MOP groups here in New York, Judges sent these type dysfunctional to us.. As my opinion of him falls into the professional catagory. No doubt in my mind, if this guy has a wife and kids, he beats them! Garuanteed! He's got an ax to grind and will do so with any that cross his path. He will do this to attempt to eliminate the things he doesn't like about himself. Which bye the way, never work. It works out just the opposite actually. It creates what's called cycles where you can time his emotions on a clock.

Then you personally miss the points of legislature entirely. Then I'd guess you think I should drive down the road with my motorized bicycle till the first cop stops me and make a federal case out of the position of being the Accused in a Court of Law. You can't be speaking of NoNoon, cause he ain't an officer of anything. Yep, I should just hijack some innocent cop into this trap you speak of. And turn his life upside down. Sorry but I find myself to be on solid ground coming from the positive place of a plaintiff in a court of law. To address those directly responsible for this action against motorized bicycles. Sorry, but I left childhood a long time ago when my son was born. The whole world turned on a dime for me that day. And it's been the same ever since! And he's 34 now, so I can honestly say I have improved my position every day since!

I would almost guess to say you are NoNoon. As I've spoken to him, as you say you have spoken to him. Yet all the sudden he's a good man? This is how someone thats a sneak operates attempt to erase a hugh negative they produced, from the closet where they hide. I don't say this cause he is blocking my way from a reliable point in transportation. I say it because of his mannerisums and how he treats someone, he is suppose to provide the answers for ( because it's his job), so rude and boligerant. There is no excuse or reason for his verbal actions against my person. I have not volinteered as layman councillor in a little over ten years now. But if he was sent to see me, I would recommended a Psychologist with 3 month evaluations. This till he stops attempting to provoke people to hostility. If he was to treat someone on the street like this, he would most definitely start a fight, do every thing in his power to promote that, then attempt to run away. As that's what the dysfunctional do when they force confrontations, as they have to be in the right. No other position is seen as poissible from this individual. He very well could have been an alchoholic.
That point of VIN needs to be addressed at the point of the legislature. Anything else is a waste of time. Singularly, by a one in a million shot, one person might make it through from what you are saying to do. To attempt to promote this to cop coming along, totally unknowing. You'll be going thru it again and again. You've changed nothing. But the point of making a bad reputation of yourself to good and bad cops alike. With what I'm saying, all individuals that wish to drive motorized bicycles can do so. Yet the Registration is the problem, and they hang it on the VIN. With this changed. We help out the economy. We give more people chances at work, as reliable transportation is needed to keep a job. Which again helps out the individual to keep a budget. We cut down on the higher emissions that's better for the environment. There is much more positives with these vehicles of motorized bicycles can create in there use. Yet, you tell me NoNoon is a smart man? NOT!!!!! Maybe on the Moon he is, but hey, there are no life forms there... Time to wake up and smell the coffee
. This guy is part of the problem. He has a personal choice. He could do his job better by not only treating people better. But making his administrators aware of the laws that are being broken since the placement of this mirage of a litgitatment regulation. Maybe the Quote from John D Cooper might become more clear to you now, " I refuse to temper political correctness if it is at the expense of the truth. Understand the problem, pull your weight. Appreciate. Be completely honest and trustworthy in all things." This guy needs to learn all these points. Either your right FastEddy or I am, either, there's no experience ~ to know better, or it is NoNoon!. This isn't just a point of promoting the motorized bicycles, I'm saying it's time to get the dead wood removed from the hill.We need a new guard and November is but a short while away. Don't think, Republican or Democrate. Think in terms of the Rich against the Poor. You will see the political ground much more clearly this way. The fights of the later I spoke of are ment to distract your vote for minipulation. But in that I see no one jumping in there to volinter some time like myself towards making this addressed. It looks loike no one cares enough to take a stand. I thought the people here cared about this point of transportation and what they are building. I guess I was wrong! As it grows more appearant that what I'm saying is falling on deaf ears, even though no doubt it's being read....

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