New in frame 4 stroke kit in development!


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
I am not even going to comment on any thing being copied thats absurd.

Back to the matter at hand. My brother works at a machine shop in Port Townsend. I don't know what there work load is or their rates but I can get you two connected if needed.


New Member
Sep 26, 2008
Hey Felton,

Good lookin out! PT's not far away. Shoot me a PM w/ info. I love to support small world connections and local business alike.

It's just so much more interesting to meet the people, support the extended family, make connections etc.



May 25, 2008
LOL Joe. Must be harvest time. (Farm fresh or whom ever was not a real person. posing as a farmer and new person here) I really wanted him to go on. Fun drawing out the poorly gifted. Think his handlers put the kybosh in.


May 25, 2008
Belt drive from the motor, automatic, final drive is a chain. Sounds familiar. You're not copying my EZMotorbike kit, are you? I've rode mine about around the world....don't see how you could improve on it.
Don't mean no harm to nobody. But I been messing with motors and bicycles and go-karts, and drain diggers (you gotta' be a farmer to know what that is) and things for about 45 years. As for my motor bike...well...somebody just got it right! Only thing I've ever done to mine is oil the chain and put some gas in it about once a month.
I think if you were a bit more informed on "farm talk"'d know that just means I've ridden it for a very long ways. I guess I forget sometimes that city folk read this stuff. It's a great machine, I don't see how anyone could make it better, and if you guys are going to do nothing but attack me for telling you how great the EZM is...I mean...why you here? As I said...I built equipment for my farm for over 40 years. I know what I'm talking about. My little motorbike is good stuff. They got it right!

And yes....I'm quite aware of the fact that the Earth is about 8000 miles in diameter, and that using 3.1416 to multiply that would show that I would have to ride approximately 25,000 miles to ride "about around the world". Excuse me for my ignorance. I didn't expect a city guy to understand what "about around the world" meant. time you hear a farm boy say that....he means he's been a long distance. Us farm boys might be considered ignorant....but Good LORD, man!...did you really think I really rode around the planet?

We can talk, friend. You don't have to be rude.
and his intro;

Is a running advert and dismissive campaign. Owns 3 MBs
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New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Some folks will never learn that negative campaigns & public hostility may hurt the competition - but damages the reputation of the product they're trying to promote as well, resulting in both sides loosing potential sales.

As staff we need wade in and calm things down, it happens & it's something we get used to - but as a consumer... well... let's just say I've a list of products I won't be purchasing (& thus not recommending) - not because the product is inferior, but simply because I won't give my money to those that think it good business practice to overtly or covertly attack one another.

Drama may sell, but it only sells itself.
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The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Some folks will never learn that negative campaigns & public hostility may hurt the competition - but damages the reputation of the product they're trying to promote as well, resulting in both sides loosing potential sales.

As staff we need wade in and calm things down, it happens & it's something we get used to - but as a consumer... well... let's just say I've a list of products I won't be purchasing (& thus not recommending) - not because the product is inferior, but simply because I won't give my money to those that think it good business practice to overtly or covertly attack one another.

Drama may sell, but it only sells itself.
Personally I can do without the drama. I don't know who "Farmboy" is, but I have a good idea who it is not. I know Mike and am coming to know Quenton and I don't think either would do this. Whoever is doing it needs to stop. It is juvenile and offensive. I've admired the EZMotors setup for some time and think attacks just tarnish what appears to me to be a fine product. Personally I don't see the big deal about competition and giving us builders more options. I imagine Ford wishes GMC would go away and vice verse, but I don't want to see either gone. In fact I wish Studebaker and Hudson and Kaiser and Nash and a bunch of others were still giving us choices.
I hope to see the hatchet buried for good.


May 25, 2008
Can't we ever go 50 pages on, in to a thread with out an argument? lol

back to the funner stuff. .wee.

WD update. around 1500 miles (or so, am going by tach hrs and avg. speeds)((17 MPHx90 hrs. GPS averages it at closer to 20 but being conservitive)) and still all good. I did have a problem holding the retaining bolts in but was my fault for not having cleaned the oil so that loctite would work.

My HF is down though. Will post in HF tips & tricks thread.

Good thoughts for my baby. (starts great and sounds almost to good. Rides fine for about 10 mins then starts staling and will not restart until cool then stutters. I put a new larger tank on and with out a doubt have a vacuum problem but does this with the cap loose too.)


New Member
Sep 26, 2008
Just Bit the pavement! LOL, Just joking but really!

Tried to swallow a turtle (turtle won).

Few scrapes und buises but o/w ok!

Exhaust is crunch and sprung a leak in the gas tank.

Rubber side down! Cheers!

P.S. Helmets Work!


New Member
Sep 26, 2008
I just did.

It's no big thing. Most avid bicyclists I know wreck once in a while. I ride fast and assertive and occasionally miss something (like a turtle) or mis judge something.

It's part of the fun for me, the risk.

I hit a turtle at 7.36587 mph and it won; oh well.

You want pics of the scrapes?

Head hit first, Shoulder then elbow, knee, then hard pedal to the ankle (belabor/exfoliate)/ whoa did that just happen?

Are you ok? Yes I'm fine! Are you sure? (I said I'm fine!) Yes, I'm sure; thank you so much, yes that's my wallet.

(Am I ok?) (Do I look like a DillWeed?) (Yes, and yes) (cool, huh huh)

What can I say?
