New Group: The 20MPH Club

I went over 20 again today. But, maybe if I tell the story I won't get booted from the club.

I was riding to the Social Security office, about a five mile run from home, when I encountered a young female spandexer. She was pedaling like mad, doing around 18 to 20 mph on flat ground. I passed her just as the street started a slight uphill grind. She dropped way back.
The next time I see her I'm setting at a stop light, with cars, waiting for the green when she comes blasting passed, ran the red light and went on down the street. I left the intersection and came upon her again on flat ground, passed her and checked my speedo. 23mph. She was pedaling hard but then another slight uphill and she dropped back.
The next time I saw her was at another stop sign. This one was at a very busy intersection so she didn't run that light but when she came up next to me in the bike lane I asked her if she knew what a stop sign or a red light was for. She glared at me just as we got the green light, she pedaled away and looked back and said, "F**k you."

Now I ask you. Was that a challenge, or a nice thing to say to an old man? I pulled off and put on a little speed until I caught up with her and rode next to her as she panted and struggled with those pedals. 24mph, then 22, then down to about 18 and she was still working but she was loosing it. I stayed right next to her until we came to another downhill. She poured on the coal and we hit about 28mph...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.

What was that movie line "If you're slapped by a woman, you'll take it and like it" or sumptin' like that. John Wayne I think.

Whass uupppp?
I heard a story from a friend of mine who swore it was true. Lying, no good SOB.

A young lady was riding a horse along a path that ran past a golf course just as a group of golfers were playing.

The horse was acting up and out of the riders control. One of the golfer walked over to the fence and told the rider how to get control of the horse.

She snapped out at the golfer., Old man you chase the little white ball and I'll ride the horse.

The golfer? Angel Cordero, one of the best jockeys ever.

She should have made sure who she was talking to. You might have been a retired cop with a cell phone.
The sorry part is she made it through the light. You had a ringside seat to the accident.
With her attitude it's only a matter of time

Sorry your offended but I have reached my tolerance for A** Hats that break the law and when you ask WTF, they tell you to "get stuffed".

I see bike riders do the very same thing every day where I live and as a former volunteer fire fighter I had to help scrape them up off the road. Not a great thrill I can assure you.

These fools are self absorbed and think only of themselves. Was she so all fired important that she couldn't wait for the light. What gave her the right to tell Tom to "F" off when he mentioned it to her.
She was so full of her self importance that she was above the law and had she been hit would have involved a whole lot of people including her family, the family of whoever hit her and all the emergency responders who had to attend the accident.

Not to mention the people who had to arrive on her families door step and explain that she was never coming home again because she was to important to stop at a red light.
That is of course if she had identification on her since that would ruin the look of her high end spandex.

Off the soap box now.

Sorry your offended but I have reached my tolerance for A** Hats that break the law and when you ask WTF, they tell you to "get stuffed".

I see bike riders do the very same thing every day where I live and as a former volunteer fire fighter I had to help scrape them up off the road. Not a great thrill I can assure you.

These fools are self absorbed and think only of themselves. Was she so all fired important that she couldn't wait for the light. What gave her the right to tell Tom to "F" off when he mentioned it to her.
She was so full of her self importance that she was above the law and had she been hit would have involved a whole lot of people including her family, the family of whoever hit her and all the emergency responders who had to attend the accident.

Not to mention the people who had to arrive on her families door step and explain that she was never coming home again because she was to important to stop at a red light.
That is of course if she had identification on her since that would ruin the look of her high end spandex.

Off the soap box now.


Right ? 38 mph on a motorized bicycle to hassle a girl ?

Yeah, that ****** me off too ! :)

Is that legal ?
The point is that she was uncalled for in her behavior, not only in running the red light (probably in an effort to spite Tom), but also in telling him to F off when he confronted her on it.

38 MPH isn't the point. The point is more that it's against the law to intimidate or harass a bicycle - and spandexers have a tendency to do that to other bicyclists, as has been again shown here in Tom's story. It's just as bad as having someone driving a car telling you to F off, you would think that another bicyclist - motored or not - would have the decency to show even the slightest bit more respect to a motorized bicycle than to an actual vehicle. I think you were totally in the right in passing her, not only to prove a point - but also to get away from her from a safety point of view. If she is a dangerous rider blowing red lights and such, you don't want to be next to her. Just as if you were on the freeway and you saw a crotch rocket splitting traffic in your rear view, you might want to change lanes. If there is another bicyclist (again, motorized or not) riding recklessly, it would be who of you to do what is in your power to put distance between yourself and them.
The point is that she was uncalled for in her behavior, not only in running the red light (probably in an effort to spite Tom), but also in telling him to F off when he confronted her on it.

38 MPH isn't the point. The point is more that it's against the law to intimidate or harass a bicycle - and spandexers have a tendency to do that to other bicyclists, as has been again shown here in Tom's story. It's just as bad as having someone driving a car telling you to F off, you would think that another bicyclist - motored or not - would have the decency to show even the slightest bit more respect to a motorized bicycle than to an actual vehicle. I think you were totally in the right in passing her, not only to prove a point - but also to get away from her from a safety point of view. If she is a dangerous rider blowing red lights and such, you don't want to be next to her. Just as if you were on the freeway and you saw a crotch rocket splitting traffic in your rear view, you might want to change lanes. If there is another bicyclist (again, motorized or not) riding recklessly, it would be who of you to do what is in your power to put distance between yourself and them.

I have been flipped off , cussed at many times on the road.

I ride a Schwinn trike in Tampa Bay Florida ! :)

Never, never cussed back !

After a while you get used to it ! :)

I have a goal and that is to get from point a to point b and not get killed.

If yall can't handle a f you now and then you better quit riding bicycles ? ? ? :)

You are too thin skinned Tom ! ! ! :)
I have been flipped off , cussed at many times on the road.

I ride a Schwinn trike in Tampa Bay Florida ! :)

Never, never cussed back !

After a while you get used to it ! :)

I have a goal and that is to get from point a to point b and not get killed.

If yall can't handle a f you now and then you better quit riding bicycles ? ? ? :)

You are too thin skinned Tom ! ! ! :)

There's no shame here - last time someone flipped me the bird and cut me off I called him out at his drivers door at a stop light. People act tough when they're ready to run away asap.