Mike B
New Member
I went over 20 again today. But, maybe if I tell the story I won't get booted from the club.
I was riding to the Social Security office, about a five mile run from home, when I encountered a young female spandexer. She was pedaling like mad, doing around 18 to 20 mph on flat ground. I passed her just as the street started a slight uphill grind. She dropped way back.
The next time I see her I'm setting at a stop light, with cars, waiting for the green when she comes blasting passed, ran the red light and went on down the street. I left the intersection and came upon her again on flat ground, passed her and checked my speedo. 23mph. She was pedaling hard but then another slight uphill and she dropped back.
The next time I saw her was at another stop sign. This one was at a very busy intersection so she didn't run that light but when she came up next to me in the bike lane I asked her if she knew what a stop sign or a red light was for. She glared at me just as we got the green light, she pedaled away and looked back and said, "F**k you."
Now I ask you. Was that a challenge, or a nice thing to say to an old man? I pulled off and put on a little speed until I caught up with her and rode next to her as she panted and struggled with those pedals. 24mph, then 22, then down to about 18 and she was still working but she was loosing it. I stayed right next to her until we came to another downhill. She poured on the coal and we hit about 28mph...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.
What was that movie line "If you're slapped by a woman, you'll take it and like it" or sumptin' like that. John Wayne I think.
Whass uupppp?