New Group: The 20MPH Club

I went over 20 again today. But, maybe if I tell the story I won't get booted from the club.

I was riding to the Social Security office, about a five mile run from home, when I encountered a young female spandexer. She was pedaling like mad, doing around 18 to 20 mph on flat ground. I passed her just as the street started a slight uphill grind. She dropped way back.
The next time I see her I'm setting at a stop light, with cars, waiting for the green when she comes blasting passed, ran the red light and went on down the street. I left the intersection and came upon her again on flat ground, passed her and checked my speedo. 23mph. She was pedaling hard but then another slight uphill and she dropped back.
The next time I saw her was at another stop sign. This one was at a very busy intersection so she didn't run that light but when she came up next to me in the bike lane I asked her if she knew what a stop sign or a red light was for. She glared at me just as we got the green light, she pedaled away and looked back and said, "F**k you."

Now I ask you. Was that a challenge, or a nice thing to say to an old man? I pulled off and put on a little speed until I caught up with her and rode next to her as she panted and struggled with those pedals. 24mph, then 22, then down to about 18 and she was still working but she was loosing it. I stayed right next to her until we came to another downhill. She poured on the coal and we hit about 28mph...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.
I went over 20 again today. But, maybe if I tell the story I won't get booted from the club.

I was riding to the Social Security office, about a five mile run from home, when I encountered a young female spandexer. She was pedaling like mad, doing around 18 to 20 mph on flat ground. I passed her just as the street started a slight uphill grind. She dropped way back.
The next time I see her I'm setting at a stop light, with cars, waiting for the green when she comes blasting passed, ran the red light and went on down the street. I left the intersection and came upon her again on flat ground, passed her and checked my speedo. 23mph. She was pedaling hard but then another slight uphill and she dropped back.
The next time I saw her was at another stop sign. This one was at a very busy intersection so she didn't run that light but when she came up next to me in the bike lane I asked her if she knew what a stop sign or a red light was for. She glared at me just as we got the green light, she pedaled away and looked back and said, "F**k you."

Now I ask you. Was that a challenge, or a nice thing to say to an old man? I pulled off and put on a little speed until I caught up with her and rode next to her as she panted and struggled with those pedals. 24mph, then 22, then down to about 18 and she was still working but she was loosing it. I stayed right next to her until we came to another downhill. She poured on the coal and we hit about 28mph...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.

Sounds like she got leg power ! :)

Your lucky she didn't give your motor a good kick ! :)

Your motor would go sideways, chain jumped off and wrapped up in the rear wheel ! :)
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I went over 20 again today. But, maybe if I tell the story I won't get booted from the club.

I was riding to the Social Security office, about a five mile run from home, when I encountered a young female spandexer. She was pedaling like mad, doing around 18 to 20 mph on flat ground. I passed her just as the street started a slight uphill grind. She dropped way back.
The next time I see her I'm setting at a stop light, with cars, waiting for the green when she comes blasting passed, ran the red light and went on down the street. I left the intersection and came upon her again on flat ground, passed her and checked my speedo. 23mph. She was pedaling hard but then another slight uphill and she dropped back.
The next time I saw her was at another stop sign. This one was at a very busy intersection so she didn't run that light but when she came up next to me in the bike lane I asked her if she knew what a stop sign or a red light was for. She glared at me just as we got the green light, she pedaled away and looked back and said, "F**k you."

Now I ask you. Was that a challenge, or a nice thing to say to an old man? I pulled off and put on a little speed until I caught up with her and rode next to her as she panted and struggled with those pedals. 24mph, then 22, then down to about 18 and she was still working but she was loosing it. I stayed right next to her until we came to another downhill. She poured on the coal and we hit about 28mph...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.

Are you 14 ? :)
Everybody has their moments lol. I used to have this peddle route figured out where I averaged a pretty ludicrous speed. The trick was to be boarder late for work makes a hellofa workout. I had a favorite stop sign I liked to blow through. One day this guy that sounded like a New York gangster with his cuss words in a collectors edition Ford ThunderBird blared out at me he was not even rolled up to the stop sign yet and I could gauge his speed so I snuck through.

There is something to do with the adrenalin that was in me from peddling. Because I sure told him back. The thing that really got me mad is he made a comment about my work shirt and wanted to know what it said for where I worked. That to me was a direct threat and what I would do next would be the grace of God to calm down. I did happen to know where he worked I saw down the street where he parked his car every day. For a moment I could'a killed this guy.

Where was I going it takes nothing to turn road rage into terrible stuff. It was weeks before I let that go. No I did not do anything. Yes I was in the wrong.
I doubt seriously I would have been heading to the Social Security office if I was 14. :)
I'm just a little older and a whole lot less tolerant of that kind of people.
LOL Tom. My response would have been "Don't flatter yer self"

Reminded me of a story. A friend got on an elevator. An older gentlemen was already on, dressed in a suit and hat. They nod "hello" Next floor 2 woman get on. The older gentlemen takes off his hat. As the doors close, one young lady turns to the other and says; "Did you see what that beach* tried to do to me?" The older gentlemen put his hat back on.
LOL Tom. My response would have been "Don't flatter yer self"

Reminded me of a story. A friend got on an elevator. An older gentlemen was already on, dressed in a suit and hat. They nod "hello" Next floor 2 woman get on. The older gentlemen takes off his hat. As the doors close, one young lady turns to the other and says; "Did you see what that beach* tried to do to me?" The older gentlemen put his hat back on.

Old Dude Motorized Bicycle Road Ragers aka Don't Make Me Go Over 20mph Club ! ! ! :)
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Just noticed this forum, 20MPH is fine with me.
Am I the only Down Under Ozzie on the block here?

My bikes can do a lot more than 20MPH, but rarely do so.
I know if I go much slower it understandingly annoys the heck from the cagers
from a time/distance angle and they can't seem to wait, so they overtake.
That's the unseen error of the 200Watt limits. Unless one has ridden the legal 200Watters and tried to cross the traffic, is far more dangerous than the China Girls 50 and 70cc. At least those machines can hold their ground when needed.

But yes, 20MPH is fine with me.

Where do I sign?

...then I rolled on the power and took the old Jaguar up to 38 and left her so far behind I couldn't see her in my mirror.
Oh, and as I passed her, I returned her sweet comment from several blocks back.
Was I justified? Am I still a member here? Just checking.

Dayum!!! that's fast. I think we should start a new club. "The Flyin Geezers MBC"

Our motto can be, "don't even think about it punk"
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