New Group: The 20MPH Club

Hi Guys -

I just signed up. I just got back from a ride out of Albuquerque to the east. Total trip was 48 miles in three hours. I start at 5500 feet above sea level, cross over streets, cross over a pass of 7000 feet. Had good tailwind going out. Had bad headwind coming back.

Do I get allowance for high-altitude riding? Climbing hills in 7000 feet thin air into a flag-stiffening headwind with a HF 79cc ought to be given a little slack. Worst hill: I'm at WOT and still doing only 12 mph with a 34-tooth first gear (14:1 gear ratio). Can do 28 mph on any down hill. I need a Husky sled dog when climbing hills.

Was going to ride some tonight after dark. But the 12 volt sealed battery I was carrying loose in the basket fell over. The terminals shorted. Wires burned. Insulation opened and let wire smoke out. Lights don't work when wire smoke gets out. Returned to home base earlier than planned without lights.

Oh, well. More 20 MPH Club riding next weekend! By the way, I liked the dinosaur on a bicycle t-shirt print. I can relate....

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My short term memory is getting slower than my motorbike.
I'll be 74 tomorrow and still riding, most of the time at 20mph.
I just had a nice 8 mile ride at 20. 2 people in cars gave me "That's great" and thumbs up. Another couple wanted to know where they could get one.

Yeah, any faster than 20 and you don't notice all the people smiling at you - :)
Just wanted everyone to kno that being a member off the 20 Mph Club saved me a few days ago when I was on a breif test ride. I was cruising at a nice 20 when my motor decided to seize up and loxked the rear tire on me. I almost lost it but was able to save it by pulling in the clutch. I think I lost the pin holding the piston rings.

@ 20 mph, Morning coffee is 5 minutes away, at 20 mph the store is 8 minutes away, @ 30 mph the big black dog that wants to bite me is a 1/4 mile behind me. Then back to 20 mph. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys. Still in riding good health. I'm off for my months furlough at work--State Budget cuts...yes I still keep a full time job... but I think this may be my last year. Gonna get some serious riding time in this month got the HF touring bike tuned up and trailer ready to go. Taking some trips to some of the State parks camp out do some fishing take it nice and slow....60 to 70 miles a day on a good one. Keeping around 20 or under keeps things together when you ride a little slower. The weather has been pretty cool and 40* or so in the a.m. 55-60 during the day, just right for riding and camping.
Congrats on passing the 1000 mile mark. Good luck in making the 2000 mile mark. I just made 2000 on mine.
OK I have done the math twice now, riding my route to the farm is 12.5 miles and the time was right at 30 minutes both times. I recon I am in the club.

On this old wash boarded gravel road I don't think I want to go much faster with out a suspension anyway. :)
I thnik I will be still able to stay in the club but i might be in the 25 to 28 mph section with my new build full suspension with shift kit but we will see when i get it built. I still gonna criuse at 20 to 23mph tho just be turing way less rpm's. My butt and back just cait wait for the suspension it will be nice.
I got stopped for speeding the other day, the young officer asked me if I knew I was speeding being a 74 year old man I gave the young officer a wide grin and stated that I did but, I had to get there before I forgot where i was going.
He put his ticket book away and said to have a good day.
Boy was I lucky, I gotta keep it under 20mph.
I got stopped for speeding the other day, the young officer asked me if I knew I was speeding being a 74 year old man I gave the young officer a wide grin and stated that I did but, I had to get there before I forgot where i was going.
He put his ticket book away and said to have a good day.
Boy was I lucky, I gotta keep it under 20mph.

That's a good one. I was gonna say I'll have to remember that... but I might not, truth be told. Ha!