Motorized Bicycle Take a Tip...Leave a Tip

I also done this acc cable mod. works sweet. I also run a shimano grip shift for the clutch to get rid of
the left side clutch lever and let me run left,right,front rear, breaks( dont like the dual pull items not enough control for me)

Jman - that's pretty cool....I wouldn't have guessed a grip shift would have enough pull for the clutch. So the clicking latch holds the clutch?

My dual pull seems to be working well, but I want to put a right grip shift on the left to shift for the jackshaft conversion.
Need a degree wheel?

Make your own, print and cut..... I transferred mine to sheetmetal


For those who dont know what a degree wheel is for....You will need it for doing your timing. There are many web site's that offer free wheels to copy, just google "free degree wheel".
I like this one because it offer's several sizes. And for are small engines there's one thats the perfect size.


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Tip 1

I have built up a frame storage locker that works perfectly with a schwinn cruiser frame (although you do need to have a chain-guard fitted).


2 x large zip ties
1 x 800g biscuit tin
plasticised covering

Cut a plate out of the lid corresponding to the size of the opening you want and secure this as an opening panel (with or without lock)

This will only fit up with the use of a rack mounted engine and I use it to carry fuel etc.

Tip 2

Those nice small wine bottles (the 250ml ones) work perfectly as spare fuel carriers and fit perfectly into the storage box above. they are tough enough to survive a drop onto concrete and are nice and small.

They will fit in the box along with two locks and a tool roll.

Tip 3

When you are on a long ride be sure that you have the relevant tool to adjust the handlebars. This means that if your wrists start to hurt (or in my case my shoulders sometimes as well) you can adjust the handlebar position on the go.. Alternatively you can invest in a short Quick release to hold the handlebars in position - be really really sure this is tight - I dont need to tell you that though.

Jemma xx
jemma can i see a picture of your storage locker for your rack mount motorized bicycle please. i am going to be purchaseing a 4 stroke bicycle engine kit from dax
Pictures as requested :)

I have had this locker fitted up for over 6 months and its starting to look a little tatty but considering it was made out of stuff around the house I dont mind that much...

Still waiting for my pipe to turn up *sigh*

Pic 3 is an exhaust system I made up using a mocyc/motomite muffler (about the only part of that engine that worked apparently). Its not exactly made the bike quieter but it sounds less like a wasp on nitrous...

I think its beginning to run in - 34mph on the flat :D

Jemma xx


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Jenna, that is so cool..the bike that is. I know you say it's a cruiser but what year and is that how it comes? I love the forks, the front fender, the "gas tank" and the seat
I love the looks of that bike.
very nice jemma! i always look forward to seeing you motorized bicycle modifications. you will soon no longer be the lonesome rackie. i ordered my dax titan and looking forward to joining you. (^)
Jenna, that is so cool..the bike that is. I know you say it's a cruiser but what year and is that how it comes? I love the forks, the front fender, the "gas tank" and the seat
I love the looks of that bike.

The bike is a 2006 Schwinn Deluxe 7. The tank, fork and twin fenders (I didnt have the heart to cut the other one up which I would have had to do to make it fit) come as standard. It also has an electric horn fitted with the control on the RHS of the tank panel.

So far as I can find out it came/comes in three two-tone colour combinations. The Green/White along with Black/White and Blue/White.

Price in the UK was approx £349 which all in all means that the bike has cost me about £850-900 in all...

Jemma xx
very nice jemma! i always look forward to seeing you motorized bicycle modifications. you will soon no longer be the lonesome rackie. i ordered my dax titan and looking forward to joining you. (^)

You know I like to tinker :)

Next modification will be the tuned pipe - which I am hoping to reverse so the pipe itself heads forward instead of round the back of the machine.. make it less conspicuous and less likely to get damaged.

I had to take off the current exhaust mod - that engine runs so hot it actually destroys the rubber elbows which *should* work with nitrous so I am surprised.

This bodge job actually gave the bike 1.5 - 2mph!! without it the engine bogs at top end and wont manage more than 31mph which really surprises me - these tanakas thrive on back pressure...

Good luck with the titan... the only thing that concerns me about that rig is the weight balance on the machine since the engine is alot higher and weightier than the GEBE style designs... although since I havent ridden one I cant judge... seems like I shall have to head over the states sometime soon for a extended test of different bikes...

Incidentally, I am going to look into seeing if the chengine mount can be modified to fit ala rudge autocycle...

This would make the chengines suitable for womens underbone bikes although it will need a longer chain run from the front of the bike to the driven sprocket - or even set up to use the jackshaft kit mentioned on here....

Jemma xx
It's funny that I have never seen anything like that here in Canada. The price works out to about $700 just for the bike, If I am correct about your exchange rate. That is a very sexy bike. I'm going to start keeping an eye out for the model.
You go girl!
i have talked to a few people that got the titans and they said you cannot even notice that it is on the back of the bike. i was concerned about weight also but they say it is not an issue. i should know withen a few weeks after i get to the virgin islands. it will get lots of miles fast for the weather thier is made for motorized bicycles (^)
Jemma... I like your Schwinn.
I love Schwinns in general, (they have really become the "Harley Davidson" of bicycles!)
I like the storage box that you made, but I was thinking that leather saddle bags would look perfect on it! (^)
Just a random thought... :D :ride2:
Jemma... I like your Schwinn.
I love Schwinns in general, (they have really become the "Harley Davidson" of bicycles!)
I like the storage box that you made, but I was thinking that leather saddle bags would look perfect on it! (^)
Just a random thought... :D :ride2:

I have considered them - but its a money problem and a fitment problem. I cant find a way of fitting them considering where the engine is - and I dont want them on the front wheel really because that might stress the front rim too much (unsprung weight on a standard bike wheel)

At the moment I am on about equivalent $800 a month to live on :( and that has to include everything - I only spend money on the bike because its my only form of transport right now..

Jemma xx
Well,some of the of the disparaging remarks directed at my little China girl concerning vibration may have been uncalled for.Seems my cruiser handlebars should have been taking some of the heat.Yesterday I filled my handlebars with lead slugs and rubberized caulk and the difference is unbelievable.I can now break right through that 27MPH vibration barrier and damn near make something out in my mirrors.I heard about this on a motorcycle forum and there are actual products for this purpose on the market.Some guys said they had good luck just filling the bar with caulk and I suppose sand might help but I don't think anything can touch lead.Without a doubt the easiest way would be to get a bag of lead bird shot and just pour it in there."Easy" rules it out for me.I cast some 5/8" slugs out of old wheel weights and loaded them up.Adds up to a lot of weight but man what a difference.Now I'll probably fry my motor running on the top end.Ron