Indian Tadpole

You sure can M.T. As a matter of fact I'll even let you sit in the front seat and point out the big puddle so we don't miss any :)

Still working on the tri car but nothing photo worthy. Made two gas tanks a while ago and lined them with tank sealer today.The small Caswell tank sealer kit did both of them and there was enough to line a 3rd one.
I hope to get them primed in a couple of days and painted and the lettering on. Then it's running the gas lines ect.

Of my two brothers long time ago testing out a small gas engine with carb but no gas tank. One held a funnel that had a hose going to the carb when you know. Soon after one bro says to the other, don't use the garden hose to put out the fire.
Received the last part of the puzzle. Asked Pat from Sportsman Flyer if he could get me a #35-72 tooth sprocket and he had it made for me. I'm using a Sportsman Flyer hub adapter. Quickly made and shipped as always and arrived today. I'll get it on the bike tomorrow and line everything up and then back to the gas and oil tank.

It's been cold and rainy the last few days but the forecast is for sun and warmer the next week or so and I'll be able to work outside again.

Still working on the bike. Lot of other things going on as well as I get ready to head East to bike camp for the summer. Camper needs new brake rotors and I discovered that brake rotors for a 1984 dodge van are no longer available anywhere in Canada. I'm not kidding. Even NAPA couldn't get them. NAPA Canada and NAPA U.S. are two different companies and they don't work together.

Amazon to the rescue and I got them out of N.Y.City for $218 Canadian shipped and delivered in 3 days with expedited shipping which is light speed for cross border shipping and reasonably priced. Camper is almost ready.

Happy is traveling up by mail to take the ride with me and I'll drop him off back at Dan's when I stop in to see him. There will be lot photos around the area before we leave and the trip down will be well covered as well. I'll look up the link to Happy Travels and you'll be able to see where he's been in the past.

The chains are going on the tri car in a day or two and the chain guard mounts for the engine is almost done so I'll be able to finish that and work on getting the engine running. I'll have the rear kickstand mounted so it can be seen in action. I still think that the kickstand is well worth the money.

I've finished the mounts for the chain guard...... again. Third time was the charm though and it is solid when bolted down. I didn't get a photo after I primed everything so that will be up tonight. Only thing left now is the gas tank/oil tank and running the real gas line as well as the fake ones that the real Indian would have had.

I discovered nutserts and my world will never be the same. I could only wish either for the strength of a gorilla when closing the handles to set the nutsert or handles on the gun that crimps the nutsert that were at least 6" longer. I can't find the box of 1/4" bolts with the proper head on them so I used stove bolts with a nut to tighten them up in place as you will see.


Paint took longer to dry than I thought it would yesterday but this morning it was ready and I got it all put together. Changing out the rear fender for a new one because the one on it has gone through 2 sets of tanks that were mounted in different ways and it's full of holes and chewed up.

Tomorrow it's tank day with the final set up and line up and then if that's OK, paint.


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Once again life has pulled me away from the tri car. I did get the gas and oil tank lined up and bolted together and it came out perfectly. I'm now smoothing out the dents that occurred when I made it and I'll have some photos up tomorrow to explain what I did and why so any one building a tank can dodge the mistakes I made.

Glad to hear from you & look forward to seeing the progress and the details of your fabrication experience. Rick C.
Thank you Rick. I would imagine that your flat out at work with your own fabrication. Then it's back to the bike build fun.
