Indian Tadpole

Just spent the better part of the day working on the bike and was having a lot of trouble with the primary chain fitting properly. The guy who modified the clutch put a sprocket on it that was too thin by about 1/2 the thickness needed but I knew that and figured that it would work to get the bike going.

After a lot of time trying to get the chain tighter and trying to find out why it wasn't fitting into the teeth on the clutch sprocket properly I checked and the sprocket teeth are so poorly made that the teeth have nothing to do with a #41 chain other than the rollers on the chain fit in it. The pitch on the teeth are way off.

She's dead Jim. No tri car for bike camp again this year. I'll try and get a photo of what I'm talking about directly to the forum now we can. Photobucket just sent me a notice that unless I pay $399 I can't hook up to my photos. Looking for some place to replace them.

Hi Curt,

I'm going to contact the chap that did the clutch and see what he says. It needs the proper sprocket or it won't go for long if at all.

Is that large cost for the posting on Photobucket for some reason that you posted a lot in a short period of time? I have always used just free usage on Flickr and maybe they have the same deal if it is by the amount of postings or something. But also for Video (maybe they also do pictures) I use Vimeo and they limit the amount of data for the free service for each month. So then I wait an the next month I can post more, or pay the upgrade fee.
Hi M.T.,

Photobucket's top brass decided to spring a $399 a year fee on anyone posting on 3rd party forums. That is anybody other than themselves. There was no warning at all. They just announced that they were changing their policies and WHAM, pay up or else we shut you down.

I have no objection to paying $50 or a $100 a year to keep my photos going but $399 a year for the crummy way Photobucket is run? Never and I'm sure millions of people are going to agree with me. From what I gather people are leaving as fast as they can find a rival service or they are going to start their own website which I may do. My nephew is a communications expert with Canada's Nation Guard and he worked for a company the provided servers for different companies so I 'll get his advice on how to set up a site. That way as long as I pay the yearly fee no one can push me off the pile unless the company goes under.

I post what I have done that I feel it's worth posting. I often save up bits from here and there and then post the photos. Other times I get a lot done when my health allows it which isn't often enough.

So they want to charge you more,
this Photobucket?
I'd frankly reply,
straight in their eye,
Photo, you can - keep - it.
Yep, that is excessive for sure, I would not pay it. Riding my briggs motorbike trail bike I am having to put off till I see what may be the cause of tendonitis or maybe neuralgia. One hand has half numb and now puffing up. Finally got an appointment will see next week. Maybe I think on canceling liability insurance for it as it will be not used for a while. Only it took a while to get a special construction policy, so maybe I can work a deal and say keep my money and use what remains for the yearly plan already paid. Then when in the future I notify you use the funds to re-activate my policy. Yeah Fat Fat Chance there I know!

It seems that the general opinion world wide is that if they are going to treat us like dogs there absolutely no reason they can't be the fire hydrant. Competition to be next is fierce.

Just heard back from the chap who did the clutch alterations. I'm going to send it to him when I get to bike camp with the sprocket I want to use and he'll modify it to fit.

Hey Steve,
Hurry up and wait has been part of our Indian tri-car experience since we began these projects about a hundred years ago. Why should anything be different now? Look on the bright side... this means we have to have bike camp again in 2018. Very much looking forward to seeing you toward the end of the month and seeing that wicked wicker forecar seat you have made up for the Hiawatha. The tri-car with it's new seat will be sitting in my apartment living room this winter where I can look at it over a cup of coffee whenever I like.
You guys are going to have a time at camp...good stuff.

Steve it seems that you posted about using rustoleum paint for a primary color, slow drying stuff, but used another brand of clear coat to accelerate the curing time. I'd appreciate knowing not only the brand but also the process, if it was you who posted the information. I went through quite a few posts and didn't see it. Thanks Rick C.
Hi Rick,

It wasn't me I'm afraid. I was using PlastiKote engine enamel as a top coat. Great paint but lousy spray cans. Spit droplets all the time and clog constantly.

Bummer oh well I'll keep searching posts. The Rustoleum paint really covers well, but cure time is ridiculously slow in my experience.

My best spraying rattle can experience is the Krylon high temp BBQ grill paint, extremely limited color palette and requires some heat to fully cure, but I've NEVER had a clog, spit or can that wouldn't spray. It dries to the touch fast and you would have to try real hard to make a run on a vertical surface. Covers well. Cures to a satin finish and once cured with added heat can polish out pretty bright. Super engine and frame paint pretty durable when properly cured ...don't think I've ever attempted to clear coat the stuff. UV resistence long term is probably not that great, but for quick patina on a vintage project it's worth consideration.

The spray can tip looks to be the same on all Krylon products so I'm thinking it's the paint's composition that is uniquely formulated for superior application. Rick C.
Bike camp this summer has been canceled. My health just isn't up to the long drive and the worries of something happening and I wind up in the hospital are to great. No sign of the bone infection returning but the cure has taken it's toll on my health. It seems that 9 months of the strongest antibiotics they had weren't kind to the rest of my system.

Travel health insurance won't cover existing conditions.Art Ritis is so happy he's dancing up and down.

To add to the joy the camper is down again. This time it's the carb. It seems that the only carb available in Canada for a 1984 Dodge with a 318 is 1,300 miles east of us. It will be here Tuesday. The tri car is on hold until I can get the clutch sent back to the machinist in Pennsylvania.

No photo link thanks to Photobucket's cash grab. I'm looking for another site to host the photos.
