Indian Tadpole

Hello to you all!
Congratulations on the 100th page of this nice thread/topic!
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Photobucket makes a real mess: when I want to see some photos - they call me to upgrade myself as "the third party"! In any forum, old photos simply disappeared if they were posted on Photobucket! Shame!

Happy and jolly building!

Bike camp this summer has been canceled. My health just isn't up to the long drive and the worries of something happening and I wind up in the hospital are to great. No sign of the bone infection returning but the cure has taken it's toll on my health. It seems that 9 months of the strongest antibiotics they had weren't kind to the rest of my system.

Travel health insurance won't cover existing conditions.Art Ritis is so happy he's dancing up and down.

To add to the joy the camper is down again. This time it's the carb. It seems that the only carb available in Canada for a 1984 Dodge with a 318 is 1,300 miles east of us. It will be here Tuesday. The tri car is on hold until I can get the clutch sent back to the machinist in Pennsylvania.

No photo link thanks to Photobucket's cash grab. I'm looking for another site to host the photos.

Take care of yourself Steve. I'm sure disappointment looms large with all involved 'cause I'm not involved and still I'm bummed about the camp.

P** bucket scam & hi jack is outrageous. I'm not great with the computer so I'd probably just lose all photos posted in the forum rather than replace one by one. I'm certain I'd refrain from ever using a third party host to store, organize and display, though a simple plan might be available I'm sure paying the ransom would not be an option. Rick C.
Hello to you all!
Congratulations on the 100th page of this nice thread/topic!
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Photobucket makes a real mess: when I want to see some photos - they call me to upgrade myself as "the third party"! In any forum, old photos simply disappeared if they were posted on Photobucket! Shame!

Happy and jolly building!


Hello Zoran,

Thank You. Had to believe that the thread is now moving into 100+ pages. Photobucket made it hard for everyone and their success in getting money out of people will not last long. Once people have moved their photos they won't be back and photobucket will disappear.

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Take care of yourself Steve. I'm sure disappointment looms large with all involved 'cause I'm not involved and still I'm bummed about the camp.

P** bucket scam & hi jack is outrageous. I'm not great with the computer so I'd probably just lose all photos posted in the forum rather than replace one by one. I'm certain I'd refrain from ever using a third party host to store, organize and display, though a simple plan might be available I'm sure paying the ransom would not be an option. Rick C.

Thank's Rick,

I was looking forward to bike camp but just couldn't do it. I'm going to the doctor and see what is available to combat the arthritis, either man made or natural.

I am going to go to SmugMug I think. It's $60 a year and they of course don't stop you from sending it to 3rd party sites. I'm working on the fact that nothing worth anything is free and the $60 is better than $399 a year which Photobucket wasn't worth when it was free.

SmugMug has an app called SmuggLr that will move photos from other sites to SmugMug. I have Firefox which is one of the ones that will work with SmuggLr. Plans are afoot.

Things are looking up. The carb got here today and my nephew just got the camper running and is setting up the carb at this very moment. The camper hasn't run that well since I owned it.

The frame for my glasses broke a few days ago and I had ordered a new pair today. Of course the new lenses I bought a couple of months ago don't fit so once again I got a lesson about just how expensive 2 bits of plastic can cost, not to mention frames. The great part is that now I can see clearly that the future is bright and shiny.

Off to the passport office tomorrow and once I get that I'll take the clutch down to Bellingham WA. and send it off to have the machinist put the proper sprocket on it.


Steve the glass half full is still just half full...and at a certain point the realistic and mature adults come to grips. Getting and giving some daily enjoyment is often a challenge but one that is worth whatever it costs to experience. So groggy, bleeding & weary one still answers the bell! Here"s to the good days & many more.. Rick C.
To true Rick. I just keep smiling because it drives them nut's trying to figure out what I know and they don't.

It's coming together. The camper is running like a champ and with the new glasses I can see forever. Looks like clear sailing and sunny skies.

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Steve how much time do you have before foul weather slows progress? I'm thinking "Old Pappy" was a philosopher of some note and a brewer of necessity. Sometimes they go hand in hand.

I hope to get some work in on the Copper Gator sidecar this fall and winter, though in a warm shop. Both the Harley Pea shooter and The Xcelsior Schwinn were pure "driveway" creations...poor boy old school and it's been a blast, but I pretty sure I'm over it and will return to some real shop tools on the next couple of builds. V twin or an electric 2 stroke hybrid are still of interest to me, but the Simplex sidecar is next.

Hope you get the clutch back in a timely fashion 'cause we want to see you riding in style! Rick C.
Hi Rick,

I had to try one to see how good a brewer Pappy was. Art isn't happy when I do but it was worth it. We've had one day of rain here on the wet coast since the beginning of June and the temperatures have been into the mid 80's which is hot compared to our normal weather. Late September into October will see more rain and after mid October it will be touch and go to find warm enough days to work outside if it's not raining.

The sky's are dark from the 200+ forest fires burning in British Columbia at the moment. It's now drifting over us.

I hope the tri car will be ready by then. I'm going to order the sprocket tomorrow and have it sent to the machine shop and send the clutch to Brian so he can put it all together.

"Couda been me on a "B double E double R UN" with apologies to no one including Garth Brooks, back in the day and on & in the way feeling lucky it would be someone else's turn to get the next round a couple hours later...just memories of the way we used to be. Sober since 1990 & still getting used to it!! Rick C.
I can relate to that photo all to well. Quite easily done if you position the beer correctly. In my wilder days everything came in bottles in Canada and they were in cases as well. The police took an evil pleasure in charging us with obstructed view and unsafe load tickets of truly epic proportions that cut drastically into the beer supply. They also confiscated the beer.

The ensuing rear racks were for the most part crude but highly efficient and the cops try as they might couldn't get us for insecure loads given the amount of rope we used to hold them in place.

I remember those days with fond memories. Towards the end of it and after my accident I cut the down time with a 1939 La Salle hearse that made the beer runs. Even the cops left us alone when we drove it around. Sure made the neighbours uneasy when we brought it home.
When we backed up to the government beer store they gave us the fish eye until they got used to it. There was a limit that you could buy per day as I recall and we'd have to make the circuit until we got a full load.

Life in Canada with all it's quirks.

So that 70's Show Episode was not far from the truth. Fez finds his green card and Steve says to the Mounties we'll grab our beer and leave. Mountie says you'll leave but your not getting your beer back.

The quote from time mark 2:26
I've ordered the sprocket for the clutch and had it sent to Brian in PA. He's the machinist who modified the clutch. I'll send the clutch back to him this weekend and he'll put on the heavier sprocket.

I've been using CBD oil made from hemp for the past week and a half and the transformation has been incredible. I'm using a 25% CBD hemp oil mix. Due to the fact it's made with hemp the THC content is 0.05% so therefore legal in the U.S. and Canada since it's under the 0.3 THC legal level. Combined with the turmeric and ginger tea I'm largely pain free and able to function nearly normally. That is taking a surprising amount of getting used to since it's been a few years since I have been able to function normally if at all.
I guess the main question will be how much does it take? I get it in a small syringe (1gram) and I squeeze out what would be the equivalent of the area of a grain of rice if it were laying on it's side, into a spoon and then put the spoon in my mouth like it was any other medicine. I do that morning and night. I order it online and it's mailed to me. Cost is $44 Canadian for close to a 2 week supply.

Canadians will be able to purchase pot or grow up to 4 plants for their personal use legally as of July 1st 2018. There will be a legal age of 18 or 19 depending on the province which will probable mirror that provinces drinking age. The provinces will decide where it will be sold but most likely government run liquor stores when it's legal and local pot dispensaries where it can be bought now with a doctors prescription.

Hopefully I'll have the rest of the trike done over the next two weeks as well as the seat for the Hiawatha while I wait for the clutch. We'll see what transpires.

That is a good one. The only thing they messed up on was the uniforms. The red serge is only worn on official occasions and is a class A uniform. The usual uniform is kind of drab.
My nephew is a Mountie and visitors ask him why he isn't wearing his class A uniform. They are very disappointed when they find out why.
