Indian Tadpole

Also beside Sprag Bearings are One Way Roller Bearings.

I was always thinking bearing always rolled. The One Way Roller Bearing seen in video at 50 second mark shows inside what happens. This is just like the pawl clutch in the recoil starter.

In the Sprag Bearing I wonder how the sprags not being round and rolling can have not too much friction, but they I guess made them some how to operate OK.
Thanks for supplying the link. Great video of the Reynolds clutch. Very clever device. Animation often captures the large concepts while coming up short on important sub design details...which may be the case in depicting sprag contours or lack thereof? However the short clip discloses enough information to at least give some small insights, if not complete understanding. Rick C.
When I saw the video of Brian starting the Harley it was an answer to what to do for a sprocket carrier on the jack shaft and starting the bike. He did say when I talked to him that he'd used roller bearings on his as well as bronze bearings. With mine he had gone with ball bearings if I remember correctly.

I may be wrong but when using the 3D Motorsports clutch you should be able to start the bike without anything special. When you have the bike on a kick stand and you pedal the bike the drive sprocket is turning. This will have the sprockets on the jack shaft turning. With the clutch pulled in you can get the rear wheel turning a good speed and when you let the clutch out the motor should turn over and start.

Have I missed anything?

When you get this modification done, will the pedals start the engine and the wheels stay still? Or are you going to have to pedal the Tadpole at a small speed and sort of bump start letting out the clutch?

I suspect the Tadpole would not really have the same option of having it up on a center stand to have the drive wheel clear the ground.
When I saw the video of Brian starting the Harley it was an answer to what to do for a sprocket carrier on the jack shaft and starting the bike. He did say when I talked to him that he'd used roller bearings on his as well as bronze bearings. With mine he had gone with ball bearings if I remember correctly.

I may be wrong but when using the 3D Motorsports clutch you should be able to start the bike without anything special. When you have the bike on a kick stand and you pedal the bike the drive sprocket is turning. This will have the sprockets on the jack shaft turning. With the clutch pulled in you can get the rear wheel turning a good speed and when you let the clutch out the motor should turn over and start.

Have I missed anything?


Steve that's what I'm seeing and also matches the explanation and videos on the 3D site. Pedal on stand or riding and bump start the engine, while employed on a bike. Rick C.
Clutch will be on it's way next week. Brian is a one man shop and busy so I want to thank him for taking the job on. As he said there was a lot of research and development went on with the clutch since he wanted to improve on what he had done on his clutch.

This will be the final piece to the puzzle and now the bike can move forward.

The clutch was mailed last Friday. They went to the extra effort to get it in the mail before the post office closed.

Steve am I led to believe that the Warwick will be delivering your posted clutch? If so it will be worth the wait and take lots of photos 'cause it's a beauty!

Rick C.
Talk about a stout delivery truck this Warwick's the real stuff! Looks like it could haul a quarter ton and appears the largest early delivery I've yet seen, just amazing. I hope the weather and your health are improving in sync and are perfectly timed with the starter clutches arrival. This Tadpole is getting real close to maturity, so is green a possibility? Rick C.
You could buy a modern equivalent until a few years ago.

We're both improving slowly Rick. More sunny days coming along if not overly warm. I've been collecting parts to put new tires and brakes on the trailer and a rear view back up camera on the camper. Trailer hasn't moved since 2012 and it continues to amaze me that people walk or try to drive behind a raised roof camper van and not see it's backed 3/4 of the way out of a parking spot.

I have proof that God loves idiots because he created so many of them.

The Warrick is a lot bigger than it looks. An impressive machine indeed. It does have me wondering about a delivery box for the tri car some time in the future.

The chair for the Hiawatha is getting closer to the finish and should be done about the time the clutch gets here then it will be nothing but back pockets and elbows showing until the tri car is done.

The clutch just arrived. Wowzer. Major modifications indeed. I sent Brian an email to ask if it's OK with him for me to show what was done and after doing it does he want to do others. If he's OK with it I post photos right away.

The Hiawatha seat is on the way to being finished and then it's on to the tri car wrap up.

Drum beat please.

Good news indeed for all tricar followers and especially you and Silver bear. I'm liking the wicker look and your detailed photo compilation on both builds. I can't stand it when someone says "well all you have to do...." yeah right, but did you ever consider the 55 steps taken to get there? There are many builds started that are never completed, at least not much more than assembling a kit would have taken. It would be well if those thinking about building one off bikes would read this thread before deciding to forge ahead. It's not rocket science but it's not "all you gotta' do" either. Oh yeah Iactually dig on the kit bikes and built several myself lol. Rick C.
Hi Rick, Yep "All you have to do is." indeed. If nothing else I do have the ability to stick with something until it's done no matter how long it takes. This might well serve as a lesson in building one off bikes. Doesn't help when your picky about how well it's done.

I guess if I had just stayed with the plans most people would have say "Wow, look at that. How did you do it?" Trouble is I live with Mr. Perfection (Me) and at times we're strange bed fellows. One says finish the darned thing and the other says not yet, it isn't just right.

I would certainly agree with you about a kit bike. A Sportsman Cycle frame and add on's would have seen this done years ago. My mistake was building a copy of a well know bike and there are no short cuts if it's going to look right.

Brian said it was OK to post photos of what he did and include his contact information so
I'll get that done tomorrow.

Purchased everything to build another movable work bench and the bits needed to finish up the wicker seat for the sidecar. After that I'll be after finishing the tri car now the clutch is here.

Here are photos of the modified clutch. I'll get photos of it on the bike soon as I get the seat for the Hiawatha tri car done. Lots of work done to the clutch and done well. Large sprocket is driven by the engine and the small sprocket goes to the rear sprocket.

The clutch activator is now free of the clutch and rides on bearings.

Due to the motor I used I had to be able to pedal the bike to start it and to keep the chain guard on the engine looking some what correct the clutch needed to be on the jack shaft.

Here is where I bought the parts. You'll need to Goggle them.

I used a Sportsman Flyer pedal crank and jack shaft combination. They use the pedal crank on their record holding race bikes and sell a complete bike kit in various levels. Frame to a complete running bike.

Clutch is a 3D Motorsport clutch. Great company to deal with. Excellent personal service.

Brian Stichter at [email protected] (1-484-955-8287) did the machine work. He is also on Facebook and you can contact him there and see the bikes he builds for sale. His Harley Davidson is what prompted me to call him.

Tell him it's about the clutch he modified for Fast Eddy. No money in your pocket or mine but he'll know what it's about. You'll have to buy the clutch from 3D Motorsport and have it sent to him to modify. He's in Pennsylvania.

As always if you have questions please ask. If your a member of the forum please click on my name at the top and send me a PM or leave a message here. If your not a member consider joining us. I think you will be glad you did.

Steve. Tri-car Build/DSC_0011_zpshltrhrzw.jpg