This bike your making is quite classy and looks near finishing time is soon!
I have made progress on my build, but have got under the weather the last few days, and I don't mean rain and wind. I actually took time to go wind surfing when that happened as there is not the usual thermal winds in the winter to go sailing.
I have a jackshaft that I will rearrange to use a 10 inch pulley in place of a 2 inch pulley and with the same one the rear wheel have 25:1 and should be able to go with clutch engaged at 5mph for parade stuff.
I have thought of making curved brackets like you tank holders, except that where I want to use them is on the inverted U-shaped tube for the banana seats sissy bar.
I know they must use tempered or very stiff metal on these as they are for clamps that have to hold the weight of the person sitting on the seat divided by the two tubes that clamp by the rear drop outs.
What I want a couple more pairs are for adding a way of holding the exhaust tube and muffler out under the banana seat and the rear tire. There is enough room for this and only time will tell if it is not, by both the seat too hot or rear tire affected.
I also found that a leaf screen meant for the down spouts on rain guttering fit nicely over the muffler. It would be in case I would accidentally touch it. The corrugated exhaust copper tube I will also think of maybe some guard although it is more out of the way.
I found some electrical clamps that will support the light weight of the muffler and guard screen on the ½ inch sissy bar tubes. I wanted these electrical clamps to be ones that could be a little more beefy that could support more weight part of an art cover for the motor bike that comes after the bikes done.
I checked and found that I can buy a pair of these in chrome to use, but they are quite expensive with shipping and all. I could for the same price buy another sissy bar minus the banana seat to get two more clamps at a local bike shop.
If I could get extras fairly inexpensive that some one knows a source of let me know.
I think though I can try heating strips of metal and making a jig like you have done, only that I won’t put my thumb on the glowing metal to press it around a form!
Immersing in water I can try to get temper back into the metal. My cover for art cover made to be installed and removed will have to be light weight, so thin flexible wood or composite may be even OK with the electrical clamps I got.
There will be many more points I be attaching it to which will distribute the weight evenly. Those other points I will probably MIG weld some metal that I can bolt a cover on to.
For the Hiawatha, I like the looks of the gas tank in copper and I think the aging affect when it darkens is OK for the bike color red of the frame that surrounds it.