I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

Seems like electric bicycles are the absolute most controversial of all bikes. A lot of bicycle riders hate them. Motor bicycle, gas bike riders like myself until recently look down on them.

No one likes how much any electric vehicle costs, that's for sure. Welcome to the 21st century. I think they're going to become more and more popular though, and prices will come down in time.
Stuff is worth whatever someone else is willing to pay.

Fair value is the price reached by a seller that doesn't have to sell and a buyer that doesn't have to buy.

And the real cost of anything is not being able to buy something else.
I was reading on a bicycle forum for downhill racers where they were talking about Stealth's, and how they were afraid to have Stealth bikes riding the same trails they were on. They were actually going so far as to say if they saw a Stealth on the trail they were going to stop the bike and make a citizens arrest on the rider and call authorities to come arrest them.
I was reading on a bicycle forum for downhill racers where they were talking about Stealth's, and how they were afraid to have Stealth bikes riding the same trails they were on. They were actually going so far as to say if they saw a Stealth on the trail they were going to stop the bike and make a citizens arrest on the rider and call authorities to come arrest them.

thats crazy talk
the Stealth is a mediocre design replicated en masse and sold at an artificially high pricepoint.

Eah, it's ok. Even I have to admit anybody would look stupid trying to justify a cost like this. But that never stopped me in the past LOL.
I got a disease, mototwowheelyfastyitus

Sometimes bikes with mediocre design are popular for some other reason? Harley's come to mind, and they're expensive too.
Stone mason alert. This is the interesting part of the Kitchen remodel. After today we're almost done. Pictures to come.
the Stealth is a mediocre design replicated en masse and sold at an artificially high pricepoint.

Man Dude, What do you have against the Bombers? Personally I wouldn't mind having one. They're build clean, nothing's exposed and it's plenty fast. I'm just trying to see your point of view because even the price seems fair. I'm looking at the whole package with parts and especially labor.
This is almost like buying a Ferrari or building a kit car that can go like a Ferrari at a fraction of the cost. Personally....I'd rather have a Ferrari. :)
I think the boss hit the jackpot with this green granite. WOW is all I can say. I may be getting the short end of this deal lol.
Nice! I'm planning on replacing my tile counter tops with Granite. The Mrs hasn't found a color she likes yet. Definite post a pic of it when it's done.
16v4 is looking at this with a trained engineering mind. Engineers always think about the cost vs function, and common sense.

Motorcycle maniacs like me, and a lot of us, are geared more toward the function, and esthetic appeal, damn the cost. Once the disease takes hold common sense isn't even in the equation anymore. Think Bigmouth bass eyeing a shiny lure LOL.
This house is stinking right now from some kind of stinky glue they're using to hold the 600 lb countertop down. You never know when those things might go flying off.
Nice color!! Now you can tell everyone that you got your wife a big rock in exchange for your bike!

Good luck in the conclusion of your 'trade'!
we did granite in our condo, it really brings a kitchen to life i think. as far as the stealth, ya its expensive but dang it is nice motorized bicycle. real nice :)