Have You Ever Found Anything Valuable While Motorbiking?

My cousin was driving behind a meat truck when a box full of freshly-packed beef (steak, ribs, cutlets, etc.) fell off the truck. The truck kept on going, so my cousin stopped and removed the box from the middle of the road.dance1
I've only found a gold watch or two, but I've got a keen eye for such things......laff


"I've only found a gold watch or two, but I've got a keen eye for such things......"

Actually, it's been a while! ...that I've had my metal detectors out.
Got a small flock of em.
Never got any really GREAT treasures, but have found some valuable things, here and there.
SO, it does become force of habit... to keep your eyes open for things when out in public where folks may have been reckless or careless.

I'll need to buy some new batteries whn I get rid of my sticks!

Tnx, Scotto!
oh yea there's plenty of wrenchs and sockets laying out there,,,,,you're real lucky if you find cash,,,, 200 you can buy you a new motor!!!!!
Ya know, I did find something very valuable whilst riding my motorbike on the most recent run to the drug store:
I was wearing (in addition to other clothes) a pair of somewhat-baggy khaki pants (my standard uniform, as it were) and as I went over a sealed crack in the pavement I heard something go "fwap".
Now, most people will tell you that I am the most curious person they've met. Actually, no they won't. That's just what the polite people will say. Many will use the most common euphemism for "rectum". Either way, I just HAD to see what made that sound. HAD to. It didn't seem to be anything necessary to the function of the bike. So back I went. And there, in the street, was my WALLET! Aaaaaaa!
Okay, so I spend a lot of time being broke, but I had money that day so that made it valuable.
I pulled up to a stopsign once, and there was a real nice 16 foot chain with hooks laying there!
I leaned down and grabbed it. Folded it over one shoulder and took off.

After about 100 feet, I looked down and the end of the chain with it's hook, got away and was down there bouncing off the rear spokes!
I immediatly stopped and stashed the chain in the bushes at a DIY carwash right there.
Came back later with my truck. I was REAL lucky.
This was 30 years ago, and I was on a 68 XLCH, and I still use this chain all the time on the homestead.
Wish I had kept the Sportster.
Dude! Dude! the money goes in the front pocket!!!!! not in the wallet.......you gonna loose your money and your papers!!!!!

You know, that's actually what I started doing after that. Now I see why some people put important stuff in their pocket and not in their wallet. Every day brings a new lesson to learn.
I've always got an eye out for interesting or unusual stuff in my travels. I'll often see a bit of scrap or something and I'll know it has a use.. I just have no idea what for yet. I've found a fair collection of tools.. assorted sockets, hammers seem common around where I work, found 4 of them so far..

Some days I ride, other days I take the car. Last Wednesday was a car day, and it turned out to be a good thing, too. (It's an '02 Buick, with a trunk you can park a SmartCar in). So at the end of the day I stop for a smoke before hitting the road (the boss doesn't like us smoking around the building, and I don't smoke in the car so I stop up the road a bit). I'm standing there for a few minutes, and I notice the end of a beat up toolbox sticking out of the dumpster of the moving company in the next lot. There was no one around, so when I finished my smoke I went for a closer look. Minutes later I had the car backed up and was loading this old long style metal box in.
I had a chance to take a good look at the contents on Saturday.




There's a glue gun (and big bag of sticks for it) out of sight beside the box itself..

Now I've got to figure out where to put the stuff... ;)
What a nice haul. Kind of makes you wonder why it's in the dumpster but with moving companies who knows what is going on.

I suspect someone must have gone overdue on thier storage fees or something. Still, a great find and a place I'll now be keeping an eye on more often.
Hadn't thought about the overdue storage. They keep the good stuff to get their money back and toss the rest.
That would be my favorite new spot to keep and eye on also.

man nice assortment of stuff, I'm always looking weather I'm on my bike or in my truck, on Thrusdays I'm always in my truck .thats trashday when they put out the big stuff one time I pickup a whrout iron patioset 2 chairs and a table got it blasted and painted at work now I got it in front of the house people stop and want to buy it???