Have You Ever Found Anything Valuable While Motorbiking?

A paving crew came past my body shop and laid pavement clear down main street .As the large crew had finished and left to go to another part of town, I walked across the street to place an order at the GM dealer ,and there in the ditch was a folded up $20 bill . In this case F.K.L.W.
A pair of memorable events for me; neither earthshaking...

Was pedalling my roadbike and found a small black box in the middle of a sidestreet. Stopped; it was a Radio Shack 10-channel hand-held scanner. Probably worth $50 when new. Put in batteries; it worked. I ordered a gizmo called a downconverter that picked up the 850 to 950 MHz range. At that time, analog cellphones used that range. By following directions, I could listen in to real-time telephone conversation; could not transmit. That was while I lived in Boston. I heard mostly business calls, some worth learning from, and some that are not fit for polite social conversation. In Colorado Springs, all calls I heard were boring; mostly building contractors. With all-digital cell phones now, I can't listen to any more good conversations.

Second... Was walking along a road outside Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Found a billfold of a soldier, ID, girl friend picture, two dollars cash, and his receipt for his M-16 rifle issue. I turned them into a former First Sergeant. He was pretty concerned about that rifle issue receipt. No reward; just knowing I helped out some soul that may have gotten into serious trouble without ID.
anything valuable?

just the smile on my face...

Me too, Bairdco.
What I was thinking as I started reading this thread was that I found a lot smiles and peace of mind riding along the forest road where I live. I found a fox earlier this summer who watched the motorbicycle pass with my dog Aaniimoosh in the trailer behind. I started noticing this fox more often and it no longer dashed off into the forest when we passed, but watched us from the side of the road. I think in some way the fox knows I am no threat and that I feel a deep appreciation for it's being my neighbor. We have found countless startled deer who bound off into the woods and one who stood his ground, pawing and snorting, preparing to defend itself. We found a moose one day cantering along the side of the road who turned off into the trees and looked as us over its shoulder... then slipped away ghostlike. I felt privileged to witness such. We found turtles laying their eggs in the gravel shoulder and rode beneath the soaring wings of Golden and Bald eagles. As much as the visual treasures I appreciate the peace of mind my rides give me. There is something calming about the spinning wheels and the sound of the motor and a direct connection to being a child again, speeding along on a bicycle with the wind in my face. There is a boy inside looking out through old man eyes. I am the tattered overcoat that boy is wearing. So many good things have I found while riding on my motorbicycle that I am a wealthy man even without money.
I found 50bucks while skiing and split it with my friend, can't remember what I put it towards, and a friend found 10 bucks in 3rd grade at the beach in an old mattress.
if i saw women's panties on the side of the road, i wouldn't consider it a "valuable find."

now, if it was a panty-less woman, that's another story...
hellhammered, bro, there are cushions and then there's the whole dammed sofa and at my age I'm too old to learn how to upholster.

fast"Mr Stuffin"eddy
I wasn't on my bike but one day several years ago I saw a Crown Royal bag laying in the street. You know, those purple velvet things with the gold draw string. I stopped and snagged it up and drove off, tossed the bag on the passenger seat. At a stop light I opened it and found a plastic bag with about an ounce of cocaine.
I thought, oh great, now I'll get stopped and the cop will find it. I'm not a user and way too old to start dealing so I drove to the nearest police station and went in carrying my little purple bag.
The cop at the desk asked if he could help and I said I'd found some suspicious stuff on the street and I wanted to turn it in. He looked in the bag, told me to have a seat and two detectives came out and started questioning me about my find. It took about twenty minutes to convince them that I was just being a good citizen and not some whacko who got off bringing drugs into a police station. They finally let me go, but they kept the bag. :)
I found a ladies wallet on the highway. Cash, credit cards, id and some papers. She must have been moving pretty fast when it fell off the car because it was scattered over about 40 yards. I found her phone number and called got her son. They lived 60 miles away. Gave my phone number so she could call and I would meet her on the highway. She said she had laid it on the car top when she gassed up about a mile back. Very nice lady and really appreciated getting it back, she said not many honest people around anymore. No cash reward but gave me her husbands card and said to call him. Turns out that he was a highway patrolman over the southern half of the state. Gave me his cell number and said if I ever needed help call him. In other words a get out of jail free card. I have never needed it for myself but my son in law got a ticket from one of those hotshots making his quota so I used it for him.
A couple of years ago I was doing some shopping when I spied a wallet laying on the sidewalk. No money, but it had the guy's driver's license, credit cards, and a bunch of business cards with notes and numbers on the back. I figured they may be important to the guy so I walked over to a phone booth, found his number in the phone book and gave him a call:

Me: "Hi, I think I found your wallet laying on the sidewalk..."

Him: "What? You're the bastard who stole my wallet! You better have all my money!!"

Me: "No, I didn't steal anything. I found it laying on the ground. Sorry, there's no money, but I thought you may want the I.D. and other stuff..."

Him: "Where are you?"

Me: "I'm at the phone booth near the liquor store on Oxnard and Reseda..."

Him: "Good!! You better stay there because I'm calling the police and I'm going to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the.." [CLICK]

I hung up the phone, walked around to the back of the store, tossed the wallet into the dumpster, and left.