Well-Known Member
No good deed goes unpunished! LOL
Serves the jerk right, now he dosen't get his stuff back! He was stupid on top of that, he should have said "I'll be right there" you don'tl warn someone that the cops are comming!
Serves the jerk right, now he dosen't get his stuff back! He was stupid on top of that, he should have said "I'll be right there" you don'tl warn someone that the cops are comming!
A couple of years ago I was doing some shopping when I spied a wallet laying on the sidewalk. No money, but it had the guy's driver's license, credit cards, and a bunch of business cards with notes and numbers on the back. I figured they may be important to the guy so I walked over to a phone booth, found his number in the phone book and gave him a call:
Me: "Hi, I think I found your wallet laying on the sidewalk..."
Him: "What? You're the bastard who stole my wallet! You better have all my money!!"
Me: "No, I didn't steal anything. I found it laying on the ground. Sorry, there's no money, but I thought you may want the I.D. and other stuff..."
Him: "Where are you?"
Me: "I'm at the phone booth near the liquor store on Oxnard and Reseda..."
Him: "Good!! You better stay there because I'm calling the police and I'm going to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the.." [CLICK]
I hung up the phone, walked around to the back of the store, tossed the wallet into the dumpster, and left.