Happy Travels

Happy And His New Friend Mac Won The Fight.hd


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where is Happy? havnt seen the little guy in a while! send him my way and I ll show him parts of the Lincoln Trail in Decatur, IL
any updates? (or is he MIA and off on a binge again?)

After he has been to all 50 states, should we send him to Iraq? Look good on his resume to have served in the military. Well it would pretty much be all he has on it, snork.


Is up to who ever has him last, where his next stop is, so just a thought.

Dunno if you guys/gals are enjoying this as much as I am. I used to come home from work just to check on Happy and where he was. Just saying thanks.
...And if you get work...write.
All kidding aside, where is he? Who hosted the little fellow last and where'd they send him? The last I knew he was in Miss. with Doc. WHERE IS HAPPY NOW??? His twin is getting concerned.
A BOLO4 Happy is now in effect (Be on Look out 4) Happy is now "code red" (Mostly 'cause I can't spell tangerine)

"Happy travels"

"Happy on a MB"

"Where is Happy?"

"Happy in CT" (insert local here)

just thought this funny. An uplifting play on words

First pic is us getting ready to go...the smiles vanished when I did my "preflight" and found that the leaky exhaust was from a stripped stud. We JB Weld'ed it and 2 hours later we were off!

Second pic is outside of Rogene's Kitchen. That is a place where you go in, sit at a semi-formal dining setting and she serves you whatever she's cookin...then you pay only what you thought the meal was worth. Kinda weird, but I like it.

The next one is a picture of one of the many back roads of Ashtabula county...yeah, it says 'travel at your own risk' and 'No winter maintenance'.

Finally, a rest stop....a small bridge on one of the 12' wide paved roads near me.

About 30 miles all together. Enough for today, gotta go to work.

Rogene's Kitchen looks like a real experience! Just out of curiosity, what kind of meal might you get there? What would be an average charge or payment? Wish we had something like that around here ... would be a welcome change.
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Rogene's Kitchen looks like a real experience! Just out of curiosity, what kind of meal might you get there? What would be an average charge or payment? Wish we had something like that around here ... would be a welcome change.

I love this idea! I just proposed a "hamburger Helper kitchen/restaurant" got shot down by Momma but how cool a thunk! I would go. All you can eat for 6 bucks. But I love HBH! (dang dawg got my dinner last night. Was ...forget, but had 1 bowl and was awesome) she eat it so careful, she left the spoon in the the dang bowl!

Love my dawg. If it was Carol's food, the bowl would be dumped and we would still be lookin' for the spoon.

(Shelly thinks I am scary and in charge. She is wrong) lol
I love this idea! I just proposed a "hamburger Helper kitchen/restaurant" got shot down by Momma but how cool a thunk! I would go. All you can eat for 6 bucks. But I love HBH! (dang dawg got my dinner last night. Was ...forget, but had 1 bowl and was awesome) she eat it so careful, she left the spoon in the the dang bowl!

Love my dawg. If it was Carol's food, the bowl would be dumped and we would still be lookin' for the spoon.

(Shelly thinks I am scary and in charge. She is wrong) lol

Keep me posted on the Hamburger Helper buffet ... I think the stuff is delicious! I remember the first time I tried HBH ... it was love at first bite!

Same goes for Maypo. Hey ... there's a breakfast buffet idea!
Fellas, my opinion of Hamburger Helper is that the boxes are way too small. I found it takes two boxes to make a meal.

Before I was forced to watch what I ate, I had it at least 4 nights a week. Wish there had been a favorite but never saw a hamburger Helper my lips could refuse. Loved the left overs, the few times there were any.

Remember the Maypo commercial? Ended with "I want my Maypo". Wonder if it is still made?

Fellas, my opinion of Hamburger Helper is that the boxes are way too small. I found it takes two boxes to make a meal.

Before I was forced to watch what I ate, I had it at least 4 nights a week. Wish there had been a favorite but never saw a hamburger Helper my lips could refuse. Loved the left overs, the few times there were any.

Remember the Maypo commercial? Ended with "I want my Maypo". Wonder if it is still made?



The original Hamburger Helper is mighty hard to beat!

I just Googled Maypo and the good news is you can still get it ... for $45 you can get a whole case of the big boxes of this wonderful stuff!

I think the first commercial on the site below is the original commercial ... which is better than many of the shows on TV today!

maypo cereal - Google Videos

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