Happy Travels

Iam looking for him, I thought he would be here today! thanksgiving is almost here and Iam sure he's gonna be hungry!
File i just saw on the news a motorcycle hit a fedx truck in Memphis the fedx truck caught on fire and burned its cargo.Happy went by usps,he's safe.H.D.
Hey Dan ,Does Happy do any Geo-cache? is he equipped to do any geo-cache? (have a list rolled up inside of members name and date)
dunno what "Geo-cache" is file. can we use it? be kinda cool. I would enjoy seeing where our lil buddy is. Like tracin' Santa. (only an evil ping-ponged sized arch villian bent on world domination and alcohol abuse)
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File and Dan if you are good boys i'll give you the tracking number.1000500123707 but dont let anyone else know what it is.H.D.
I'm not worried, Happy doesn't have the attention span for world domination. Just let a pretty young antenna decoration drive by and he's off chasing her!
