My New Hobby

Tim Mills

New Member
Hey everybody jus wanted to let everybody I feel like my first an all my builds will be a success because of you all ,GREAT FORUM! Good to know there are other people out there as enthusiastic as i am about this when i first got here an saw these things i knew i wanted one. Don't know if anyone has read my other threads but Im deployed in Iraq right now when we got here peple had these kits so a few of my fellow soldiers got them an we have been tinkering since lol. Well lately the new post command is trying to find a reason to get rid of them but as long as we abide by the rules we can keep riding for now anyway. So this brings me to my reason for this post, Today my riding buddy and i were riding we went to chow to eat as soon as we shut down we heard somebody say you guys are lazy jus plain lazy we looked up an it was the post commander a full bird colnel. Then he says i should take a picture of you guys on those scooters an send them to your kids jus lazy. Of cours he jus stepped out of his tahoe or whatever with the a/c going. First off i dont think its lazy unless thats a new word for fun i mean im away from home an family i need something to pass the time an as far as sending a picture to my kid i alraedy know what he would say, when can i ride LOL. I know i will already have to buy a tarp to cover it so he wont bug me every second to ride LOL. With all this being said I think these things are great an I cant wait to get home to really start my new hobby hope the wife feels the same (guy says he is going to give me his sky hawk before we leave great for the wifes build) BETTER TO ASK FOGIVENESS THAN PERMISSION, LOL. Jus want to thank you guys for info an Tips an especially pics. her is a couple from me my two partners rides an mine still awaiting Dax F80. Thanks again God Bless


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Greetings and welcome to the Forum.Yes this forum is a great help.They solved my bogging problems and taught me how to make throttle cable ends.I already had a thread tap and extra set screws that I used for other things such as a three point hitch I made for my trailer and to lock in my crank bearing assembly.Its funny how these set screws I had were just the right size.I sure am glad I visited this forum.
I seem to be the only one in the city of where I live that visited this forum.
Well, tell that post commander... "YESSIR!!!"

and remember to yerself that it's hardly the lazy way to have a hobby like this'un and scratch build yerself a ride ;)
Hey thanks guys for replying i don think its lazy at all, i mean they teach us to work smarter not harder i think this is pretty smart for around 200 bucks i can have great fun and ride like the wind lol thanks guys Tim.flg.
"The addiction" snork! Is so funny. I think there are 2 kinds of folks. 1 will look at a MB and ask "Where can I get one?" (after the MPH and MPG questions) The other dismisses them out right. The latter, I have always found to be a bit dull. The former always seem to have a story and is well in touch with the mirth of their inner child.

I have yet to meet a single MBer I didn't like and enjoy hanging out with. Each and every one is half a bubble off plumb but to the good.

When ya get back home, be sure to hit a rally or find some folks to go for a ride with. Just a blast and a heck of a learning experience.

Come home safe and sound
Remember, they're only taking bites outta your a$$ because they're chasing you from behind.

I bet if you search hard enough, you can find a gun rack or RPG mount for your bike! (I'm from Michigan, and I can almost guarantee they make 'em here somewhere!)
Hey guys thanks for replies again good to hear from other MBers. Thanks for the good wishes not too much longer left now thank God. This is my best hobby yet im enjoying it already and meeting some frindly folks Doc Bolm lives not too far from me back home cant wait to ride with some fellow bikers really seems like it would be fun. Cant wait to see peoples faces in my town and im already looking for a bike for my wife, yeah i know im kissing up but im sure she will love it to be doing something together plus my wife use to have cancer and the doctors really dunno how she walks or even stands, truly a miracle so i believe that one of these MBs will be great for her. Then im sure i will have a bigger honeydo list lol. Oh well now i have got lots of buds to help me out thanks again. Tim.flg.
Reminds me when I went riding with my wife to be who has said forget the motor ,I'll peddle for health. She learned after our first ride together to bring a rope so I can pull her along. She found that much more fun, and yes she will have a motor on her bike for next year.
Wow Tim. So glad to hear that about your wife! God bless.

Just a thought; Schwinn: 2009 Tango Tandem LOL Would make for an awesome 4 stroke build.

Was just looking at the MP and rifle scabbard. Think I have to build one. We have 2 Army/Navy stores close by. Am sure I could sell at least one.

I bet Doc is a blast to hang out with. He is Happy's agent.

Hey! we should ship happy to you so he will have military service to add to his resume!
You could totally put a 80cc on that Schwinn tandem and throw the jackshaft deal on it.. hahah..

I want to try putting an engine on one of these

I think it'd be fun and a great way to make some extra bucks this summer... hehehe..
Hey guys thanks for the blessing my wife is truly a miracle. I told her that some guys had engines for their bikes and she did laugh but im sure she will love itt when we both have one. Im having fun already and havent even started my build yet I have been ridung an tinkering with my buddies bikes I know i will love it at home man i cant wait thanks Tim.flg.
awesome Momentum!!!!! That would be great! I might finnaly get Carol on a MB. lol

would with out a doubt go 4 smoker with both. (for the extra torque)

If made with reasonable quality, that would sell. And be a blast to build and ride.

Hard to see the pic, are those springer forks and a suicide shifter. LOL, might just be that I am old, blind and need to clean my screen
Thanks for your support guys, momentum that is a cool idea that would completely spoil her lol. Oh yeah send happy on he could see this part of the world.Thanks again guys Tim
I lived and worked out that way (middle east) for dang sure and no bout-a-dought it, Happy will end up causing some sort of international "incident" and cause a great deal of discourse.

I say we go for it. Whats the worse that can happen?

snork, snork, snork.....

PS, Happy loves high power, fire power. Give him a chain gun
Tim, from one old vet to a young one...God Bless, come home soon. You've chosen a fun hobby and a great bunch of guys here to share it with. How long before rotation? Oh wait, that might be Air Force terminology...How long before you're home? Keep in touch with us. Our thoughts are with you son, and every one of our troops.