Guns who has one ?

Air rifles r cool but guns are better :D not that i own one:( but it would b fun my only question is besides target practice and hunting what else can you use them for? and not go to jail :P could you use one to open your beer cans like homer simpson? :D Perhaps turn off your tv ???

protection if someone wants to harm you your family life threatining situation anything of that sort it does happen more than we think and i was 9 when i recieved my first gun from my father and was always taught better to have it and never need it for that but it could save your life or your loved ones .shft.
Ive got a 1942 Mosin-Nagant m/91, a 1972 mossberg smooth bore .22lr, and a 2009 Remington 770 with a 42x scope. hehe. l luvs dem.
A lot of us like the 45auto. I have owned and used them since the mid 60's. A very effective close range weapon. The U.S. used this round in the Thompson SMG. The one down side to this round is the rapid loss of velocity at range. At 100yds the slow moving 45 slug will bonce off the old steel helmets we wore in Viet Nam. The 9mm will still pass through both sides (that's with a head inside) this is the reason most SMG types use the 9mm (9X19) or other high velocity rounds.
I'll just say I'm a cofounder of our local Cowboy Action Shooting club, have pairs of iron in each caliber and love shooting blackpowder. (^)
what happens if you bump into someone and a fight brakes out?
you leave california,because here in florida we just say excuse me.

my only question is besides target practice and hunting what else can you use them for?


anyways,i got a hipoint 45 i just bought a few weeks ago.
$186 brand new out the door.some people bad mouth these guns but they have a lifetime warranty and their made in ohio.
ive shot 200 rounds thru it and its accurate and no could arm your whole family at these prices.
they also make some carbines but they dony have high capacity mags for them.
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1 if you disarm the people the gov will take over just look at what Hitler did to take over 2 a gun has never killed a person people use guns to kill people and 3 only law abiding citizens give up there guns willingly if you disarm the people only the punk criminal will have them
I love guns.

I am currently waiting my 10 days on an FNP .40 and can't wait to take it to the range.

GOD bless America and our second amendment right. I think it is what separates us from most countries. IMO the rest of our rights don't mean squat without the second amendment.
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I heard the argument before. Can't remember, but think the '#s favored the 25? The 22s do so much bouncing around inside a rib cage that fatal is a common result.


A .25 gets 25% more penetration than a ..22 does and .22s do not bounce around inside the rib cage
That is an old wives tale that was debunked long ago
( but it would b fun my only question is besides target practice and hunting what else can you use them for? and not go to jail :P could you use one to open your beer cans like homer simpson? :D Perhaps turn off your tv ???

Besides preventing my wife from being gang raped and me beaten to death by a group of thugs, my ex from being abducted by a man that later abducted and brutally raped and killed another local mother, an elderly couple from being beaten by a group of Brit tourist for driving too slow and being Irish, a meth head from breaking into my home while my kids and me slept and a neighborhood kid from being mauled by a large dog
I can't think of anything I have ever needed one for

There are another 1 to 2000000 people a year that have the same trivial need for a handgun each year

Of course we could just turn butt side up like england, which was recently declared the most violent country on Earth since their disarming
Or perhaps e could try to mimic Australia, where young women are four times more likely to be raped than any where else

Anyone that feels that banning guns prevents crime while permitting gun ownership causes crime
I challenge you to explain the Kennesaw/Morton Grove paradox
not a lot of people are shot in england but it happens, but a whole lot of people are cut up and die, alot more than in the usa. its outta control in a lot of places, i'll keep my ak, and my 45 and of course my sniper rifle to reach out and touch someone. god bless the USA/ peace out
well let me tell you 93-94 I was at the but end of a joke and some had me thinkin that satanists wre out to get me

You could have stopped there.....sorry but with a start like that I cannot see any coherant reason to support gun control.

There are nuts everywhere.....some own guns....that is no reason to impede ownership by law abiding citizens who do not see satinists coming after them every moment of the day.

Last thought:

Gloria Bunker-Stivic: Daddy, did you know that sixty percent of the people murdered in this country in the last ten years were killed by guns?

Archie Bunker: Would it make you feel any better, little girl, if they was pushed out of windows?
I love my guns. I mostly shoot air rifles just because I have an indoor range and can shoot anytime I want but I do have powder burners as well. Ruger MKII Target .22lr, and a Winchester Ranger 120 12ga shot gun.
ya i got a 1976 mk1 9shot says made in the 200th year of american liberty on the barrel bought it brand new $63 oh and a 10-22 $79
Here in Montana guns are more or less a tool. Let me explain, before you eat your food, you gotta cook your food, before you cook your food you gotta get your food. Now thats were guns come in - to get your food you gotta kill your food. Now if its chickens or rabbits your going to cook - a good sharp knife is the only tool needed. However your not going to want to kill anything bigger with just a knife. Thats when you get the right tool for the right job. Now the right tool for grouse or squirls might be a 22lr. You might use a 22-250 hollow point for a small white tail. If you want to drop an elk a 30-06 does just fine.
My uncle likes to use a 20ga shotgun for squirrel hunting. He never eats them though, the barnyard cats do.