Guns who has one ?

and the attacker would haver gotten what he deserved i have no patiance or mercy for people that pray on what they consider easy pray or figure they wont put up a fight untill they find themselves on the other side of the gun im glad your wife was prepared and defended herself accordingly


Taurus PT140 .40 S&W



Beretta CX4 .40 S&W
COOOOL!! i like the handgun--my dad used to have a pearl handled 6 shot revolver used 22 shorts
Here in Canada they are restricting even long guns the new government was supposed to scrape the already billion dollars spent registry-they so far after 2 years have done nothing !-some guys are hiding them . Have you a gun -what type( were afraid to tell you)--anyone tried one on your motorized bike ?.flg.

Seems to me, you work for the Government askin questions like that on a Motorbike forum.
Just a subject ive wondered about a handgun to me is a wild west thing.

"Remember, when seconds count, the police are minutes away..." - Not just a cliche anymore:

Recently, a 911 recording was released about a small town here in rural Oklahoma. A woman had a crazed man trying to break her door in. She called 911, said she had a shotgun but she didn't want to use it. She asked the dispatcher to please get an officer out there quickly. She hid in her house for 12 minutes while this man attempted to break in. Only after he had thrown a patio chair through her sliding glass door, and came in the house looking for her did she show her self, and fired her shotgun, killing the man....

The police arrived ten minutes later (That would be over 20 minutes after the woman called 911). He she not acted, she would have been dead. Had she no gun, she would have been dead or raped. Another statistic. Another crime that might have been avoided but for the want of a means of defense.

They are self/home defense tools, not just " a Wild West" thing...

I'll find a link to the 911 recording if you wish to hear the gruesome details...

(edit: I've been asked not to post such a link and I will respect that. It can be found on Google if anyone cares to try.)
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Seems to me, you work for the Government askin questions like that on a Motorbike forum.

I am ex-military and a fully trained/licensed Armed Security Officer (that's not what I do, career-wise, at the moment, but I still have the training).I have no fear of telling people the firearms I own. The purchases were well documented in any case, so any government official who had a need to know, already knows.
Guys we need to teach our better halves to shoot.I worked a murder case where a woman was shot and died with her gun in hand .She did not know how to get the safty off.H.D.
Guys we need to teach our better halves to shoot.I worked a murder case where a woman was shot and died with her gun in hand .She did not know how to get the safty off.H.D.

Workin' on it. That would be my wife, learning to shoot my Beretta:



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OKflyboy thank you for teaching her.My wife has her own range and she takes her girlfriends often.

Good for her. My wife asked me to buy her a gun of her own to learn on instead of borrowing mine, so we're buying a 22 rifle when the tax return comes.
I would like to add that when I got married I taught my then 8 year old Step-son about guns, how they worked, how to shoot them, etc. Less than a year later one of the neighbor kids brought out one of his dads guns while they were hanging out at the kids house without adult supervision. My step-son knew how to unload the piece and check to be sure it was unloaded before any of the little morons managed to blow themselves away.
Me too, I've had firearms since I was old enough to hold a .22 single shot rifle. I don't keep as many as I did in my younger years in Alaska, but the trusty 12ga. is near to hand in my bedroom well stocked with #1 shot and there's a handgun or two plus the old 30-06 Savage 110L. I used to hand load and do a lot of target shooting besides getting a moose a year along with taking dudes out for Dahl Mountain Sheep, Caribou, Brown and Grizzley bear. Back when it was legal and they paid bounties in our area for wolves I used to hunt them with my Super Cub and a gunner in the back seat. Both of my daughters and my wife are pretty handy with a pistol, revolver or long gun. I started the kids out shooting as soon as they were old enough to hold a .22 just like I was. Never had to worry about them playing with firearms as they grew up because they knew what they were for, knew they weren't toys, and knew how to safely handle them. Now the wife, that's a different story, she is good with a .357 and a 30-06 so I had to behave these past forty years.
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I own a Remington 870 pump shotgun. It's not one of the better renditions, but it is fairly reliable and does well at the skeet range. I can hit two skeet launched into the air at the same time with two shells pretty reliably. The only drawback is that it does have quite a bit of kick. I've fired a .22 and an AR15 as well.

Texas is great when it comes to purchasing guns though. All it took was a 2-3? page form at Academy.

Now that I have practice with several guns, I know how to fire and handle them consistently. I believe that it is important for everyone to know this.
I carried the 870 for 10 years on duty.I now have a hk shotgun that cost 10 times what the 870 does but i would chose the 870 any day in a gun fight.
Guys we need to teach our better halves to shoot.I worked a murder case where a woman was shot and died with her gun in hand .She did not know how to get the safty off.H.D.
My wife won the Mississippi state championship IHMSA standing category one year.