Guns who has one ?

Just because they're cheap ones doesn't mean they are bad. My old 1961 Mossberg 500has had a lot of shells pumped through it with never a problem. I have a full choke 26" barrel and another 26" barrel I cut off to 18 1/2" length as a home defense gun. I think a pump shotgun is one of the best deterrants you can have. The sound of a shell being shucked into a 12ga. is unmistakeable. Not to mention if you fire it in your house the pellets though deadly close up won't be going through walls and endangering your neighbors.
Harleys mom said they need to get together and play with the full auto stuff.
She never cared much about the class 5 stuff. Some of the MS delta boys who had Class 5 licenses used to bring them to my matches along with plenty of ammo and she never even shot one. Nuther story with me. I especially liked the American 180 .22 rim fire full autos.
I grew up with firearms. My brother and I still go shooting with our 86 year old father! I taught all my children about guns at a young age. They had all fired 9mm semi automatics before they were 10 years old. They all know the proper way to handle a firearm safely although my oldest daughter is the only one of the three that still likes to go shooting. My son doesn't like shooting at all... Where did I go wrong? lol Anyway I have a few. The first picture is a Colt Special Police 38 special. The next is a Taurus 357 mag with a 2X Leopold Scope. That's my old deer hunting pistol. The third is my concealed carry gun. It's nothing special but it shoots very well. It's a Bersa Thunder 380. Right now I'm having fun with an old High Standard 22 pump that I was able to get functioning properly again. That thing shoots great now and is very accurate. I could go on but...



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my favorite handguns were the S&W M19 .44 Mag, S&W Highway Patrolman .357, S&W M39 9mm, .22 Colt Woodsman and the Walther P38 and of course the M1911 .45. Least liked handguns: Ruger Blackhawk (not Super Blackhawk) .44mag, Jennings .22, and small frame Ruger .357.
S&W mod. 29 44 Mag is a fine looking gun. Will not hold up to extended shooting with full power loads. Most will go out of time with 500 or fewer full power loads. The best 44 that I have found is the Dan Wesson 44 with 8 inch heavy barrell. To bad they went out of business.
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Wow, you hit a soft spot. My S&W 6" 357 Highway Patrolman was my first handgun. Paid $51 new in the early 60s. Carried it on many a search and rescue operations we did under the Sheriff Office in Pima County, AZ (Tucson).

It was stolen out of my Suburban around 15 + years ago. S214204 in case you ever run into it.

Now I just carry a Glock 40, shortened, vented in a fanny pack. No one has ever identified it as a firearm except my cop buddies. They call it a granny pack.) I also have the 357sig barrel for it as well. They really crack, even with cans on.

Arizona has concealed carry. Unfortunately the legislature removed the renewal class requirement. I learned a lot about the law on firearms each time in those classes plus refresher on the range.

My buddies advise me to call if we have a problem, they will arrive in time to draw the chalk around my body.

I also carry a Beretta 25 auto when the fanny pack is not appropriate. Not sure how much protection it offers, but better than a pee shooter.

I have never had the thought of drawing my weapon as I have never felt to be personally threaten or that someone else was. Had heated "discussions" a number times, but those were just words.

I have one of those cheap little Harbor Freight electronic safes setting on my setting room desk which is where the guns are when visitors are in the house. Always loaded, always one in the chamber.

My wife grew up in upstate New York and saw people knifed and shot many times in their neighborhood. She and I don't discuss guns, but she knows I carry. Different experiences, different views. All valid to that person.

I do like my cheap Mossberg 12 gauge pump with the 18.5" barrel on it. Good for when we are out in the motor home. Slugs follow the #6 shot shells if a 3rd, 4th or 5th shot is required.


my favorite handguns were the S&alW M19 .44 Mag, S&W Highway Patrolman .357, S&W M39 9mm, .22 Colt Woodsman and the Walther P38 and of course the M1911 .45. Least liked handguns: Ruger Blackhawk (not Super Blackhawk) .44mag, Jennings .22, and small frame Ruger .357.
Personally I think a .22LR would be preferable to a .25, you'd get a little more velocity and penetration for similar weight bullets. Also a lot cheaper ammo. Plenty lethal if it's well used.
Harleys Mom just got home an still had her 45 on.Thought you guys would like to see what a well dressed woman in MS. wears.Also here is her keys.The 45 is a custom built Colt m1991a1 that has been ported.


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Personally I think a .22LR would be preferable to a .25, you'd get a little more velocity and penetration for similar weight bullets. Also a lot cheaper ammo. Plenty lethal if it's well used.

I heard the argument before. Can't remember, but think the '#s favored the 25? The 22s do so much bouncing around inside a rib cage that fatal is a common result.

Anyway it is paid for. ) There is also a pair of Colt 38 snubnose specials kicking around in the big safe that were my first CCWP weapons. Always carried them with only 5 as a neighbor's wife killed herself when she dropped his 357 on the hammer. I feel kinda necked with only 5 rounds. If I was really proficient like many others (and maybe you) 5 would be plenty!

Too many hobbies, not enough time! Better than it used to be, too many women? Can't remember. ) Age has it's advantages.

Harleys Mom just got home an still had her 45 on.Thought you guys would like to see what a well dressed woman in MS. wears.Also here is her keys.The 45 is a custom built Colt m1991a1 that has been ported.

Pistol packing mama, lay your pistol down, lay your pistol down babe . . . Haven't heard that song in a long time. Don't think it was Gene Autry or Roy Rogers?

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There is also a pair of Colt 38 snubnose specials kicking around in the big safe that were my first CCWP weapons. Always carried them with only 5 as a neighbor's wife killed herself when she dropped his 357 on the hammer.
Jim [/B][/QUOTE]

I haven't handled the Cold snubbies (I'm more of a S&W fan) but I thought they had a transfer bar. I guess not if they will go off when dropped. I won't have a revolver or pistol anymore that isn't drop safe. As for lethality of a .22, you have a choice, solid for penetration and interior damage or HPs for less damaging shallower wounds and possibly more shock though that would be limited with a .22.
You are correct. The Colt Dective Specials are drop proof. guess it was my Highway Patrolman that wasn't?

Dug them out today and they had six shell in each. two birdshot then four standard 38 specials. From back in the days I though I could get them to stop advancing by spraying shot on them.
The Beretta is kinda drop proof. The hammer is blocked on safety, but the pin is inertia so it could fire if it hit on the barrel.


There is also a pair of Colt 38 snubnose specials kicking around in the big safe that were my first CCWP weapons. Always carried them with only 5 as a neighbor's wife killed herself when she dropped his 357 on the hammer.
Jim [/B]

I haven't handled the Cold snubbies (I'm more of a S&W fan) but I thought they had a transfer bar. I guess not if they will go off when dropped. I won't have a revolver or pistol anymore that isn't drop safe. As for lethality of a .22, you have a choice, solid for penetration and interior damage or HPs for less damaging shallower wounds and possibly more shock though that would be limited with a .22.[/QUOTE]
i honestly dont see the point in guns. i dont mind rifles for hunting but owning a gun is pointless. there are so many gun crimes. im glad guns are outlawed here.
I've never used a handgun other than for hunting or as a sidearm for bear protection during the years I flew in Northern Alaska. I do enjoy target shooting and have burned up a goodly amount of ammunition sharpening those skills. I'd fired a lot of 30-06 ammo before I was drafted into the army, which made is a cinch to qualify Expert with rifle and with the 1911 .45ACP. As for outlawing guns. Why not outlaw pocket knives and slingshots? How about baseball or cricket bats? I guess that's one thing most Americans can't understand about other places in the world. I could be carrying four handguns right now and I'm not a threat to anyone. I could be carrying nothing and be a threat to you. So what's the deal about guns in particular? Like many tools such a a chain saw and battery powered drill a gun is a tool and can be used for fun, good or evil.
i honestly dont see the point in guns. i dont mind rifles for hunting but owning a gun is pointless. there are so many gun crimes. im glad guns are outlawed here.

We in America stopped swearing allegiance to the queen long ago. Without guns we, like Canada, might still be swearing that allegiance.

But hey, next time a criminal with an illegal gun robs you, be happy that you are not allowed the right to have a gun of your own to defend yourself.

I can never understand what part of the obvious fact that criminals by nature and definition do not obey the law those who try and legislate away the rights of upstanding citizens do not understand. The fact is the act of armed robbery is already illegal everywhere that I know of.

CBC News - Canada - Gun crimes among teens on the rise: StatsCan
More young people used guns in violent crimes in Canada in 2006, part of an increase seen over the past four years, a Statistics Canada report released Wednesday says.

Police forces reported 8,105 victims of violent gun crime over the year, ranging from assault to robbery and homicide. Two-thirds of the crimes involved handguns.

OOps..doesn't look like that utopia is working out for you sheep.

Go figure.
A group of us have discussed loss of freedoms. We have been talking about changes here in the US.

Things I take for granted and outlawed will never be missed by my grandchildren as they will have never known them. You can't miss something you have never had.

I had a single shot 22LR rifle when 10 or 12. I respected it and never shot it without supervision. It was just understood. I knew ever part of that gun. It had a worn extractor that sometimes would only pull the casing out of the chamber part way. It was my gun and I respected the trust that my parents placed in me by giving it to me.

Today in the state of AZ I could not give a rifle to a grandchild under the age of 18. Arizona, the Old West! So these things happen a little at a time. The anti-gun lobby progressives may well get there way in the future if we fall asleep at the switch.

Progressives think guns are barbaric and have no place in a civilazed society. After-all very few need to hunt and kill game to feed their families anymore. Likewise the state should give us the wonderful health care that Canada and the UK enjoy!

A friend in London with the BBC crashed his paraglider a couple of years ago. Tore him up pretty good. They sent a chopper, gave him all the attention he needed, so he sees the system as perfect. The people who need digonstic testing and see specialists wait months. Persons like my friend don't see that as they are in the healthy years.

A fellow in Canada wrote in to a forum I am a member. He has an eye disease like mine. I have had partial transplants in both eyes thanks to twp people donating tissue when they died.

He was told by his doctor that it would be at least 18 months before he can get a partial transplant. OR get it next week at the doctors clinic for US$7000. Wonderful.

Sorry to hijack the subject, but to me it is all the same when we let big brother Harry or sister Nancy decide what is good for us.

Bottom line for me. When you own guns and are trained to use them, they can be a source of pride for their craftsmanship, part of a hobby of marksmanship, reason for spending a week in the wilds in a tent looking for the deer and never see one. )

Be responsible for your yourself so no one else comes along and decides to do it for you!

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I believe that freedoms we older ones experienced in our youth will continue to be lost bit by bit due to the urbanization of the country. Rural people are used to taking care of them selves and their neighbors while city people expect some municipal or governmental agency to take care of them. Many surburban and city people don't even know the name of their neighbors. The spread of single parent families headed by women also have a major effect on our freedom. Women are as smart and capable as men but they are different in their outlook which becomes very apparent when they raise boys whose only experience with adults are females. Society is becoming more feminized which is another cause of extinguishing freedom. The most worrying part of this is that there are other countries in the world that aren't going this way and it's a pretty sure thing that the jackboot always prevails over the velvet slipper. Apologies and end of rant.