Guns who has one ?

I have a foid card, have shot guns at ranges... yet have not purchased a gun. Chicago has apparently made gun ownership within city limits illegal. So instead of having home protection here, we live in a city where crooks roam the streets knowing that a majority of the population does not have the means of fighting back. Right next door, when I'm filling my gas tank in Indiana, I see bulges in clothing because concealed carry is allowed there! The idea of moving out of chicago becomes more appealing every day. It's a proven fact that encouraged home-gun ownership thwarts robbery, I read a story about a town that required each homeowner to keep a firearm in the house... burglary went down to zero!
Home protection at its best.45 cal thompson lots of rounds per min.50 round drum.


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2 50 cal black powders one percussion one flintlock 44 cal percussion pistol will be buying a 1860 colt soon i have 3 daughters taught them to shoot as soon as they were big enough to they are all expert shots, i wouldnt wanna be down range if they were pissed or scared, from wyoming so maybe theres alittle old west mentality here but who cares i feel safer armed and knowing my girls are, well you know
i honestly dont see the point in guns. i dont mind rifles for hunting but owning a gun is pointless. there are so many gun crimes. im glad guns are outlawed here.

Oh, if only the criminals thought that way we might not need them!
An armed society is a civil society.
I make use of this right and freedom everyday. I will not fall victim to some thug without putting up a fight. I will not hide in a room and try to dial 911 while someone is breaking into my home to do anything he wants to me and my family while we wait for the cops to show up. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves and let the authorities do the cleanup and paperwork when some idiot decides to prey upon us. This is the point of guns. Perhaps you will see things differently if you should ever be so unfortunate as to experience something like this. There are many uses for guns. Sometimes guns actually prevent crime! Crazy I know, but it happens. Luckily, Alabama has passed some fairly new "Right to Protect" laws that make it a little easier to take care of these thugs yourself, should they decide to enter your home. Also, Alabama is an open carry state. I love Alabama!
Have you considered an 1858 Remington replica? They shoot a bit more accurately due to the solid back strap. I used to have one of those and a Colt Navy replica. The Colt would fire more than one cylinder on occasion but I never had that happen with the Remington. Oddly enough when we used lard to cap off a cylinder a multi-cylinder discharge never happened but when we use vegetable shortning it would happen once in a while. I had a Pennsylvania flintlock as well as a flint pistol too. The rifle was a bit of a bother no matter whether I used blackpowder or Pyrodex in the thing you could only get a couple of patched shots before the bore fouled enough you couldn't get a patched ball down it. My favorite black powder shooter was a .54cal Hawken. Got a couple caribou with that.
Wow, I got so carried away that I forgot to name some of my favorites. Kel-Tec 380 stainless(normally on me), Glock mini 40, Taurus 9mm, S&W 22LR 8in barrel, Colt 45 to name a few of my handguns. My dad got me into guns at an early age. Tournament shootings, gun shows, and target practice have been a big part of my life, bigger than motorized bicycles. I have a lot of guns and plenty of ammo for each, many years of buying and collecting. I will have enough for some of the neighbors if the time ever comes(that's another part of that boyscout in me).

Great thread!!!!
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As a Marine Vietnam vet (Force Troops) and an X-cop I have used a number of weapons systems. I am always armed and have had to use hand guns twice to capture or run off criminals as a civilian. I live in an area where about half of the snakes which I encounter in my yard are poisonous. The dangerous ones I use a 410 shotgun on. The turtles and gators in my back yard enjoy the fresh meat. Some of the cottonmouths are so big it's not easy to handle them with a club. They do attack when threatened. Guns are useful tools so long as one has the proper training.

I didn't even know they made shells like that for handguns other than 22's until this past summer. The only 9mm ammo that I could find locally was this type of round.
As I mentioned above. My two Colt 38 Detective Special Snubs had 3 shot and 3 standard in them. Don't know where I got the shot cartridges. They have a blue transparent case around the shot. Never fired any of them. Have used a lot of the 22LR shot and they were effective when shooting close to your foot at a rattler. Like snakes that make noise (most of the time) rather than ones like the cotton mouths. (

I used to load my own shot shells for my .44Mag. You can buy the plastic capsules to load the shot into the shells.
I have never owned a 44 mag. I think with shot shells it would be a good snake gun. I use an old beater 410 that was given to me. For some reason the shells are twice the cost of 20ga or 12ga shells. Those who reload handgun ammo like me can make good pest loads with a mild charge of powder, put a gas check over this then fill the rest of the case with melted wax. Reloaders know what a gas check is or a buisness card can be cut into wads to cover the powder with. This is quite effective on small pests.

Yep, some friends of mine and I used to load wax like using a cookie cutter. Using just the primer to fire the wax "slug" gave some indoor sport during the long Arctic winter in NW Alaska. I don't think carrying wax and shot loads in hot weather would be very effective, it would be rather odd to have a revolver drooling wax out of your holster.
Home protection at its best.45 cal thompson lots of rounds per min.50 round drum.

Have you tried the shot loads developed for clearing a room without destroying the equipment developed for Vietnam? RCBS made a die set to cutoff .308 brass, put a shoulder where the 45 case ends, charge it with powder, insert a cutoff .410 shot cup, fill it with #4 shot and crimp a 000 buck shot on top. Resembles a .45 round and feeds from a 50 round drum flawlessly. Very deadly at close range. A pity RCBS discontinued the die set. In my opinion the Thompson is one of the best close range ( up to 50-60 yds.) that has ever been made.
OHH MAN!!! im against guns in Canada but only cuz we got punks shooting people with them i cant mention what kind of people (i would b considered a racist) but besides the point, i do hope to get my fire arms license and pick up a hand gun or a rifle its def on my to do list, my buddy is got a cottege in muskoka and he has a 300 pound crossbow wich is pretty awsome but a guns gotta be better :D

id rather be able to shoot back at them rather than be just a target get your guns and be proud of them !! remeber if guns kill people then pencils miss spell words .wee.