Guns who has one ?

Here is my 1928 Thompson

If it ever comes up for sale let me know.I have a nice collection of them.full auto only.
I own a paintball gun that i use for critter control. Pasums and raccoons come to my house for the cats catfood. Co2 is expensive. I may upgrade to an airsoft rifle. Paintballs are deadly if frozen. Even without frozen they have been improved and leave a mark. Mostly a bruise. Sometimes a whelp. I also have a ammo box that contained flares in the korean war that one of my friends dad was in, and i have another ammo box that held .30cal ammo. for the machine guns during desert storm. Got that from my uncle along with his canteen ammo belt, helmet cover. 2 cups used in the war, and a small portable butane stove, and towing chains and straps that were used to pull the trucks, humvees, and tanks out of the desert sand. During desert storm, alot of times, they made 1 road thru the desert and if u drove off it, u got stuck immediately. Tanks, humvees, trucks couldn't drive thru that desert sand. I love collecting this stuff. Humvees were agile. They can drive up a straight vertical wall, but could not go thru deep deep desert sand.
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My uncle had an old Russian tommy gun thing. The rate of fire and cost of ammunition for you could blow $100 of ammo in about the same amount of time the average fart lasts.
I have a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm that goes everywhere I go and a Savage/Stevens 320 tactical pump 12ga. I keep frangible buckshot in it for home defense but at the range I usually run 1oz slugs or game loads if I am doing pattern shooting.
Sometimes while working alone in the shop at odd hours I will have a 1911 on my hip.
I might own a gun or 3.for varmints and hunting.
under lock and key in my bedroom.
dont even like to talk about things like this-never know who's watching.

what?me?paranoid?nah!im just prepared.
My collection is in the triple digits. I'm always explaining the difference between fanatic and enthuasist to my wife. I say over a hundred guns I am a enthusiastic collector, She says 10,000 rounds for every weapon I'm budding fanatic. Come to your own conclusions
Do you guys reload?

I don't yet, but I have a buddy who is showing me the ropes. We did 1400 rounds of 10mm one am. Very sweet!!
I reload more then 100 different rounds. I use a master caster for casting Puts out 11-1200 an hour. Half dozen Dillion presses. Make my own bullet lubes.I can make my own powders in a pinch. All skills past down from my Grandad.
I reload more then 100 different rounds. I use a master caster for casting Puts out 11-1200 an hour. Half dozen Dillion presses. Make my own bullet lubes.I can make my own powders in a pinch. All skills past down from my Grandad.

It's always harder for the government to outlaw the individual ingredients than a finished product. Great job!
I own a dozen or so. Hunting and shooting in general is alot of fun and is a great father/son bonding experience.

A few years ago, my father and I got into shooting a practical match twice every year. Talk about a good time! We shoot pistol and shotgun, and next month, we'll be compteting in rifle for the first time. It's alot of fun to get good at accuratey speed shooting and manipulating a firearm on a course under stress and with adrenaline pumping.

Here's a pic of my Glocks and a pic of our competition shotguns. The Glocks are G23c, G19c, and a G24. Shotguns are 10+1 semi-auto Benelli M1s.


When I first moved to this place in Texas, the local yahoo's said I had to buy an assault rifle so I could be part of the neighborhood militia. I already had an sks for shooting feral hogs so that was ok with them.
Recently I sold & traded off all of my guns except for my winchester grade 1, 9422 anniversary model. way too nice a gun to sell for what the low ballers here wanted to offer for it. I still like to plink but no longer hunt.