Got Burglarized Today

I am so sorry to hear that you got burgled GH!
I absolutely beyond hate all theives! Hate does not even come close to the feelings I have towards those low life societal leaches.
I sincerely hope that you can get your belongings back.
Don't hold your breath for the Ins. Co. or the Police.
They have "better things" to do than give proper service to folks who really need it. At least that's my experience with them.

Dammm man! I am so sorry to hear of your bad news! :(
Can't say I know how you feel as it has never happened to me. But I've been thinking about what happened to you and can't really imagine the feeling of having had someone violate my sanctuary, my home, humble as it is unlocked out in the forest. I don't lock my place since there would be more damage if someone broke in. As it is there would be no one around to see a break in. But to think of someone going through my things, taking this and leaving that. Man, that's the kind of thing that makes your blood boil. And then at some point you realize it is just stuff, hopefully, and let it go enough not to poison you. Sounds like you're doing that and at the same time trying to assure that it not happen again. But what a bummer and distraction from enjoying your life.
I had a garage broken into years ago, it took several days to stop feeling ill over the loss of a nice full toolbox. You know the sort, all the ordinary stuff and then all those widgets that come in handy like pacers and drifts.

I stopped adding up the price of buying like for like when I realised it was going to equal half a years take home pay.

Thieves? Cut one finger off at a time, starting from the outside, and tattoo a nice big T on the hand so people know it wasn't an accident. By the time they've been caught a few times, they won't have enough fingers to steal with.
sorry to hear that,man.
its not a good thing any time of year,but now sucks the most.
glad you are getting a handle on the security end of things.
i shudder at the thought of being burgled,the tools alone would be a years wages.
video surveillance signs do help,great neighbours even moreso.
my dog would raise a ruckus,maybe.too friendly.

my buddy has 2 rotties and a shepherd,the biggest babies you could imagine,but most people wont even get out of their cars.
them dogs are nothin,dont turn your back on the big goose....gets ya every time.
Sorry to hear that the bastards ripped you off. I guess that the bitter sweet part is that you have a recording of them doing it. Hope that helps the police get them and when they do it will put them away.

I kind of hold out for the Middle Eastern punishment of cutting off the left hand of a thief. In their tradition the left hand is only used for wiping your arse and the right hand for eating. A fitting punishment indeed since they must now eat s***.

I just read this... That really sux!
I've read that when they interviewed thieves, the biggest deturent to them is usually a noisy dog! ;)
I went with a local company for my alarm so far it's fine and I can clearly understand the contract...

Wanted to say do not even consider ADT.. These folks are sales man scum. After reading the reviews I am so glad I did ''not'' get a system from them!! From just the brief bombardment from this company and another one I feel very lucky I did not.

It is worse than going to a new car lot and have to endure the verbiage from a salesman. I would very clearly and plainly ask a question and boom never answered and another sales pitch. Question never answered laff
The one thing to look into with a security system is where their central office (CO) is. A lot of them have their offices in remote locations and rely on long distance telephone calls if your system calls out. I had a system installed by a local company. Their CO was right here in Denver but they sold out to a national company, SecurityLink, that was located in New Orleans Louisiana.

My system malfunctioned, set off my loud outside alarms, called the police and fire department. I was home and the system would not reset. I had cops and firefighters standing in my house while I tried to call to have the system shut down. All I could get was a recording and then a person finally answered who I could not understand. They hung up on me twice. I went to the basement where the system was and broke into the locked control box and disconnected it myself to silence the horns and disconnect it from the telephone lines.
The NEXT DAY, a guy shows up to "check my system". I told him to take a hike and have never used the system again.
My dogs take care of things now and they don't charge a monthly fee:)

My guard dog is worthless and eats about a 40 pound bag of food a month. lol Damn animal thin ks everybody is his friend. :-{

Next dog will be different...
Dang! I've been away for a little bit, I come back and read this! I hope you get the engine back in good shape. Theft and burglary are things that really get me riled. I've had so many bikes, and a good many other things, stolen from me over the years that I've come to keep both a five-cell Maglight AND police-issue cuffs by my bed. If I have one more burglar hassle me in my own home I will make my best effort to see that he's waiting for the cops (with a few small lumps to remember).
I gotta say this much though, having worked in loss-prevention and law enforcement for most of my life now, it's true what they say about thieves and dogs. But do make sure that whatever guard dog you have, or buy, receives proper training. A well-trained dog tends to be more manageable (that, and a good dog trainer is also partly an owner-trainer and will teach you some things too) and a good training helps to avoid future law suits regarding the dog. If a dog will work for your situation, I highly recommend them.
Sorry to hear of your loss.

The damn meth heads ripped all the copper pipe out of my neighbor's house last month - while she was in the hospital. I came home from work & saw the water running down the street.

The last burglary I had (20 years ago) was the landscape crew from next door. Check those pictures you have with other neighbors - they may recognize the crooks. That includes the neighbors behind you.

As for the dog - my AmStaff would bark, but the Heeler would shred someone. I have IP cameras, and offsite image storage.

Tool Maker,

Funny how people see dogs. Friend had a Rotti called Mush. That dog would polish the silverware for the crooks if they wanted to wait.

My border collie/ lab would let you in the house if I wasn't there but as one bunch found out you won't be able to leave. They finally called the cops to rescue them. One guy was bleeding so bad he almost didn't make it. He went after Skip with a knife out of the kitchen and she about ripped his hand off. She had them all herded into one area and they couldn't move. Nice part for them was they were right next to the phone.
Strange part was she let the cops in and out and never barked as if she knew just who they were.

Never judge a dog by it's breed I guess.


That dog of mine was as if someone pulled a dog skin over a human. She could think a situation out in seconds and work to correct it. My kids hated that since she looked after them like she was a nanny. In the house or outside it didn't matter. Skip didn't like it, you didn't do it or she took it away from you or wouldn't let you near what she thought was dangerous.

Get to close to my wife or the kids and she was there. Never growled but would give you a look that left no question in your mind that a wrong move in her eye would be delt with and not to your advantage.


I love it.

A friend trains dogs for a living, and has an exceptional Doberman. A couple of years ago, a pair of home invasion robbery specialists ended their career at his home. The MO was to follow you home & kick the door in after you went inside with a baby & several bags of groceries. Two clowns with knives. They always made sure you had a baby.

The dog took the first one down in the living room. After he quit moving, the dog went for the second guy, who had made it outside & almost to the sidewalk. The one in the living room almost bled out. Cops tied them to more than 20 similar robberies in the valley. The dog got an extra walk & a steak.

Tool Maker,

Can't tell you how much that warms my heart to hear. I can put up with a lot but thieves are about the one thing I can't abide and to involve babies is as low a form of life as it comes.

Just would have loved to see the look on their faces as the Dobie came around the corner. That, as they used to say, would have been a Kodak moment.

Sometimes somebody dies in the act of committing a crime, like falling through a roof they shouldn't have been on, and in one memorable event, getting under a car to cut brake pipes and cutting through a hydraulic suspension pipe instead. I always think, "We got a conviction there."

And Darwinism means they don't breed, which is always a good result.