Getting old is rough

Thanks for the wishes Guys. It's a one and done. Be a couple days of healing. I was back at work the day after the last replacement Pacemaker

Snow squalls on our way home from Milwaukee and then more moderate snow until 4PM. Nothing stuck on the driveway, but it is white.
Got two cords of wood coming and I am late all round.

Great to hear all went well with the pace maker. The Inuit in the Nunavut region here in Canada have at least 53 words for snow. I still consider it one of the original four letter words.

I'm glad to hear all went well!

I looked to work for a company in Silicon Valley that made pace makers, did not get the job though. Later did get to find work after waiting long time with staff at the EDD looking up jobs on early internet in early 90's. Spent like 2 to 3 hrs waiting while they were figuring out the computer there. Was worth it though and lasted longest 12 years in metrology repair and calibration of test and measurement electronics that was traceable to NIST Standards.

As for snow, I would look out the window in the early morning to see if I could stay home from school! Snow is also useful when neighbors parents are in Florida, vacationing. Though fuel oil trucks could not get to deliver. The electric bill for the space heaters got the kids parents a bit annoyed, but it blew over.

Ya know, while the cats away the mice will play! Actually learned how to make pancakes from scratch. Separated egg yokes from whites and whipped the whites to fluffy peaks. Folded in the whipped egg whites. Amazing party!

The tracks from the sanitation trucks plowing made great compressed snow for cross country skiing. I even climbed down an embankment onto the Long Island Expressway back in NYC, this while only large rescue vehicles and snow mobiles were traveling around.

Even with going to school trampling through snow, hearing the crunch, nice. Built a snow monument with my brothers. My parents were afraid the thing taller than the ranch house and being so close to the house could fall on it.

Steps were carved into the spire and you could climb up it. Sprayed the thing with water from inside basement sink to outside, through a hose so it would not crack with a little warm water mix and case hardened the thing so it lasted til Spring time.
Wood supply for me Greg, should not be a problem. The problem is the supply. I have a 350 year old Burr Oak and it's 150 year old offspring, 10 ft from my pole shed. Utilizing this resource has been a constant concern.

First day without external bandage on Pacemaker wound. Not too bad. Wound is healing and a bit itchy.

Trees have mostly shed their leaves, so I gassed the Cub 50" mower and herded leaves. The Maple leaves were semi mulched to make a worm farm.
The Oak leaves were herded onto a portion of the yard I do not mow and have introduced woodland plant life. May Apples and such. The Oak leaves were set alight to burn out some of the invasive understory. More leaf herding below the shop and steel shed on Sunday.

First day without external bandage on Pacemaker wound. Not too bad. Wound is healing and a bit itchy.

Trees have mostly shed their leaves, so I gassed the Cub 50" mower and herded leaves. The Maple leaves were semi mulched to make a worm farm.
The Oak leaves were herded onto a portion of the yard I do not mow and have introduced woodland plant life. May Apples and such. The Oak leaves were set alight to burn out some of the invasive understory. More leaf herding below the shop and steel shed on Sunday.

Don't get to carried away, you could heart later..............Curt
Good to hear your healing well. I agree with Curt. Hope you don't over do it. How long do the batteries last in the pacemaker?

I asked the Medtronic rep. attending the implantation to see me and answer questions after the anesthesia wore off. Nice guy.
My first two Pacemakers battery were good for 8 and 9 years.
This new improved model is claimed to have a 13 year life when half my heart is paced 100% 24/7.

Curt, you needn't worry. The way they put you back together these days with Super Glue. Last one was put in in 2013. I went back to work the next day. A bit sore for sure, but I felt like the Energizer Bunny or was it a Timex? Stupid lower back has been tender since the surgery. Not sleeping on my left side may have unbalanced the lumbar region.

i got a lot older this year.. got hit by and pinned under a tank.. one of those gmc SUVs that people buy to win in an accident no matter what while carrying their entire family yet they rarely do. Most of the month of September I was in a fentanyl induced coma for the intense pain of over a dozen broken bones and 5 surgeries. My mom didn’t know if I’d be a vegetable until a few days after they began trying to wake me. Got one of my hands cleared for weight bearing the other day; the tech doing the x-ray just prior said “that’s some nice hardware!” I didn’t understand what she meant, till the surgeon pulled it up on screen and proudly proclaimed, “they’ve healed beautifully…. I’ve never done four at the same time”. No idea of project or build plans at this time.. the bike is still in my possession, it needs major work and may run again… major damage however with some that even I don’t know how it coulda happened… I see how it was possible for my femur to break and be sticking out.. yea.. I still want to build things… but for now I need to learn some skills and get me a desk job.. I’ll walk again but not soon. See my phone.. it was on me… yeah.. bad.


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