Ya hope for the best, Got to have lots more blue air in MPLS...........Curt
Don't get to carried away, you could heart later..............CurtFirst day without external bandage on Pacemaker wound. Not too bad. Wound is healing and a bit itchy.
Trees have mostly shed their leaves, so I gassed the Cub 50" mower and herded leaves. The Maple leaves were semi mulched to make a worm farm.
The Oak leaves were herded onto a portion of the yard I do not mow and have introduced woodland plant life. May Apples and such. The Oak leaves were set alight to burn out some of the invasive understory. More leaf herding below the shop and steel shed on Sunday.
I asked the Medtronic rep. attending the implantation to see me and answer questions after the anesthesia wore off. Nice guy.Good to hear your healing well. I agree with Curt. Hope you don't over do it. How long do the batteries last in the pacemaker?