Four Wheel Project

Thanks, Tim. I had my share of problems yesterday with the drive train. Seems my auto clutch hooks up too hard. I disconnected the kill switch because it was shorting out. No brakes yet. First start up on the new motor and the front end came up and my buddy, Dan, had too kill it by putting his hand over the carb and putting the front wheels, and me, back on the ground. Wish I had a photo. matthurd suggested I lengthen it a bit. I think I'll turn the rear axle mounts around and that will add a few inches to the wheelbase. Then I'll go back to the pivoting idler to engage the belt so I can control the startup speed. Still need to fab up a brake for the rear axle. Also may add detents or a shift gate because one bump on the shifter and it goes onto gear. Lots of engineering yet before the body construction. Trying to maintain forward motion without getting burned out on this project. May have to work on my bikes for a while and then get back to it later.
wheelie bars mite not be a bad idea either, even if you do switch the rear axle around i still think too much of the weight will be on the back end unless you come up with something real cool (which is very possible from what iv'e seen).

just to be safe ya know?
I think you're right about the wheelie bars because my grandson outweighs me by 80 lbs. One thing that will help is the transmission I bought on ebay today. It's a Techumseh Peerless 700-025 5 speed with reverse. Same input pulley and output sprocket I have now, just have to drill a couple more mounting holes. It's a very compact unit and the best thing is, it's got a little disc brake opposite the sprocket. Gearing won't be so critical now that I will have 5 speeds. Shifting is inline and has an adjustable detent. I'll post photos when it arrives.
I got my transmission today and took it to work and ran it through the solvent tank. Looks like little or no wear. All gears and sprockets are in great condition. The disc brake pucks have some wear but still plenty of material. Just need to decide what gear grease to use for the reassembly. More photos when I get it back together and mounted on the frame.

Scored a cute little steering wheel at the Long Beach Cycle Swap yesterday. It's about 10' across. More to scale than the other ones I tried. May have to modify it so it's not so dished.


Cleaned and greased my tranny today and put it all back together.


The neutral switch is also a detent.


I especially like the little disc brake. As long as I have a chain on the final drive, I'll be able to stop. I turned the rear axle around and it doesn't wheelie as bad now. Gave it about 4 more inches of wheelbase.

Made the adapter plate for the tranny today. Try to install it tomorrow. Should be able to test drive with the new wheelbase and tranny this weekend. Still need to fab up a foot throttle and brake pedal. I spaced the auto clutch spring hoping to make it start grabbing a little sooner. We'll see how that goes. Can't wait to go through the gears.

Man, the Scout III was a blast to drive reverse!!!! Yep, thats right somehow the transmission was installed backwards. Good news is I had 1 forward gear and 5 reverse gears. I can't blame gramps, I mean if I was around when he was installing this stuff I'd be able to lend a hand. Oh wells fun none-the-less. Its funny seeing those pics of me on the Scout III, I think we should have gone with 1/2 scale.
Okay, I got my new transmission plate done and installed. Should have some ride photos this weekend.
What a sweet ride. This thing runs great. The new tranny is awesome. Just a few bugs to work out. A slot for the chain so it quits hitting the frame, a shorter belt to get the motor off the front steering tower, trim the brake caliper so it doesn't hit the axle bracket, make and install the shift lever, make and install the accelerator and brake pedals with linkage, shorten the steering shaft and wheel, make a dashboard and install an ignition switch and choke cable. Then after I work the bugs out of all that stuff, I can think about the body.
that thing is going to be amazing when it gets the body on. it's what every kid dreamed of. a little car they could drive, keep it up :D

shame we couldn't actually have those kinds of things back then of course xD
that thing is going to be amazing when it gets the body on. it's what every kid dreamed of. a little car they could drive, keep it up :D

shame we couldn't actually have those kinds of things back then of course xD

Thanks Matt. I'm thinking the kids will have to fight me for a ride. Eventually I want to make a replica of a Maytag Racer. I collect Maytag engines and I think the car they made to promote their products have some fine lines. They only made a little over 400 of them, so buying an original is way too much for me, so why not make one? Check them out online if you get a chance. Maytag Racer
Yes, I wanna see along thread on your Maytag Racer. Very cool... and to think I gave away one of those motors. (Slaps head)
Actually adults will be able to ride this one, but most won't be as big as Greg. So I rode one of my Briggs bike to Pep Boys and after 2 trips, got the correct belt. Installed the belt, adjusted the axle so the chain has clearance, backed the tension off the gear detent for a better feel for changing gears, put on a shift lever with knob and put all the labels on the motor. I'm having such a fun Mother's Day.

I'm working on a T handle shifter with a reverse lockout and gear indicator. It goes into reverse way too easy and it's hard to tell what gear you're in.