Four Wheel Project

Cool project!

When I was young my father brought home a very similar looking used riding mower.

It immediately went from him fighting to get us to mow the yard to my brothers and I fighting to be the one to do it!

Best $25 he ever spent- Ha!

I hope this build makes as many good memories for your grandson!


Cool project!

When I was young my father brought home a very similar looking used riding mower.

It immediately went from him fighting to get us to mow the yard to my brothers and I fighting to be the one to do it!

Best $25 he ever spent- Ha!

I hope this build makes as many good memories for your grandson!


Thanks Kirk. Yes, these riding mowers are a blast to tool around on. I had a real nice old Craftsman three speed tractor a few years ago and used it for a lot of things. Mostly just to ride around. Finally sold it and regretted it ever since. The older ones are really well made with no plastic and seem to last forever.
Got the bumpers finished and installed today.


Put a litle receiver hitch in the rear.


Almost done with the exhaust.


Re-did the brake pedal and hooked it all up.


Also made a matching gas pedal and got it working. Installed a choke cable and kill button.

Thanks harry. I wish we were neighbors. We could build some crazy stuff.

You sure about that??? I would happily move in next to you but I think you'd get sick of me "test riding" your bikes and new creations, and I'd always be wanting to "borrow" those beautiful Maytag engines you have ;-) lol
Funny you mentioned Maytags. I just bought another single cylinder engine from a guy I ran into at the local weld shop. I'll post photos when I get it running. I'm also restoring a Kohler K91. More pics to come.
Funny you mentioned Maytags. I just bought another single cylinder engine from a guy I ran into at the local weld shop. I'll post photos when I get it running. I'm also restoring a Kohler K91. More pics to come.

Look forward to i seeing them, wish we had them here...... I did just buy 2 more older Victa engines and have my eye on another which I'll buy as long as the price doesn't get too high. I think I have a problem haha
That picture is too cool, but you need the youngins working on the smaller one, that would be funny :-)
Ok harry, here's the Maytag all apart. I'm taking it to work tomorrow to clean up and reassemble. It's a 1928, second year of this model.





I already cleaned the carb.

I've never seen one of these before, but now I have I can see why a couple of people have thought my Villiers was actually a Maytag, the sloped barrell/head is very similar.

I must say they look very nice, any idea of the power of these? Not much I'm guessing but what a great looking engine..... I look forward to seeing it together, would love to hear it if you have means of posting a video...... Do you plan on using it in a bike?
Yes, I see the similarities. I've been checking out the Victas on youtube. They're nice motors also. Eventually, I'll restore an old REO lawnmower engine I've been saving. REO is for Ransom Eli Olds and it has a unique quality in that it drives off the camshaft making everything it powers half speed. Maybe after that I'll tackle a Clinton 2 stroke or my model ZZ Briggs. Just like your place, always something to work on around here. Still have to catch up on your builds. Also I like to follow silverbear's, as he comes up with some good stuff. It's hard to find enough computer time to check all the great projects. I sometimes get in the middle of something only to find someone already did it, and better. We'll keep plugging.
We got the windshield and cowl figured out today. Still have to attach the wind wings and finish the exhaust.




That is freaking AWESOME!!!!!! Looking very much like the real thing. Youve got some skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The maytag is GREAT, MSR!

Sounds very nice. more trips down to the river for the better half!

The little Bronco is WAY over built! (it looks much more like a bronco than the interharvester II. Well, maybe like an original scout... been a while since I even seen one of those.

Our last off-roader was a commando with the buick v6 in it.
My kid got it stuck everywhere he possibly could have. With enthusiasm.

Thanks rusty, can't have enough Maytags. And how can you overbuild a toy? I'll have to admit, I thought it would be done a few months ago.