Forum Upgrade

I suppose this would be no worse that the motoredbikes site if I could just log in from the house - any idea why I can get to their site, but cannot get here?
They use a different theme. That could be the reason.
OK, as near as I can tell, the problem is you're use of two html content areas in one panel
See if you can view this This is theme used on our site without any additional mods although it still uses the content area with sidebar. It will at least rule out mods.

I also enabled the collapsible sidebar feature.


You might not be able to get option on your machine but, thought it was worth a shot. Maybe useful feature to others as well.

Did our Albums get lost in the translation? Or, am I just overlooking a 'clicky thingy'?
Albums are now all in the media section. They should have all imported. I found yours in there. First click the media link in the tool bar. Then you'll see the search media option. You can search by member.

Is there a calendar ?
No calendar at the moment. There are add-ons available. Is this something that got much use on the old?
If you can add a birthdays section the calendar wouldn't be needed. At my age I like to keep up with some members' birthdays, I don't want to catch up with them and I don't want anyone to catch me!
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They use a different theme. That could be the reason.

See if you can view this This is theme used on our site without any additional mods although it still uses the content area with sidebar. It will at least rule out mods.

yes, I can see that demo site

here are 7 screen caps of scrolling down thru your page (between #6 and #7 I left out 5 full screens of blank space

after those is one screen cap from the other site


  • cap1.jpg
    53.5 KB · Views: 274
  • cap2.jpg
    48.8 KB · Views: 303
  • cap3.jpg
    86.3 KB · Views: 292
  • cap4.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 259
  • cap5.jpg
    56.8 KB · Views: 277
  • cap6.jpg
    41 KB · Views: 263
  • cap7.jpg
    41.9 KB · Views: 297
  • other.jpg
    105.4 KB · Views: 296
If you can add a birthdays section the calendar wouldn't be needed. At my age I like to keep up with some members' birthdays, I don't want to catch up with them and I don't want anyone to catch me!
LoL, Greg. Made me think of the larry the cable guy thing (can't find a vid)

"No, what year is your birthday? Larry The Cable Guy: ...Every year."
Able to add links now so either I got enough likes or the computer realized I'm not exciting enough to be spam or a robot. Thank you, to who ever made it possible.

After my initial horror yesterday I have to admit that this will now be the premier motor bike site. I don't feel personally that it can be compared to the other site simply because this site has so many more features. The other site doesn't tell you that there are 70 robots trying to get in to sell you bogus crap or steal your information. They out numbered the members and guests 2 to 1 last time I looked.

Questions and complaints are being dealt with quickly and that's a bonus.


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....and about your hardwood flooring needs... LoL.

Man Steve. I am so glad you're not hating the upgrade. Never saw you that angry. You're just about a fixture and was just a bummer you were not happy. (for the short period) Just glad you're OK with it all, Buddy!

Now that the software is settling in, the forum is loading really fast for me. Just kinda cool.
collapsed sidebar here with that button - looks much less cluttered here now, but went to the house and display didn't change there (was hoping the collapse would stick, but it didn't and there is no button for it on other machine's screen

EDIT: closed browser, then came back and the collapse sticks here - will try to see if it stayed collapsed next time I'm at house
I was wrong Dan. Mainly it's what I did for a living most of my life. When you work on someones $12,000 dining room set and some even more that that you need to have everything thought out before you pick up a tool or a brush and I just expect everyone around me to do the same. There were few, if any, second chances.

Not being computer literate beyond on and off and don't push "that" button again, I expected the transmission to be flawless. Obviously it is a case of put it up and wait for the flaws to appear so they can be repaired. Behind the scene someone must have been busier than a possum trying to bury crap in a Walmart parking lot and a whole lot more successful.

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If you can add a birthdays section the calendar wouldn't be needed. At my age I like to keep up with some members' birthdays, I don't want to catch up with them and I don't want anyone to catch me!
Lol! Alright, I may look for a better option. Right now there is a birthday widget in the sidebar. I believe it only shows if there is someones birthday today. Then the widget will show and the avatar of the member. Hover to see username.
yes, I can see that demo site
The only think I can think it would be then is that the sponsor panels and the sidebar together don't leave enough room for the content area on your machine. I say this because the demo site link is the exact same software. Only real spacing differences are the sponsor areas. If you fool around with the screen resolutions, that might do the trick. Maybe even a smaller browser window eventually will push the extra sidebars below it all since it's all responsive.
Obviously it is a case of put it up and wait for the flaws to appear so they can be repaired.
To some degree yes. There was a lot of testing done. There are just so many variables. So many of them only quickly show up when the masses get into it. Yesterday was the alpha stage :)
Behind the scene someone must have been busier than a possum trying to bury crap in a Walmart parking lot and a whole lot more successful.
This really had me rolling! Pretty good description!
I was wrong Dan. Mainly it's what I did for a living most of my life. When you work on someones $12,000 dining room set and some even more that that you need to have everything thought out before you pick up a tool or a brush and I just expect everyone around me to do the same. There were few, if any, second chances.

Not being computer literate beyond on and off and don't push "that" button again, I expected the transmission to be flawless. Obviously it is a case of put it up and wait for the flaws to appear so they can be repaired. Behind the scene someone must have been busier than a possum trying to bury crap in a Walmart parking lot and a whole lot more successful.

(which widget was wonky, willy?)

sorry. funny in me wee lil brain))

In the great words of Lud (wigII) "I'll get my coat"
tried smaller window and it doesn't push down - doesn't even throw a scrollbar across bottom of screen

not getting the collapse on only that machine tells me that it must be carried in a cookie, so even tho they keep cookies in diff formats on the 2 machines, I'll dig out a hex editor and see if I can modify your cookie when next I'm home
!% of 5584 is 56 likes whuch isn't going to happen for a while.......

The Like:Post Ratio must exceed: 0% seems to be the same as
both of these.
The number of posts you have created must exceed: 2 (Yours: 5584)
The number of Likes you've received must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2)

Signature Rules:

Before you can modify your signature, you must have passed the following conditions:

The number of posts you have created must exceed: 2 (Yours: 5584)
The number of Likes you've received must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2)
The Like:Post Ratio must exceed: 0% (Yours: 0%)
The number of days you have been registered must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2493)
realized I had tor browser available at shop, so tried that - logging in without a cookie still remembers that sidebar should be off, so I guess it's not in a cookie but in some user setting DB on site

I'll try other stuff when home : )
Eric the best thing I've found is the access to the app on a phone, top notch!
Great to hear!
realized I had tor browser available at shop, so tried that - logging in without a cookie still remembers that sidebar should be off, so I guess it's not in a cookie but in some user setting DB on site

I'll try other stuff when home : )
This is good.

Signature Rules:

Before you can modify your signature, you must have passed the following conditions:

The number of posts you have created must exceed: 2 (Yours: 5584)
The number of Likes you've received must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2)
The Like:post Ratio must exceed: 0% (Yours: 0%)
The number of days you have been registered must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2493)
I think I found a solution for this for everyone. I added everyone from the old site to a sub group with special permissions. Now none of minimum post counts, likes, etc should apply to them New folks still have to rules to save us all time dealing with spam.

Only issue we may encounter are the spammers that signed up on the old site and stated posting, updating profile posts etc. We saw a couple of those today pop up today that were signed up a month or two ago. Thanks mbr for flagging them!

Let me know if anyone still has issues with posting links or signature updates because of spam permissions.