well, looks like I'm just out - machine at home doesn't get the xf_adAction cookie since that seems to come in thru a CSS3 script that can't run on a 9x browser - was thinking of inserting that cookie myself, but it just decodes to "a:3:{i:0;b:0;i:20;a:2:{s:1:"v";i:1;s:2:"vt";i:1495753932;}i:6;a:2:{s:1:"v";i:1;s:2:"vt";i:1495753957;}}" which seems to be just ID tags for the ads
I note that the site tries to get browser resolution by calling for info from HTML5 canvas instead of from the window directly and 9x browsers don't have HTML5 capability. I don't see a way to fix that : (
I note that the site tries to get browser resolution by calling for info from HTML5 canvas instead of from the window directly and 9x browsers don't have HTML5 capability. I don't see a way to fix that : (