Forum Upgrade

Agree on the choice of white-on-white; not pleasant for bedtime browsing. Any options for custom theming?
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SSL should be working properly. If you still find any pages with errors, please let me know which.

I darkened up the background. Seems to be a popular request. I try not to get too caught up in styling. You can spend forever on that stuff.

I tried to replicate the link posting error and couldn't. Seems to work fine. Let me know if anyone else is having issues posting links.

Please bear with the site speed for the next day or so. There are still some things on the backend working that are slowing things down. The server is really bogged down.

Still working through things.
at the shop, all errors for SSL are gone - at home I can see no forums at all - that is strange as I can get to the motoredbikes site from home even though I don't do much there as every page needs to have the "stop script" button clicked to finish loading

seems I'm not allowed to edit my signature here either
seems also that posts can't be edited after some period of time - seems the huge number of auto-correct errors will persist forever now

was going to add to the above that it now seems the there will be no more msg popups when someone tries to get in touch with you on the board

that's a bummer as I've had msgs sit for weeks on the motoredbikes site before someone finally mentioned in a thread that they'd sent me one
I just edited mine, Crassius. the sig. and getting all the pop-ups about conversations, etc.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

edit; testing edit
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Can't edit your posts. Can't add a link. No message pop ups. Maybe should have covered the basics before trying to add new features?

Just edited my post above your's, Steve. Works the same as old software. Still not for you?

edit, and pop ups are appearing to the lower left but fade after a minute or so.

Just found this. When editing, there is the option to "
Edit silently

If selected, no "last edited" note will be added for this edit." and to clear last edit information.

Hate to see ya frustrated.
Started a PM/conversation with ya Steve.

A small window will pop up with a new alert next time you open the forum.
If you click on "alerts" at top right, it will open and you can change whatever you like;

answered a question on another thread. LoL. Hard to keep up.

I know folks are getting frustrated. But I am gonna sit right here and what ever I don't know, I'll find out for ya. Just breath deep and we will get this. It really does work the same as the old, no longer supported software. Just take time to explore. Does all the same stuff in very much the same way but is more secure, faster and easier. Just takes some time.

Any questions, I am right here. For the day if need be. Just hollar.

Steve, gimme a call if ya need, Buddy.
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Just edited my post above your's, Steve. Works the same as old software. Still not for you?

edit, and pop ups are appearing to the lower left but fade after a minute or so.

maybe I don't have a lower left available, but not seeing edit option after a certain time
Havn't found a way to delete yet. But can turn em off in alert preferences. Your the only one who can see them.

Will keep looking but am on the master forum and longtime programmers are being asked the same question. Also, knowing your concerns about privacy, You can set all preferences in "my Account"

Click on the 4 ball thing below the search icon. That opens a "quick navigation" page to your account. Has every option possible.

Gonna see if I can get a screen shot on my phone and will edit this post. One sec
wow. that was interesting. New phone. Learning all sorts of stuff today.

Edit. That 4 ball thing is what you click on to get to your personal/account nav page.

Man, I picked a ruff week to quit sniffing glue.



  • Screenshot_20170524-155925.png
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Just below where your picture cuts off at the bottom andf under the magnifying/search icon.Glance at my pic, than yours. Your right there