They use a different theme. That could be the reason.I suppose this would be no worse that the motoredbikes site if I could just log in from the house - any idea why I can get to their site, but cannot get here?
See if you can view this This is theme used on our site without any additional mods although it still uses the content area with sidebar. It will at least rule out mods.OK, as near as I can tell, the problem is you're use of two html content areas in one panel
I also enabled the collapsible sidebar feature.
You might not be able to get option on your machine but, thought it was worth a shot. Maybe useful feature to others as well.
Albums are now all in the media section. They should have all imported. I found yours in there. First click the media link in the tool bar. Then you'll see the search media option. You can search by member.Did our Albums get lost in the translation? Or, am I just overlooking a 'clicky thingy'?
No calendar at the moment. There are add-ons available. Is this something that got much use on the old?Is there a calendar ?