For Old Guys Only


Better than 50 years ago my girl friend at the time told me her New Years Resolution was to lose some weight and I told her my New Years Resolution was to help her any way I could.

Two days later she told me to get the #@&% out of her life. She lost 240 pounds in less than 5 minutes.

I never made or agreed with another New Years Resolution again.

One could say I dropped the ball.

I only made one resolution...
To not give my lazy ass unemployed adult son a dime this year.
It will make my year, gonna suck for him though.

A a conciliation prize I will make a cardboard sign to hold on the street corner though...

2 Lazy
2 Work
Give Me

I wish him luck.
Is that what they mean when they say, "Truth in Advertising"?

A couple of years ago the local news showed a roadside panhandler with a sign that said,
"Just want to see how much money I can make doing this" They followed the guy when he left the streetcorner and he went to a parking lot and drove off in a New Toyota pickup. Guess he was doing a good business.

Is that what they mean when they say, "Truth in Advertising"?
I have one good true story about a beger that could work from a few years back.
Way back actually as I had a pager and needed to use street side phone booth.
Remember those?

Anyway he did his story about needing a water pump so he and his pregnant wife could continue on their way to CA.

There was an AutoZone across the street.
I said sure (I was flush and this was a $40 item) lets go get it.
'bla bla just give me money' so I blew him off.

The funny part was I was back there at the same pay phone 3 weeks latter and he was trying the same scam on me again!

Let's just say I had great deal of fun at his expense for over an hour and leave it at that ;-}
Hardly a day goes by that I don't think, 'now I've heard it all'. Have you heard the latest 'Health Threat' ? Just watch NBC News.

PIZZA BOXES are gonna kill ya. Yep, they're outlawing cardboard pizza boxes because, according to 'researchers' there is a chemical used on them to keep the grease from soaking through that will kill you.

How many years have pizzas been delivered in a cardboard box? More than I can remember. And how many have been sold that way? Heaven only knows. And, how many people have died from eating a pizza that came out of a cardboard box? Apparently enough to get the attention of someone.

I'll give you one guess what the old pizza box will be replaced with. Yep, plastic, and guess where they'll be made. Not here, you can bet.

You'll notice that I didn't once use the word 'government' in this rant :)

That's why I almost never eat the box. I just had a feeling there was something wrong about it.
I still nibble on the box, but for decades I used to use a product called Stimudents. They're a 3-sided toothpick. They work well and were also a substitute for cigs when I quit. Started making them in China some years back. Also quit them. Guess I need to start saving pizza boxes.

My Sister in Law works for the city parks and recreation dept. Has for twenty five years and she brought some foam egg cartons in for the preschool teachers to use for putting paints in for the kids.

She hears a squawking and screaming a couple of hours later and one of the latest and brightest hires is going nuts because she read that foam egg cartons had salmonella on them and she was putting gloves on so she could throw them out without touching them.

My Sister in Law just went back to her office and went back to work. She's tired of trying to repair stupid.

Hardly a day goes by that I don't think, 'now I've heard it all'. Have you heard the latest 'Health Threat' ? Just watch NBC News.

PIZZA BOXES are gonna kill ya. Yep, they're outlawing cardboard pizza boxes because, according to 'researchers' there is a chemical used on them to keep the grease from soaking through that will kill you.

How many years have pizzas been delivered in a cardboard box? More than I can remember. And how many have been sold that way? Heaven only knows. And, how many people have died from eating a pizza that came out of a cardboard box? Apparently enough to get the attention of someone.

I'll give you one guess what the old pizza box will be replaced with. Yep, plastic, and guess where they'll be made. Not here, you can bet.

You'll notice that I didn't once use the word 'government' in this rant :)


I wonder how much longer I've lived because the box soaked up the extra grease................

Where does it end?

I've often harped on the dehumanizing of technology. I just watched a TV commercial by a local Internet/telephone provider. It showed a woman giving her child a bath. She was reaching into the tub with her left hand, her attention focused on her right hand which held her phone. Apparently whatever she was watching/reading on her phone was more important than her child.
When phone calls or what is on the Internet is more important than the connection between a mother and child it's time we stopped, backed up and seriously examined our priorities.
And to glorify and promote that behavior in a TV commercial is unconscionable. What does that child think? What else. Mom's phone is more important that me. Isn't that so sad? When I was little and my mom bathed me, she was focused on me...not some piece of plastic she held in her other hand. Thanks Mom.

"Where does it end?" you ask? Well, I realized this morning that I probably spend more time exercising each day than watching TV and I don't have a cell phone. I do, however, try to stop by this site at least once a day. I'm hooked! I do appreciate what tech makes available to us but I doubt it's 'gonna take up much of my day. Just not that interested in learning about it. I know..... Dinosaur!

Hey I had to start all over when I switched jobs last year, I had to learn everything Google has to offer. Dealing with a lot of programs on the PC or in the field on chrome book or phone that I hadn't used before, it has been a challenge but a good one. I've learned more in the past 10 months than I did the previous 10 years. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
I suppose I see the point of the ad, mom didn't have to leave the baby alone to go answer the land line phone leaving the baby alone in the tub.

Of course a cordless land line phone would do the same thing, but the point is never leave a baby alone in water, and that is usually when it's a knock on door.

Water safety is huge here considering all the swimming pools.
My son learned to swim before he could ride a bike.
What baffles me is grown adults that don't even know how to swim.
This planet is mostly water!
My chest hairs are now up to 5" long, and the nose hair is growing so fast I can almost hear it.

Scientists, what is the explanation for this?
My chest hairs are now up to 5" long, and the nose hair is growing so fast I can almost hear it.

Scientists, what is the explanation for this?

Hmmm.......don't know the answer to this --- however, the top of my head could certainly take lessons from your chest!!