For Old Guys Only

I remember them all. n-A-Gadda-Da-Vida..Iron butterfly. whole side of album
Pink Floyd Echos whole side of album.
I felt old when we went to a second hand sore and they had some old albums and my grandson asked what they were lol
While we're on the subject of music; how about misunderstood lyrics? I think we covered this one time but...CCR had a song about where to find the restroom.

"There's a bathroom on the right"

Or how about that song about Snoopy? "Fly like a Beagle".

Does anyone really remember the 70s? I recall, 'Album Rock' when certain radio stations played the whole album with no commercials. 'Dark Side of the Moon, Yellow Brick Road, and who remembers, 'Tommy' by the 'Who'? "Pinball Wizard? Uncle Ernie? War of the Worlds?

I also remember the 'Gasoline Shortage' and 'The New Ice Age' scare.
I'll have to admit I don't remember a lot, but those come to mind.

"This is your brain. This is a brain on drugs." Who remembers that public service announcement?

Should we insert a disclaimer at the first of this thread that says, "May not be acceptable for all age groups" ? Or, Rated: R ?


Not only do I remember them from those days, I have them here in my house now on both vinyl and CD. I ate hundreds of hits of acid, chewed bags of peyote and mushrooms and still managed to finish my degree in Electrical Engineering which has served me well.

How about your brain with a side of bacon?

Wonderful stuff fellas. Hey Lud, you are about the same vintage as Pam and Semolina! Got any first hand knowledge of those ladies to entertain us with?

The 70's were definitely a blurrrrrrrrrr.

Yeah, love Roxanne. One of my favourite girl songs. No other song got quite so much feeling into just singing her name.

Did somebody reference The Residents - Semolina? They also had a song called Edweena that I think was about half of one side of a 33.

How about some non traditional Christmas faves in respect of the season. One of my faves is The Pogues - Fairy Tale Of New York
Non-traditional? I don't know why but my wife gets a kick out of
'I want a hippopotamus for Christmas'

I went to the doctors a few weeks ago and they had a radio playing. I had my Christmas music fix quickly this year.

The first song I heard was "Grandma got run over by a reindeer." For me, the Christmas season was official.

so we have gone from hot Roxanne to Hippopotamus? Howz about my 'Brown-eyed Girl' or something more "traditional" like 'Waltzing Matilda'

I'm never really into the 'Christmas Spirit' until I get to see 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' on TV.
And it has to be the old one, from 1965. A computer generated version just wouldn't be the same.

Anyone remember (no fair researching on the Internet) who sponsored the first broadcast?

so we have gone from hot Roxanne to Hippopotamus? Howz about my 'Brown-eyed Girl' or something more "traditional" like 'Waltzing Matilda'

Dan, the suject matter of this thread changes so fast you gotta be quick.
Regarding 'Roxanne'; I and my best friend back in the early 80s both had Golden Retrievers. His female dog was named, Roxanne, from the song and because her coat was more red than gold. Our dogs would run and explore a big field next to my house and when he called her he would yell out..."Roxxxxx-Anne". Funny part was, she always responded to it and came running.

I was reading that the sponsor wasn't really happy with the film when they first saw it and said out loud that it was too slow and would soon be forgotten. One animator stood up and said they were wrong and it would be here a hundred years from now.

It's half way there now.

I always get a little misty eyed when I watch it. My favourite scenes are the rehearsals for the play when they go nuts on the jazz music.

guess at sponsor: kellogs? or Campbell's soup
The only sponsor I can remember is when peanuts started shilling for Metropolitan Life insurance.
When I asked the trivia question about Charlie Brown and the original sponsor, I was mistaken about who it actually was. I would have said Ford Motor Co. and I swear I thought I'd read somewhere that the Mustang was first advertised on TV during the first Charlie Brown Christmas broadcast.

But, my research today said it was Coca-Cola and that the first few broadcast had the Peanuts gang making reference to drinking Coke. Later versions had the reference to Coke removed, edited out. Hmmmm.

I do recall that Peanuts did Ford commercials and maybe that's where I remember the Mustang connection. Oh well, give me a break. I'm old. Okay?

Who remembers toys from childhood that were dangerous? I got a set of "clackers" as a Christmas gift once and in a few days I had bruises all around both wrists, then there was the dart board with real darts. I remember playing "chicken " with my brother and sticking a dart in the calf of his leg. I know that's not what the darts were for but we got tired of throwing at the board real quick.
Many of the toys were made from metal that cut you if you didn't handle them right, and you learned not to fatigue the metal by bending things too often.

I remember "indestructible plastic" helicopters. Har har har, me and my brothers broke them easily.
Tonka Toys.
Big, heavy steel trucks and construction machines that had sharp edges. Pick them up by the windows and carry them and you'd cut your fingers. But guess what. You only did it once and you learned not to do it again.

Today the Consumer Product Safety Commision would be up in arms and finding Tonka responsibe for making an 'unsafe product'. Heaven forbid that a child might cut his finger. Oh my!
