For Old Guys Only

Everyone today is my last day of work at Sears Holdings, its going to be a major change to start my new job on Monday after 34 years. I've already started the pension process last week so maybe I'll have more m/b $. The maintenance crew bought pizza for me for lunch and our credit union of which I've been a board member of for 9 years got me a cake. I'm only going in today to walk around and say goodbye to coworkers, im calling it my "walk about"

We are forbidden to go Walkabout downunder, it's regarded as stealing the cultural rites of our Native Australians.!!
We are forbidden to go Walkabout downunder, it's regarded as stealing the cultural rites of our Native Australians.!!

Are you kidding? You have a country the GOV. say's you cant go walking around in. We have national forests and such that have rules about fires, littering, ect. but no one tells you to stay out of them and you can walkabout untill yer feet fall off.
I guess 'Old Fartness' has really set in.......I'd forgotten about this thread. Now, what were we discussing?
Today has been as perfect a day as I've had for a while --- off from work, baking bread, making pasta 'gravy', taking a short ride on the bike before the storm, had a few beers, and well.....just "be". Not many like that anymore, it seems.
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I finally saw the sun for a few days but was to busy doing things like mowing the yard and stuff to go riding now its raining again . The weather is getting weird but I do think some sunny day are going to get here soon . Will have to go on a long ride then see if I can use a whole tank of fuel . I have this fuel I want to try out called TRUFUEL a 50 to 1 mix ethanol-free . I'm not to sure about it as it has such a high octane rating of 92 . My dad who is 87 bought it for his chain saw he shops at SAM's so he got a whole case of it and gave me a can .
When I'm traveling with my bike, I take cans of this type fuel (don't want a smelly gas can in the car). I've never had an issue with it.......don't remember the brand, it's something we sell at my store (HD). It's pricy compared to the regular mix, but it sure is handy!
cool thanks will toss the can in my basket and have it for a spare tank of gas . now for sunny weather and out for a ride . Oddly enough (or it could be my imagination) riding my MB seems to bounce and jolt my bones back together gets some of the kinks out . I always seem to feel better after a good ride .
Someone has said that these bikes are actually "time machines" --- when you really think about it, they're probably right.
Today has been as perfect a day as I've had for a while --- off from work, baking bread, making pasta 'gravy', taking a short ride on the bike before the storm, had a few beers, and well.....just "be". Not many like that anymore, it seems.

Sounds like a great day Mark, I dont get many of those myself, but they sure are nice when we do aren't they.

Glad you had such a great time.
Close call.

Well my brothers, It was close. Th E.R. guy at the hospital said I made it just in time. I thought I would be dead by now and not have to deal with this OLD AGE crap. Too many heart attacks and CHF. I just spent 9 days in the hospital thinking maybe its finally my time. The first 5 days hooked up to I.V. antibiotics 3 bags at a time. I like my little hooker girls coming to visit me but one girl came over and gave me her BUG. Some kinda lung infection that almost killed me. THAT girl is 86'd for life. I don't care how cute she THINKS she is.
But, I'm back home and on the mend again, Just waiting to get strong enough to RIDE. A good ride always makes things better
I'm waiting until next year for my pensioner bus pass. It will mean that at certain times of the day, I can travel free of charge on local buses anywhere in England (the Scots and Welsh have the same privilege beyond their own borders). Not long after the introduction of the free bus pass, some lunatic travelled, taking a couple of days to do it, from the tip of Cornwall in the southwest to just short of Berwick up on the northeast coast.

I wonder if I could cover enough distance in a day to get to my brother in Edgeware, nw London?
Re: Close call.

Well my brothers, It was close. Th E.R. guy at the hospital said I made it just in time. I thought I would be dead by now and not have to deal with this OLD AGE crap. Too many heart attacks and CHF. I just spent 9 days in the hospital thinking maybe its finally my time. The first 5 days hooked up to I.V. antibiotics 3 bags at a time. I like my little hooker girls coming to visit me but one girl came over and gave me her BUG. Some kinda lung infection that almost killed me. THAT girl is 86'd for life. I don't care how cute she THINKS she is.
But, I'm back home and on the mend again, Just waiting to get strong enough to RIDE. A good ride always makes things better

Dang it Red.... glad to hear you're feeling better brother.....!!

Ill do my best to remember to put you in my prayers bro. I hope you kick this mess asap, the ticker starts doing better and you're up and going on your bike quickly so you can enjoy getting your knees in the breeze again out in the fresh air.

I havent rode one of my motorized bikes for a while now, but I did go for a couple rides this last week on the FXSTC Harley and it was so relaxing.... got someone wanting to buy my Harley and I was thinking seriously about selling it, but after some ride time the other day, im not sure I can let her go just yet.... I rode m6 opd 1982 Yamaha also and it was a nice ride, but no comparison to the Harley......

I been wanting to get a motorized bike out, but just havent got it done.

Get well soon and eat lots of fruit and vegetables if you can....

Dayum fatdaddy! That sounds like some hella nasty bug you got! I am glad that you are doing better now. Take it easy and try a diet like map suggested, nutrition for the immune system and more.
I pray you heal up quick and ride soon.
One of my friends has a partner who had a go at dying earlier this year. She's recovering, but chest bugs when they get a good foothold really don't like letting go.
I just wanna get good enough to ride again. If I can get my arse on something motorized a couple rides would be the best medication for me.
The I.V. antibiotic drip, 3 different ones all at the same time for 5 days straight is what saved my life. They didn't know what kind of bug is was so they just gave it ALL to me. Found out I'm allergic to one of them and THAT didn't help. Actually not feeling too bad now, just got no energy reserve. But, like I said , one or two good rides will fix me right up.
Thank you EVERYONE for your concern. All you guys really are kinda my Family.
My mate's partner had 2 forms of pneumonia in both lungs, it was 3 weeks of waiting for any reaistic signs of improvement whilst she was in an induced coma. It was about 2 months before they coud be reasonably sure she stood a good chance of surviving.
My mate's partner had 2 forms of pneumonia in both lungs, it was 3 weeks of waiting for any reaistic signs of improvement whilst she was in an induced coma. It was about 2 months before they coud be reasonably sure she stood a good chance of surviving.

Yeah Ludwig, This getting old crap Ain't for sissies. Ya gotta be tough just to get through it day after day after day, ect, ect.

Kind of scarey how fast you can go from feeling great to wonder if they'll make it. A matter of hours in a lot of cases and as we get old it seems to happen more often.

Glad you dodged the bullet with this one. As I've always said, I don't have so many friends that I can afford to lose one. Hoping you get better and back on the bikes soon.

Keep us informed.
