Well-Known Member
...and then whips up a 3-D rotating visual and formula of a molecule of transparent aluminum in seconds.Scotty picks up the mouse to the guy's computer and talks to it, saying "Computer...computer!..."
He's reminded that you have to use the keyboard on this kind.
Says Scotty: "A keyboard? How quaint."
(Then he bangs away like a minigun.)
Having been in computers for decades I always have to laugh at Scotty just whipping up that complex image on an old Mac.
Personally I can't stand 'smart phones', they aren't very smart and make really crappy phones.
My wife and son have SP's but not me, I like my big desktop land line phone.
It has big dial buttons and a big screen for caller ID and phone book use.
Old school. I even have a rotary phone that actually works for answering on the kitchen wall, it came with the house.
Even though my TV and the living room wireless phone pop up caller ID info as well, there is something nostalgic about the actual bell ringing of an old wall mount Ma Bell phone coming from the kitchen when a call comes in ;-}
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