For Old Guys Only

TV is certainly primarily garbage alright, Tom. You forgot soaps
disguised a drama and the plethora of cop shows using recycled
scripts, 40 minutes of program with 20 minutes of commercial.
Small wonder that I seldom watch but a few intelligent programs on
PBS & old movies on TCM, especially the silents. Geez, whatever
happened to dialogue & diction. Plot has been replaced by
interminable computer generated chases going nowhere.
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There is an excellent chance I might have been kidding you. I remembered you were close to my age and played on it.
I'm about 6 weeks away from 71 which is 50 years older than my family thought I would be. If it hadn't been for an unknown and well trained ambulance attendant they would have been right.

Yes I remember all those things. A half day on Saturday was mandatory at a lot of jobs. Actors had real talent ,even the worst ones and the best ones couldn't be matched today.

I hear ya, On the ambulance thing, me too. I got hit by a car & crunched
up like a stomped bag of potato chips. I could work in an ER for all the times
I've been in one. I think I've burned most of that karma. I haven't been in
doctor's office in 25 years. Cowardice is a wonderful survival tactic which
I generally employ when appropriate.
There are a few (newer) good ones out there.

Now that I'm retired, I always catch Judge Judy. My fav judge.

She delights in shredding the stupid, the dishonest and the irresponsible. Just grinds them into a fine powder - :)

It's a show that makes you feel really good to not be as stupid as the people on the show. Many of them have got to be really lucky as they are borderline Darwin material (too stupid to live)


I understand about the car karma. I was hit by two of them standing on a side street. One of the few people who can say they were killed and lived to talk about it. The karma part of it all was that one of the guys who hit me was my brother but he was the second car.

What? You guys were doing "sideshow" before it was called that?

Ya gotta love the sport eh? A bunch of "Fast & Furious" get together onna street and burn rubber with front wheels, wreck their cars, smash up real estate & street signs and kill the spectators. I see all the rubber marks in the cul de sacs. People love it.

Nothing ever changes. RIP James Dean.
Almost forgot. Soap operas are still alive and well. In prime time too.

The characters are vampires, werewolves and zombies though.

The story remains the same. The players are just a different species.
Steve, I've been hit 4 times,but only once with serious injuries. I nearly got hit
just the other day. There were a bunch of kids messin' around on my residential
street as I came pedaling toward them. This posterior aperture came zoomin'
up behind me at nearly twice the speed limit, and I put my bike between him
and the kids. I figure he lost an 1/8" of his treads hittin' the binders. So then
he calls me an aperture and flips me off. Fortunate for him, he quickly drove away.
That was probably something I wouldn't have done if I'd taken a second to think
about it.
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Posterior aperture.......

Definitely a keeper and one I'll unabashedly add to my vocabulary grab-bag!! :D
I don't "live in the past" but I sure enjoy visiting it occasionally.
I try to spend a few minutes every day remembering things from my past as it has been proven that taking the time to remember the past keeps your brain sharper.

Heck, I still remember our address from when I was 6, 4113 S. Barker Rd. in Salt Lake City, UT and Ohms Law.

I am also a self professed video addict and have everything I need.
65" HD flat screen, full surround sound sound, dual tuner DVR and Internet connected Blu-Ray player and a pair of remotes both set to control everything so my wife has her own.

Though it might seem like we would fight over what to watch with dueling remotes it is actually the opposite, we argue over who's turn it is to FF through the commercials or pause when want to take a break.

Movie theaters and plays? Pffttt, haven't been to one in years.

Maybe twice since they closed the last of our close drive-in but it all boils down to the same thing for the wife and I, if we can't sit in our comfy chairs with snacks, alcoholic beverages, smoke, and have a pause button we ain't going with so much actual good entertainment to relax to for cheap right here at home.

Just for giggles and grins Netflicks has every episode of every season of the Rockford files with James Garner who just recently passed away.
Every episode had something that reminded me of the 70's, mostly the cars but other less tangible things that just made it an easy show to watch 2 or 3 episodes at a time.

I hope they eventually put Banacek up as we'll semi-binge watch that as well when we are not watching what the DVR 'series manager' has waiting for us most every evening.
Ya we have dinner in front the TV every night.

Just a note, I don't do daytime TV soaps, talk or game shows nor do I do anything 'reality' based or cartoons because a sharp mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Anyway I ramble, it must be time for a tall cocktail, smoke and the TV in my underwear ;-}
I was wondering where he got his underwear Lud. I don't watch much TV, but if it was in my undies I might start. Actually I quit wearing that particular piece of clothing when I got to spend some time in a jungle environment back about 44 years ago when I was "government property". But I would like a pair, where do you get them and do they come in HD with surround sound?

In this age of minaturization I suppose a TV in one's underwear
is possible, but I'm curious As to who or what might be watching there.
I'd certainly want my undies to have 'stereo'. Mono underwaer just doesn't seem right, somehow.

T.V. in your underwear. I'd like to have surround sound as well. Be the first time when I was accused of talking out my *** I wouldn't be able to argue.


Four times? Yipes, you must be a crash magnet. One serious accident is more than enough for anyone and to survive it is pure luck I think.
Most of my hospital stays were self inflicted but I like your description of crumpled up like a bag of potato chips. Fits the moment perfectly.

I gotta say, regarding the television thing, I realized there are an awful lot of things I wouldn't want in my underwear. Television is just one of them.
Hey, remember the old one hit classic, 'Radar Love' by Golden Earring? Great song and had that good driving beat. I was watching some old music videos and stumbled on this one. I don't know how much of the original group is here but they sound okay. The kicker is the 1000 drums that joined them in the song. Watch to the end and see the fireworks that go with the long drum solo ending. Neat stuff. Well I thought so anyway.

And if you want to see something that's right in line with this thread title, watch this> Then tell me you don't feel your age :) Who are those old men?

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