For Old Guys Only

The only way I can tell a "good wine" is that I don't enjoy it. MD20/20 with ice is about my favorite wine. Not kidding.

I also think the imprecisenesst artists needed glasses. Just a bunch of blury paintings, from my point of view. Warhol was an idiot who copied soup cans, changed the color and called it art. But he was an artest and Norman Rockwell was an illustrator. (NORMAN ROCKWELL IS SECOND TO WARHOL? lol)

My thinking is chocolate covered ants, recolored soup cans and old wine are just really well marketed.

My definition of good is what I enjoy. My definition of art is what moves me to emotion. My definition of a good wine is a cold beer.

Screw the experts and connoisseurs. I don't eat bugs, look at fuzzy art, but do enjoy a cold one.


Dan *the pedestrian* Keav
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Tequila? I've never, ever abused it, (thank heaven) but I have some fond memories of some Tequila sunrises, with the right lady. :)
I'm a whiskey and water guy but other than real milk with things like cookies and breakfast I have a specific alcoholic beverage for all meals and it depends on the food.

I can't eat Pizza without a beer but I don't drink much beer, in fact my wife buys me the 18 packs of 8oz Bud cans and I may not finish even one.

Then again we went to a local brew pub for lunch earlier this month and I had a foot long chilli dog which is also a beer food and we sampled some of their craft brews and I ended up buying a 64 oz Growler of 'Moses Toeses'.


Between the wife and I it was gone the next day with little food involved, it just really tasted good.
Craft beers seem like they can be fun and I have my own Growler now so I can have it filled with any craft draft beer from anywhere for ~$10.

Spaghetti and seafood on the other hand requires the right wine and usually a lot of it.

Mexican food is either beer or Margaretta time ;-}

There is little that can give me a hangover these days but I steer clear of Ta-KILL-ya shots as it does.

Tequila and it's cousin Mescal on the other hand are a different story with the right mix...

Back in my prime decades ago I ventured into Nogalas Mexico a couple times a month and always made sure to bring home a couple of fifths of Paramadi locally made Mescal.

Mescal Margaritas were pretty much a staple for pool parties at my house and deceivingly potent.

Simple recipe.
Plop an 8oz can of frozen Lime-aide into a blender, fill lit up with ice, and then fill in the rest with Mescal, worm and all.

From what I've heard a Peyote button or Magic Mushroom blends right in the mix and it still tastes good, it just gives you one heck of different kind of buzz, the kind where 20 people will climb into a big tree and laugh their asses off for a few hours and the next morning not have a hangover but you feel like you did 500 situps just from all the laughing ;-}
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I wondered when MD 20/20 would enter into the discussion. I was partial to that and Ripple back in the 60's.
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The older you get you realize that stuff you drank when you were 20yo wasn't real good stuff.

My crew was smart enough to start off with a little of the 'good stuff' before we transitioned to the 'cheap stuff'.....:D However, Black Label beer was still 'nasty stuff' --- even after lots of the 'good stuff'!!
Buzzard!! It was all good! And Xseler... I had some "flashbacks" but not from the alcohol. Just happy to be alive, enjoying life as much as I can.
Aren't you glad we all survived our youth, (and the 70s)? I am. So good to have folks like you that know what we experienced, and lived through. :)

Carlings Black Label Beer. When you saw someone in a bar drinking it you knew it was too late for them. They had truly hit rock bottom and they weren't coming back.

the there's always green death....
heileman's special export, i believe is the official name.
green death was more appropriate tho....


Every city should have one of these resturants. They are set up to look like the stainless steel and vinyl diners from the 50s and 60s. The decor is all about those years. They have TV screens around but instead of sports they show 'The Little Rascals, 'Ozzie & Harriet' "The Lone Ranger' and other television icons from the 50s and 60s.

The one my wife and I go to for breakfast has a section devoted to the Chevy Corvette. There is a complete 58 Vett grill attached to the wall with hubcaps from all of the early Corvettes along with steering wheels and even a glove box door.

There are two motorcycles, one a 56 Harley and a 60 BSA both restored to perfection.
The music mirrors the decor. We heard Bobby Darin this morning doing 'Things' Hadn't heard that one in a long time.

"Things, like a walk in the park
Things, like a kiss in the dark,
Things, like a sail boat ride, yeah, yeah
"What about the night we cried"

Neat place. If you're ever in Denver you should try one. You'll like it.

I used to drink like Richard Burton, then I woke up one morning
and didn't feel like drinking anymore. I just stopped. Quitting
smoking was 50 times harder.
I am now 6 days smoke free. It's my 4th try at quitting. I finally looked into vaping and it is working. I don't want to trade one vice for another, but hey, vaping is alot less dangerous than inhaling burning God-knows-what-they-put-in-them from the tobacco companies.
That & a nicotine patch are just ways of keeping you addicted to nicotine.
the main thing is to keep reducing the amount of nicotine. I started by going
from 2 packs a day to 2 a week to 2 a month to 2 cigarettes a week to a
couple a month and then a conscious effort to just forget about 'em.
Once you kick 'em you'll will feel 100% more alive.
Way to Gearnut, my dad smoked and was a little out of shape and died at 52. I've now eclipsed his age by 4 years, I don't drink or smoke and still play softball to stay in shape. I have nothing against either but they were not for me, nor is sitting around my thing.