For Old Guys Only

Back in the day, the worst ever hang-overs were produced by wine. It even hurts just to remember..........

I remember the night I discovered "cold duck" I think I was 20.

It was really tasty. It was fizzy and a little sweet. I liked it.

My mistake was buying that second bottle. After I drank that the room began to spin and I had the purple vomit.
I learned that if the bed was 'spinning' when I got in it, I'd have a rough morning. If the bed was 'still', I'd be alright. Some times, experience was a cruel teacher......
Lest we forget, Washington & Jefferson exchanged letters bewailing a poor
marijuana crop one year, (and i'm not taking about hemp.)
Worst I ever did was Coke and vodka. Don't ask me why they mixed 'em but it was a going away party for me on my last night in Vietnam, first tour.

My second tour, I couldn't even look at a bottle of vodka. In fact I've never had a sip since Feburary, 1969. Even today I turn my head when I walk past it in the liquor store.

Next is Cianti. Oh lordy, it was a spaghetti dinner party with two other couples. We called it Wine-O Rama. I can't even stand the smell of Cianti today. I don't go to Olive Garden resturants for that reason. :(

Tequila? I've never, ever abused it, (thank heaven) but I have some fond memories of some Tequila sunrises, with the right lady. :)

About the only liquor I do anymore is Wild Turkey American smooth!! With that being said, a bottle will last me a year or so.

Just a wild and crazy guy!!
Paul or one of the other mods is going to get on us about the subject matter here but, hey, doesn't age have its privileges? This is the 'Old Guy' thread, right?

No politics, no drugs, no religion, we should be okay :)

Well, I can say I've never tried recreational drugs. And I can say I have no palate for cheap beer. I just can't stand Bud or Miller or Pabst or the like. I've been spoiled.
For wines, I tend to like a good Riesling, or Spätlese, or even Hungarian Tokaji or a Sauternes. (I've got a sweet tooth when it comes to wine.) I've even found a stellar Melomel from Oliver Winery that goes on sale for $6.99 up at Marsh now & then. And it tastes like the $45 to $50 stuff. It totally rocks!
And every income tax return I tend to restock a tad. I keep ten-year Talisker single malt on hand. Got a bottle of Crystal Head vodka. Need more rum. Got Bailey's & Godiva Chocolate liqueur (which keeps wife happy). And, now that it's legal to purchase, my next acquisition might be a bottle of Popcorn Sutton's white lightning.
As far as beer goes, the cheapest I'll drink is Sam Adams. As a consequence, I don't drink very often. Some of the best I've had is Weihenstephaner & Gulden Draak. As cheaper stuff goes, I like Leinenkügel's, Hoegaarden, Fat Tire, Blue Moon, but I've never been able to stomach IPAs.
Mary and I have a great relationship. She don't mess with my eidetic memory, and I don't accuse her of being indica when she's actually sativa. Well, if she was actually indica I wouldn't know the difference because she'd prolly have my proverbial dick in the dirt. In which case I'd be kinda confused anyway. I think. What was the point? Hand me them corn chips bra. What was we pontificatin about? I might have quantifiable reservations...if I can remove my socks anyway. What's after 15?

Maybe wines should come with a 'scratch-n-sniff' on their labels.........

I also tend to go for the sweeter wines ---- moscato, riesling, etc. As far as how the 'experts' describe the taste, well, how the **** do they know what 'earthy', etc. taste like??!!
Maybe wines should come with a 'scratch-n-sniff' on their labels.........

I also tend to go for the sweeter wines ---- moscato, riesling, etc. As far as how the 'experts' describe the taste, well, how the **** do they know what 'earthy', etc. taste like??!!
Hmmmm, to me "earthy" would mean it tastes like, dirt.
Doesn't sound all that good to me.

Wine appreciation is an art that I've never acquired. I taste it, if I like it, I drink it. That simple. Never found a need to attach any lables to what I like other than 'good'. :)

Maybe wines should come with a 'scratch-n-sniff' on their labels.........

I also tend to go for the sweeter wines ---- moscato, riesling, etc. As far as how the 'experts' describe the taste, well, how the **** do they know what 'earthy', etc. taste like??!!

Oh yes! I'm with you 100% on the scratch-n-sniff labels. Why hasn't anybody done that yet? The stuff's a mystery until you uncork it, unless you've had it before.

And you want to taste "Earthy". Here's earthy: Laphroaig 30. My buddy from work has a bottle. It's a wicked-expensive single malt. It's very highly praised, very highly rated. And to me it's just like drinking a peat bog. It's a very earthy scotch. That's why I buy Talisker. That stuff is a bit lighter and clearer and more drinkable. I can't imagine drinking a wine that's earthy.
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Wine appreciation is an art that I've never acquired. I taste it, if I like it, I drink it. That simple. Never found a need to attach any lables to what I like other than 'good'. :)


Tom, it seems to me that you have acquired the most important form of wine appreciation there is. You find wines you like, and you appreciate them. If you don't like it, don't drink it. Wine is meant to be enjoyed. That's the name of the game. There's so many different kinds out there, and so many people with varying tastes. You could learn, I suppose, how one's bouquet differs from another's, the different notes, the aftertaste, and so on. But, unless you're going to write a book or something, why bother? I do the same thing: I drink what I like. (Of course, I often like more things than my budget allows for.)
In a blind taste-test, I'd probably pick a $10 wine over some artsy-fartsy $200 Boutique Wine of the Week.

Simple is good. Even better when it's cheap!
I drank Albertsons cheap wiskey for awhile. Now the best thing that ever happened to me personally anyway. No AA crude just did it on my own. ''After a prayer to God'' I don't drink at all what so ever now. The money that I save!!

Never did find enlightenment in that stuff. I was the fellow who was always the last one standing. I mean at one point I could not even get a buzz anymore. I do hafta say those early morning buzz's from the night before was when I did my best most reckless WOT personal speed records tho:D

There was not a care in the world in those few minuteslafflafflaff

Now Mary she was always peacfull she puts me to sleep at night. The best part of that wait for it...I am not sick to death for half the next day or not know any better? Which I was and one of my freinds still is. Just perfectly rested.

It is weired how much I notice from the other side of the fence now. My head rewired itself. 5 years baby!!

All that said Gotta figgure I am not saying drinking is bad but like some sins? Some folks should obstain. Was about a 15 year Hellbound **** raiser phase for me. Anyway nuttun wrong with a glass of wine now and again, but not the likes of two cartons or what ever.

Moderation OK life of the party hey I'll adment it is fun to at least pretend! I had fun doing it I am too old to be that rebel anymore;)
I know what you mean, Goat. I can't recall if I've ever had a hangover but I've partied pretty hard in my college days. Thing is, when I do that, once I finally do go to sleep I'm out so deep that no alarm or even shaking will wake me up. And then, when I do wake, I'm kinda worthless, groggy, slow, my thinking seems all muddled. (You know, maybe that's a kind of hangover - except I don't get the headaches. I dunno.)
I'd never drink like I used to then. It just wouldn't be a good idea. I'm no spring chicken now, and I have to work the next morning. My budget and my responsibilities keep me pretty sober.
I drink every day. Three is the magic number. Three does not cause me any problems.

That could be a couple (2) rum & cokes before supper and a beer with the food or (3) rum & cokes and water with supper. Works good, no problems.

More will give me problems. Not sick, not stupid, just don't feel right the next morning. Not worth it.