For Old Guys Only

I was in HS '70 to '73.

College '73 to '78.

Drove out to CA from Detroit winter of 79 for my first "real job"

I was in school in the 70's. Studied hard, drank alcohol, puked, did drugs, had a good time.
I was in HS '70 to '73.

College '73 to '78.

Drove out to CA from Detroit winter of 79 for my first "real job"

I was in school in the 70's. Studied hard, drank alcohol, puked, did drugs, had a good time.
Keep 'em coming guys. I think things are starting to come back.

'The Graduate' I remember 'The Graduate' and the music. Mrs. Robinson and a song called 'The Sun Porch Cha Cha Cha. A local TV station picked it up and used it as their prelude to the late movie.

Oh, and 'Jesus Christ Superstar' A girlfriend, Ginger was her name, took me to see it about five times. I do remember Ginger :)

See, I'm associating the 70s with movies and music. There had to be more to life back then but I can't recall what it was. I mean besides Ginger.

The Mid-Night Special!! All the best acts came on last!

Mother, Juggs, & Speed.....

Evel Kneivel......
It is a question in reference to Gilligan's Island as well as it was a popular 70's show, even though by then they were all re-runs.
Bell bottoms ,

Evel Knievel gyro cycle with launch pad Toy

drive in movies

wolf man

jimmy carter

bicentennial wall paper & furniture

Big wheel & the green machine. Can ya guess I was a kid in the 1970's


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Good one guys! I got back from the service at the end of 73 and until '79 when I suffered a spinal cord injury it was definitely was a blurrrrr. Worked hard on the farm, played harder. Now I'm tryin' to remember too. Don't know if anyone mentioned it yet but: platform shoes! If I still had them I'd have them on display here in the house.

This is the Steve Austin I remember as a kid, not some steroided out muscle headed over paid wrestler.


“Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.”
— Oscar Goldman
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In high school I remember seeing the first Texas Instruments' first scientific calculator, it was amazing.

Computer Programming was sending your basic program to Toronto to be turned into punch cards, then you get back a stack of punch cards to go through to see if there were any typos. I can't quite remember what happened after that but you had to wait in line 'figuratively' to run your program on the University main frame. It took a week to get it back. Then you go through the printout, if you had made a mistake you went through your program, line by line to see where you fu**ed up. And with a major mistake you had to re-write it and go through the whole process again. The rest of the time was theory. I was fascinated by the whole idea of computers but the class itself was boring as ****.

Oh yea up here in Canada, the Metric system, high school French, Parisian not Quebec French.

A school trip to Paris to study the Rose Windows. We poured the guys into their rooms every night. The Legal drinking age of 15 did not help.

Started smoking...both, Jacques Cousteau

Sorry long list, had a Milestone birthday this year :(