For Old Guys Only

Oh yeah, don't go to school and learn anything 'cause it's too expensive.

Don't go to a trade school either. Why bother with a union apprenticeship, they aren't going to pay you much while you are learning.

Just go out into today's high tech world with your high school diploma and get a job at a fast food joint and work your way up from there. Zero debt.

Good Luck!

One more, and it's an oldie but goodie...

"If the price of education seems too high, consider the cost of ignorance"
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Oh yeah, the 'what ifs' of life. My ex wife was a corporate climber and when we divorced she was a VP of national sales accounts for an electronics firm that pioneered the modem. She wanted me to quit my job, one that I was good at and successful in, and get into computers. I had no desire to do that and it was probably one of the reasons she's my ex.

That was in 1977. Look what happened to computers since then. Although I'm happy and content with where I am today, who I'm with, where I live and my life in general, I still sometimes have to wonder, "what if?" What if we had stayed together and I had gotten in on the ground floor of computers and that technology. Would I be building motorized bicycles today for a hobby, or sailing a yacht somewhere in the Bahamas?

Who knows? And, more important, who cares?

If you don't, that's good enough eh?

I like buying brand new motorcycles, shipping in lobster tails from Maine and drinking Champagne!

Not to mention pre-ordering Elios - :)
Mike did you order the Elio for real? I've been looking at all the videos of them, I would like to test "ride" one. Ride because it is listed as a motorcycle. I do still have the mc endorsement on my licence .
I went "all in" for a grand. No refund, car or zip.

If car, I get the grand back plus $500, if not I got a shirt and a bumper sticker for a thousand bucks.

I like to gamble - :)
Yea, and I am worried about the loss of $100 !
P.S. still the only thing in your garage with 4 wheels will be the lawn mower.
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I think at the very least the 'T' shirts should read, "I gave it my best shot" with a picture of an Elio frowning.

Why does it cost me money every time some one finds a cool video of the latest new toy? That's how I got into m/b's, a friend saw a video and before I knew it I was "all in".
I'd love to get an Elio, probably trade in my truck for one. I doubt that I would fit inside an Elio though. They look tiny!
Oh yeah, don't go to school and learn anything 'cause it's too expensive.

Don't go to a trade school either. Why bother with a union apprenticeship, they aren't going to pay you much while you are learning.

Just go out into today's high tech world with your high school diploma and get a job at a fast food joint and work your way up from there. Zero debt.

Good Luck!

One more, and it's an oldie but goodie...

"If the price of education seems too high, consider the cost of ignorance"

I hate to say it, but college didn't give me gave me a diploma. It showed that I was willing to put in the effort to attain something. But it didn't give me smarts. I already had those. I can intelligently speak about the ins and outs of farming peanuts. I can just as easily converse about string theory. I can debate the fallacies of the current economic system. College or trade school didn't give me these abilities. They were already part of me.

When my family moved to Oklahoma, the school system saw it fit to 'test' all new-comers to make sure that they could handle the grade level appropriate to their age. I was just going into the 5th grade. I tested out above 12th grade.

Blanket statements are just that.........anyone in the area gets covered regardless of their particular circumstance.

I have no grudge against anyone. I just feel that college or even trade schools aren't the answer for everyone. I bet we can all name a 'few' folks that are/were very successful without 'higher education'.......and success can be measured in a multitude of ways.

"And that's all I've got to say about that......"
I never said that college makes you smart, I said that college gives you an education and knowledge. Smarts you have to have to even get through. High school is a joke compared to college. You don't even have to work to get thru HS, just show up.

It's more of a social thing than a learning experience.

And don't go if it doesn't make sense. Economic sense. You want a return on your investment. Literature you can get for free at the library.

I spent my time getting an electrical engineering degree. It has served me well. I've been fired 4 times and quit 4 times. Never been outta work for longer than 2 months. Except now, 'cause I quit permanently - :)

If you are going to spend the dough and the time, it had better be worth it eh?

Otherwise why bother?
Yep. The repair shops quoted me $200, or more, to replace anti-swaybar links on my Ford Ranger.

WHAT??? Four nuts? Install the new links and the job is done? You gotta be kidding me.
I replaced them in less than a half hour. Parts were under $20.00. Where do these people get off charging the prices they do?
I'd guess the cell phone generation would pay it. Not me.


Damn straight 2door kids today cant even change a tire or their own oil...
I'm from the "I was dads TV remote" generation.
"Son get up and change that channel for me will ya?" I think we had all of 4 channels ..oh yea...and UHF.. I would spin that dial so fast BRRRRIP..BRIIIP and he would get so mad ...
Don't spin it like that ..your gonna break the darn thing and it will cost me an arm and a leg to get it fixed..yours!!
Missing you Dad! !
Could someone enlighten me on the 70s. 1970 to 1978 seem to be a blur to me. I have fleeting memories of things but for the most part those seven years are lost. I was fresh out of the Air Force and two Vietnam tours. I remember the music, but not much else. Maybe a few snippets from Saturday Night Live, circa 1975, but so much is just a fog.

Occasionally a memory will surface, like an old water soaked log and bump around before sinking again, but for the most part the 70s remain a mystery, an enigma, that I know I lived through but only have vague recollections of. Strange.

Makes me think of an old public service announcment that used to air on TV.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste",............. brain cells too I guess.

There seemed to be a skillet, frying an egg.....

A pollution ad with a crying Indian (sorry, Native American......even though my friends of this ethnicity call themselves "Indians")

Conjuntion function.....

I'm just a Bill......



Expensive gas.....

Cheap full size cars....



Animal House.....

Midnight Cowboy......


"Only you can prevent forest fires......" Made me feel important!
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Thanks, X but there must have been more. We're talking 7.5 to 8 years here.

I have memories of gasoline lines, many many hours flying over the Caribbean, Jimmy Buffet getting his start playing for tips at a south Miami resturant. I playerd in a band for at least two of those years. 3 Dog Night was popular and the Bee Gee's and disco was big.

'American Graffiti' was released, so was the first 'Jaws' as well as 'The Summer of 42' Jennifer Oneal. Oh my. And Saturday Night Fever hit the screen.
(I must have been into movies) Cheech and Chong played a part in that era somewhere too, me thinks.

I think there was a hurricane that hit Miami. I remember something about cars floating down Collins Avenue.

Maybe if I just sit here and think, things will start coming back to me. But then again, maybe not.

Jennifer O'Neal.........oh, my!! Me thinks that's when my attraction to 'older' women started!

Pet Rock named Stony..........


Mood rings......



Lite beer.....

Radial tires (at least in America).....

Short shorts.....

"Who wears short shorts??"

Atari 2600......
