For Old Guys Only

Old dinosaur movies: They mixed an elephant's trumpeting with a lion's roar to come up with the voice of a dinosaur. (didn't mean for that to rhyme)

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Don't get me started on sit-coms and canned laughter again. I think I've harped on that a few times before. Fake, fake, so obviously fake!!!!

If you want some real laughs, try "Who's Line is it Anyway"

A remake of the old Brit show. Everything is improv, and it gets me going - :)
Lightning strike or thunder sound effect: take a 4x8 sheet of thin gauge sheet metal and drill holes in the corners of one 4' end. Suspend in the air with rope. Hit the panel with a rubber mallet for a strike sound. Shake the panel from the bottom for a distant rumble sound.
Trivia Time:
Who are these two guys?



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Ran into Crosby once in the All American bar in Breckenridge.
Don't know who the other guy is, but he sounds like cheap wine
chased with sandpaper:)
Ran into Crosby once in the All American bar in Breckenridge.
Don't know who the other guy is, but he sounds like cheap wine
chased with sandpaper:)
I also ran into him at a book store, 'The Tattered Cover' in Denver several years ago. I said hello, he smiled and put his finger to his lips as if to say, "Shhhhhh" Really a nice guy. He looked exactly like he did in that screen shot that I took from a video.

The other guy really never had a great singing voice but he wrote a lot of lyrics that he and others made famous. Hint: He played a character named 'Alias' in a western movie.

I have been to 7 Grateful Dead shows and not once have seen them play. Never made it past the parking lot.

Can't in good conscience tell the stories here in public but did not sleep alone and was not legal to drive in all seven events. Good, good times. (hehe, well spent youth)
When I met him he was 30 yrs. younger than that pic. It brings to
mind when they used to celebrate 'Ullr Dag' in Breckenridge. Due to
a map glitch, Breckenridge fell neither in the Louisiana Purchase nor
Mexican territory, so each year for a few days it became the Kingdom
of Breckenridge. College kids from allover Colo. then converged to ski
& get thoroughly debauched. I was there the night the Hoosier Pass
Cafe closed forever, hiding under the bowling machine with a bota of
Boone's Farm* & some skinny chick while the place got destroyed in a
full on John Wayne barroom brawl. My roommate stole my '57 Chevy
and the skinny chick & left me to freeze on the ski area road .

*actually Thunder Bird, just couldn't remember the name right off.
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When I met him he was 30 yrs. younger than that pic. It brings to
mind when they used to celebrate 'Ullr Dag' in Breckenridge. Due to
a map glitch, Breckenridge fell neither in the Louisiana Purchase nor
Mexican territory, so each year for a few days it became the Kingdom
of Breckenridge. College kids from allover Colo. then converged to ski
& get thoroughly debauched. I was there the night the Hoosier Pass
Cafe closed forever, hiding under the bowling machine with a bota of
Boone's Farm* & some skinny chick while the place got destroyed in a
full on John Wayne barroom brawl. My roommate stole my '57 Chevy
and the skinny chick & left me to freeze on the ski area road .

*actually Thunder Bird, just couldn't remember the name right off.

Wow Otero! Hunter S. Thompson would have made that a novel! As should you!!! Seriously, get that down on paper (or text in an email to your self)

I'd dang sure love to read it
Should I add the part where I surprised Steve Tyler in bed with a
friend off mine,(same gender).
He'd been busted in Boulder with THC & was sentenced to the hospital
for the criminally insane. He fasted & escaped thru the bars to New York
and ended up as a concert promoter, dead now, car crash.
I was a schlepper in the Aspen area for years, much of the time as
the resident homeless guy. I've got tons of Celeb dirt. Did you
know that before becoming a star, Gary Cooper was Aspen's
resident homeless guy. I was just upholding the tradition. Not a
dime to my name, but I lived like a prince, good place to be
homeless if you're resourceful enough.

P.S. I've partied with Hunter Thompson.
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That would be fun, Dan, but I don't drink anymore. It's probably smart to
keep my mouth shut. There's more than couple people that would be very
unhappy with me if word got out including some 'big time' politicos. I'm not
talking about John Kerry; he was just another ski bum like me who married
well. I kinda feel sorry for him in a way. Having an ambitious wife has made
his life considerably more complicated.
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Ah gee, maybe I can get round without mentioning names.
In my life I've had well over a hundred jobs mostly of the hard,
dirty, dangerous variety that no one else wanted. Either that
or they were just plain boring.
Back in the early 70s I worked as a jug hand on a Wyoming
seismograph crew for Haliburton.(ring a bell?) Among other
things, my boss' job was to 'persuade' ranchers & sheepherders
to 'play ball' with big oil. Perhaps you've seen the movie,
"Oklahoma Crude" with George C. Scott & Faye Dunaway.
I could compare my boss' duties with those of Jack Palance's
character. Nuff said.

P.S. No, Hunter Thompson was not an especially fun guy, but
the guests were certainly interestin', and the Hors d'oeurves
were other worldly.
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Keep it goin' guys, very interesting. Don't remember a lot of specifics (for some unknown reason) so I won't try to remember exactly who, but in the 70's I was part of the electrician/sound crew at an outdoor concert venue in Ohio. Got to meet and party with many of the performers. The "70's Blurrrrrr"
Ahhh yes, those glorious 70s.
Every generation has their favorites and I'm old enough to have lived through (survived) several of them but the 70s..................:)

I was old enough to know better but young and dumb enough to have enjoyed what they offered. Many fond, and heartbreaking, memories of that decade. I'm glad I'm still around to enjoy those memories. They pop up quite often and there seems to be more of them the older I get. They make me smile, most of the time.
