When I met him he was 30 yrs. younger than that pic. It brings to
mind when they used to celebrate 'Ullr Dag' in Breckenridge. Due to
a map glitch, Breckenridge fell neither in the Louisiana Purchase nor
Mexican territory, so each year for a few days it became the Kingdom
of Breckenridge. College kids from allover Colo. then converged to ski
& get thoroughly debauched. I was there the night the Hoosier Pass
Cafe closed forever, hiding under the bowling machine with a bota of
Boone's Farm* & some skinny chick while the place got destroyed in a
full on John Wayne barroom brawl. My roommate stole my '57 Chevy
and the skinny chick & left me to freeze on the ski area road .
*actually Thunder Bird, just couldn't remember the name right off.