For Old Guys Only

The "70's Blurrrrrr"



Oddly enough, made me think of a Hunter S. Thompson quote;

"...The 1960s actually happened in the 70s" (dang, think I messed that up)(I blame the 80s))

Can't find his exact quote so just paraphrasing. But is a funny thought.
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Yes, I think the 60's did "happen" in the 70's. It is kinda neat how a conversation, a song, a smell, etc. fires up a connection to an old memory bank. (Random Access Memory) Sometimes scary, but like you said, Tom, mostly good. One of the bennies for being around this long.
Yep, music, odors, scenes from movies, old photographs, they all can stir the ashes and bring those embers back to life.

I was just watching some old music videos and pulled up Elton John's 'Yellow Brick Road'. The sounds took me right back to an apartment I shared with a girl, who later became my wife, and those joys of first discoveries and young love. I was just home from from Vietnam, out of the Air Force and trying to find work with the airlines. Hair too long, shoes not shined, and too glad to be alive to hunker down to more rules and regulations. A rebel in every sense of the word.
But, ohhhh, those nights..................:)

I'm at the point where time has dimmed the painful stuff, but the good stuff is still vivid. The best of both worlds.

I started a minor vehicle maintenance project that has bitten me..........something that really didn't have to be done, but the fuel mileage had started to decrease. Oxygen sensors. I've done countless swaps in the past with no issues, however, that doesn't hold true anymore. The old sensor left a lot of the thread material in the pre-cat bung. I've removed what I can, but the new sensor just won't thread in. Took the sensor to the store to see if I could find something to 'chase' the threads in the bung, but it's some god aweful weird size. I've never had a project defeat me in the past, but I just may have to get a new exhaust manifold assembly......snork, snork, snork!!!!! (snork substituted for another "s" word)
You might want to check with a local muffler shop. I had a friend who owned one several yeras ago and he used to weld in a new bung on cars that the sensor was seized so bad they wouldn't come out. I have no idea where he bought those bungs, maybe a muffler supply outlet. He isn't in business anymore and I've lost touch with him so I can't ask. Just a suggestion. Speedway Motors, Jegs, Summit, might have something. Even (shudder) J.C Whitney. If not the bungs, maybe a tap. Also you might check with a Snap-On, Matco, Proto tool guy for a tap.

I am gonna get/catch stuff for this But the Good Sir Elton's B side stuff was so, so much better than his more commercial and critically acclaimed works. (IMVHO)

Just had real heart and soul. Real R&B from deep down music. I greatly enjoy his pop stuff too. But is pop, bubble gum. Gets your toes tapping for sure but his b-side stuff made ya think. More Simon and Garfunkel with a real hook ......

All about what ya enjoy so no right or wrong with any art. Is like good wine. A good wine is the one you enjoy.
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All time best, bar none album. Joni Mitchell. "Court and spark" Back in the days of walkmans and tape players, I played this tape so many times I wore out 3 tapes.

Picture this; I was 20 or so sitting on the bow of a cruise ship gliding slowly up the mississippi listening to this tape. The days work done and nothing to do but enjoy it all. My very good friend ( a line from a song on this album. I was a free man in Paris) came out on deck and she gave me a bouquet of daisies. Was one of the coolest moments, ever. Only time a woman has given me flowers but was so, so cool.
My home & yard look like a florist's shop thanks to the Wife's obsession
for gardening. Almost every day there's a fresh arrangement in the
kitchen. Still, Dan, I'm jealous.
When I was 17 a 30 year old nympho gave me crabs, but oddly enough,
it was still pretty cool.:)
My home & yard look like a florist's shop thanks to the Wife's obsession
for gardening. Almost every day there's a fresh arrangement in the
kitchen. Still, Dan, I'm jealous.
When I was 17 a 30 year old nympho gave me crabs, but oddly enough,
it was still pretty cool.:)

The gardening obsession hit my wife too. But it's cool. When I mow the lawn, sometimes I'll stop along the way and grab raspberries off the bush. We had strawberries earlier too. She grows beans, corn, oregano, basil, dill, echinacea (sp?) etc. She also grows things nearby to repel pests: marigolds, garlic, belladonna, aconite; I don't know where she gets those last two. At least we needn't worry about vampires.
But the roses are her favorites: breeds of briar roses, hedge roses, wood roses. Some are, like, unaltered heirloom species which date back to the middle ages. Others are planted below the windows; Constance Spry has long, wicked, blood-red thorns. Another one I don't know the name for has so doggone many beastly thorns that it looks like a friggin' cactus. My wife has a sadistic streak. Mowing around those monsters is fun.
On the bright side, if you want to break into my home without bleeding to death, you must walk up the well-lit drive or the well-lit walk and choose one of the two dead-bolted steel doors to contend with. I'm okay with that, gives me time to wake up and grab the five-cell Maglight by the bed.
My home & yard look like a florist's shop thanks to the Wife's obsession.
Still, Dan, I'm jealous.
When I was 17 a 30 year old nympho gave me crabs, but oddly enough,
it was still pretty cool.:)
(stirs the memory embers)...
Seems getting crabs is a right of passage for young men, maybe that's why we use the term 'nit picking' so often ;-}

For those that have never had crabs, a Nit is the egg a crab will lay on the end of pubic hair and you need a tiny little comb to get ride of them.
If you know the British honours system, and Elton's "preference", you'll understand why, when his knighthood was announce, many among us wondered why he hadn't been made a Dame instead.
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Flowers, there's a thing. Millions of people get harmless pleasure from looking at and sniffing the sexual organs of plants.
Now there's a thought for the day. One of those true-isms that is fact but nobody wants to think of it that way. Thanks for the giggle, Ludwig. Nothing better than British humor.

I am gonna get/catch stuff for this But the Good Sir Elton's B side stuff was so, so much better than his more commercial and critically acclaimed works. (IMVHO)

Just had real heart and soul. Real R&B from deep down music. I greatly enjoy his pop stuff too. But is pop, bubble gum. Gets your toes tapping for sure but his b-side stuff made ya think. More Simon and Garfunkel with a real hook ......

All about what ya enjoy so no right or wrong with any art. Is like good wine. A good wine is the one you enjoy.
Couldn't agree more. I think I've mentioned this before, Dan, but there's a cut on Yellow Brick Road that makes me think of you. "Sweet Painted Lady". Never heard that one on the radio but was one of my favorites.

"I'm back on dry land once again
Opportunity awaits me
like a rat in a drain
We're all huntin' honey
with money to burn,
Just a short time to show you
the tricks that we've learned.
So she lays down beside me again
My sweet painted lady,
the one with no name......:)

KC, my understanding of how to deal with crabs is:
shave one side of your pubes, set fire to the other side,
when they run out, stab 'em with a ice pick:)
KC, my understanding of how to deal with crabs is:
shave one side of your pubes, set fire to the other side,
when they run out, stab 'em with a ice pick:)
Hahaha! ;-}
Interesting method Otero, should I even get crabs again which is unlikely I'll just make whoever gave them to me nibble each and every one off and finish with a 'happy ending'.

I know, 'that's just sick and wrong Wanda' but I try to avoid flames and ice pics in my pubic area ;-}

I love the crabs, came down with a bad case of "AID`s but the crab`s ate em, thank goodness!! Now I can ride my MAB again.

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