For Old Guys Only

When is enough support for a kid enough?

My so gave me a fathers day card once that read, Dad thank you for teaching me everything I know about hand tools. Then on the inside it says, I just hand you the tool and stand back and watch! I still have that card.
Sadly I tried to teach my only child SON how to use and respect tools when he was 14.

Made him a new tool box full of new basic tools and everything.
He left it open with tools all over the place in the yard and it rained and even after that he just left it all outside to rust in the back yard.

Fast forward a decade and here he is back sponging off us in my home with no job or respect for MY BUSINESS TOOLS or how to use them.

He is now completely banned from even entering my shop area and if I catch him in here again he is booted the **** out of my home.

As much as I could expound on how useless my 24 year old son is I will leave it at this to sum it up...
He can wipe his own ass but uses a 1/4 roll of paper to do it and has no clue how to put a new roll on the dispenser.

Am I alone with this?

I am in my mid 50's and was living a happy life with just the wife while the kid was behind bars, and other than having to deal with my now dead father and now dying dementia laden mom that can't take care of herself either, when the F@#k do I get to enjoy some of MY life again?

Or was my 20's and 30's the best it ever got and now I'm burdened with caring for both ends of my family tree neither side of which I don't particularly like spending any time with?

Hard questions I know but I figure I am not alone with this **** in our age group and it just feels good to vent so thanks.
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I can appreciate, to some extent, where you're at. For a long time it was just my wife and I, our dogs and our home. That was before my father-in-law's health started to decline. We delt with that situation for the better part of three years before he passed. One year to the day that he died my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. She went through radiation treatment, got better then worse, then better again. We are dealing with that roller coaster now.

My wife has two brothers; one lives two blocks from my mother-in-law but will not lift a finger to help. We live 40 miles from her and have to drive to her place at least three times a week, sometimes more, to buy her groceries, take care of her bills, do home repairs, etc. The other brother is in bad health and isn't much help.
This all at a time in our lives when we should be enjoying our retirement and relaxing. Just doesn't seem fair, does it.
You're not alone. Just look around. Life is like a soap opera but even more exciting.
Hang in there. All things pass.

KC I'm sorry to hear of your situation, I have been blessed with two great children. Both are married with good jobs with spouses that I get along with like they are my own. My son went to work at his first full time job two weeks after graduation, he'll be there 10 years in June. My daughter is a high school teacher and has given us two health grand daughters. I hope all ends up well for you.
You are correct Tom, Tony the tiger put a tiger in my tank. I know you were supposed to hang them from your gas cap but, at 10, the closest I came to having a cas cap was my bike seat. I remember anxiously waiting for my Dad to fill up the Buick so I might get another tiger tail. All the kids in my neighborhood had them, and some were better than others. It was a great disappointment when he switched to Mobil (because they offered dishes with a fill up).

When was the last time the gas station attendant offered to clean your windows and check your oil?

Who remembers when Mobil (I think it was Mobil) gave you a Hot Wheels car when you filled up? Some summers my family would drive from Connecticut to Missouri. We'd drive 24 hours straight through with my parents alternating driving and my sister and I on air mattresses in the back of the station wagon. The Buick sucked gas so we'd fill up a lot. Those Hot Wheels were the highlight of the trip. I'd have quite a pile after we made that round trip.
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My folks bought gas from stations that gave out S&H green stamps which they pasted in little books to redeem later for small appliances like toasters and such.
No worries KC, we all need to vent the steam now and then.. if you don't, well, steam vessels under excess pressure blow up in ugly ways. I'd rather not hear about you taking a 30 day county-sponsored vacation.

Not a lot I can throw at you advice-wise, you're in territory I am not familiar with... Both the wife an I are glad we're 3/4's of the way across the country from our families.. I love 'em, but if I have to deal with my mother and sister in the same room for more than an hour I go nuts (and they'll have been at each other's throats for 45 mins by then).

Fill up and ride, bro, sometimes it's all we can do.

KC - I know exactly where you're coming from. There was a time when the only thing I wanted from my son was a forwarding address. Back then I never envision things getting much better. That was a few years back. Funny how time changes things. Here I am a few years later and I can honestly say I'm proud of, not only my two daughters, but also my once worthless son. I can't say we have too much in common, but he's a good man.

All three kids are now married (two grandchildren). My son's working and doing well, my oldest daughter just became a nurse practitioner and my yougest is about to become an audiologist. The good news is I'll have a backup plan when Obama's stupid health system brings us all to our knees. The oldest can help with future medical issues and, I can get my hearing aids from my youngest.

Hang in there my friend. Remember, you can't appreciate the good times without having known the bad.
You see, the bad thing about a thread for old guys.........well, we sometimes forget it's here.

One old guy to another old guy.....

"How do you like your Depends?"

"Well, Claude, it really depends?"

"What'chu depends?"

"Depends if I remember to wear 'um."
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"hello, Walgreens; Do you have Prince Albert in a can?"
"Why yes we do."
"Well let him out!"

LOL Otero, beat me to it.

Is your refrigerator running? dang, we are old. (but great fun at brunch or early bird special deals on dinner)
We always heard.

Do you have prince Albert in a can.


Well let him out. The Queen wants him home for supper.

Even today I'm laughing as I type this. It just never gets old.

Two old guys sitting on a bench:

First old guy: "Hey, got these new hearing aids yesterday .... they are working real good. I got them at Walmart on sale."

Second old guy: "Where did you say you got them?"

First old guy: ..... "Um, .... its bout 2:30 ......"
Old Shakespearian actor couldn't remember his lines. Director felt sorry, here's a one-liner in the next play, it'll keep you on stage. When you hear the gun fire off-stage just say, "hark, I heard a pistol shot". Opening night the old guy walks on stage with his group, a loud boom off stage, the old man jumps, "what the **** was that!"
This one's older than me:
Ferdinand the Bull is out in the pasture one day. And he spots Elsie the neighboring cow on the other side of a fence. Still quite young and vigorous, he charges and jumps over the fence to visit her. She turns to him and asks "Are you Ferdinand the Bull?" He replies "Just call me Ferdinand. The fence was higher than I thought."
another one full of Bull!!

A Young bull says to an older bull "Hey gramps ..what do you say we run down there and fornicate us a cow?"

Old bull says to the younger bull ... "I say we walk down there and fornicate them all!!!!"
two old guys sitting on a park bench ....

first old guy says ...... you just had a birthday .....

second guy says ..... yea, how did you know?

first old guy says ...... I thought that fart smelled like cake ....