When is enough support for a kid enough?
My so gave me a fathers day card once that read, Dad thank you for teaching me everything I know about hand tools. Then on the inside it says, I just hand you the tool and stand back and watch! I still have that card.
Sadly I tried to teach my only child SON how to use and respect tools when he was 14.
Made him a new tool box full of new basic tools and everything.
He left it open with tools all over the place in the yard and it rained and even after that he just left it all outside to rust in the back yard.
Fast forward a decade and here he is back sponging off us in my home with no job or respect for MY BUSINESS TOOLS or how to use them.
He is now completely banned from even entering my shop area and if I catch him in here again he is booted the **** out of my home.
As much as I could expound on how useless my 24 year old son is I will leave it at this to sum it up...
He can wipe his own ass but uses a 1/4 roll of paper to do it and has no clue how to put a new roll on the dispenser.
Am I alone with this?
I am in my mid 50's and was living a happy life with just the wife while the kid was behind bars, and other than having to deal with my now dead father and now dying dementia laden mom that can't take care of herself either, when the F@#k do I get to enjoy some of MY life again?
Or was my 20's and 30's the best it ever got and now I'm burdened with caring for both ends of my family tree neither side of which I don't particularly like spending any time with?
Hard questions I know but I figure I am not alone with this **** in our age group and it just feels good to vent so thanks.