For Old Guys Only

Yeah, the dog bit it, on the muffler box and the fins. Then it ran away pawing its face and the two other dogs just stared at it. I tried to dodge the dog, but it insisted, so I let him have a bite. Rather him bite the engine than me!
2door .. that Evil Knievle helmet is awsome . I'm pretty sure its gonna work .
I know if i seen someone wearin a helmet like that .. i would cross the street ...

( quick .. lets cross the road before he stops and tells us what his mom packed him for lunch )
Rest in peace, Dick Clark.

Another icon of our youth has left us guys. Many good memories of 'American Bandstand' and all that great music from our youth.

I too remember watching Dick on sat. afternoon. Here's one for the "old guys". Does anyone remember using their tennis shoe as a front brake on the backside of the forks? I do because I rode a bike I built from many scrape parts with a three speed 20"inch bike, I didn't have the side pulls so converse was my stopping power. I only went over the handle bars a time or two before I mastered it!

I too remember watching Dick on sat. afternoon. Here's one for the "old guys". Does anyone remember using their tennis shoe as a front brake on the backside of the forks? I do because I rode a bike I built from many scrape parts with a three speed 20"inch bike, I didn't have the side pulls so converse was my stopping power. I only went over the handle bars a time or two before I mastered it!
That's what I needed! My mother would not have worried about why I was dragging my left foot and wearing out my shoe. So I had to start using both shoes equally and blame it on the asfault basketball court.
I remember a kid who wanted new shoes, so he put ketchup and peanut butter on one of them and his dog chewed it up. He didn't get the shoes he wanted though.
Here we are again fellas, saying goodbuy to one of ours.

Rest in peace, Robin Gibbs. The Bee Gees and their sound will always be a part of me. Some very very fond memories of those songs that played a part, way back when.. :(

as i press closer to 50,i start to think back.
The monkey trails along the assinaboine river,the 25 cent large ice cream cone.
dad giving me the 2 gallon gas can and 2 dollars to get gas,enough change left for the ice cream.riding up and down back lanes to avoid car traffic.
my big brother borrowing my bike and wrecking it.the bike shop where i got the new forks(still in business today-3rd generation)
boston,nazareth played over and over on a really cheap record player.
pellet guns
the playing card thing was big.
tennis ball cannons -predacessor of the potato gun.
ginormous slingshots with a fenceboard and a long piece of inner tube-acorns for ammo.

I cant get my kid to break away from the Net for more than 15 minutes.when it goes down,its like a death in the family.
gonna go pull the wifi plug for the night,thanks for the read,its been great.

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Here we are again fellas, saying goodbuy to one of ours.

Rest in peace, Robin Gibbs. The Bee Gees and their sound will always be a part of me. Some very very fond memories of those songs that played a part, way back when.. :(


Not the Brothers Gibb. Not Robin. How ironic that the man who helped perform "Stayin Alive" has faced his own mortality.

Can anyone our age hear their music without nearly every memory of the 80s surfacing. Can we listen without having that music stuck in our heads for days. I'm suddenly feeling old now.
About the only exercise I get any more is being pall bearer for old friends and riding my motor bike. You talk about a melody in your head it just won't go away, when I had my own country band I had one of the best peddle steel players you could find, a real professional, when he barred those strings it would send chills up your neck or you'd want to cry, I have a lot of his material on tape and play them once in a while and they stay in my mind for a long time
A little change in subject, when we were kids we didn't get into any serious trouble, but we always had a prank of some kind. One time we put some fish we had caught I believe they were old bull heads, in the hub caps of the local cops car. It took him a month to figure out where the smell was coming from till he had flat tire. LOL
Here we are again fellas, saying goodbuy to one of ours.

Rest in peace, Robin Gibbs. The Bee Gees and their sound will always be a part of me. Some very very fond memories of those songs that played a part, way back when.. :(


Donna Summer too...disco is taking a big hit.

I never used to be very fond of disco, O.K., I hated it!!!!

Now, it doesn't seem so bad.

What's happened to me?!? :)
The older we get the faster time flies. I remember thinking I would never turn 16 so I could drive, then the next thing I knew I had children, now a granddaughter and I'm 54!
Donna Summer too...disco is taking a big hit.

I never used to be very fond of disco, O.K., I hated it!!!!

Now, it doesn't seem so bad.

What's happened to me?!? :)
I was one of those weirdos who liked disco. I had the shirts, the shoes, even learned do do a few steps.
To this day when I hear a Bee Gee's song I start tapping my foot and remembering those mirrored balls and that beat. Silly, I know, but... :)

I always liked dancing with the strobe lights. I thought it was the coolest effect. Ah ah ah ah staying alive staying alive.....
Watching John in his skivvies doesn't do anything for me but tell me you're not tapping your foot after the first fifteen seconds of this >

And yeah, that guy on the left is me. Circa 1976. Now can't you just see me on the floor dancing to a disco beat? :) The lady is my ex, the little guy on the right my brother. (he is now 6' 3" and weighs about 190.
:) Tom


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